Unreal package
An Unreal package is a file that stores various kinds of data for Unreal Engine games, for example textures, sounds, map data and UnrealScript byte code. Many files types used by Unreal Engine games, such as .u, .utx, .uax, .umx, .unr, .ut2, .ut3 or .upk are Unreal Packages and internally have the same structure. Others like .int (localization file for international/English), .ucl (UT2004 cache library), .ka (Karma data), .ogg (OGG Vorbis music) or .dll (native code library) are not Unreal packages. One big difference between package files and non-package files is that network clients can download package files automatically if the server indicates that they are required, whereas non-package files cannot be downloaded this way.
Package file format
The package file format has evolved over time, but as long as the object types stored in the package file are known, older package format version are still readable for newer games. Obviously there's a limit to this compatibility. For example, UT's UnrealScript byte code format is different from that of e.g. UT2003 and there is no built-in backward compatibility for this difference. As a result, UT2003 may be able to load UT's .uax and .utx files, but not UT .u files. Also while there's no general restriction against loading newer package file versions, the version number was usually increased for good reasons.
Data types
Generally Unreal package files use little endian byte order. That means, a byte sequence 01 02 03 04 corresponds to the 4 byte value 0x04030201.
Commonly used data types are:
- An 8 bit numeric value, usually unsigned.
- A 16 bit numeric value, often unsigned.
- A 32 bit numeric value, either signed (INT) or unsigned (DWORD), sometimes used as bit flags field.
- A 64 bit numeric value, usually unsigned as bit flags field.
- A 32 bit IEEE 754 single precision floating point value.
- A 64 bit IEEE 753 double precision floating point value.
- A compact index value with a varying length of 1 to 5 bytes for representing signed 32 bit integer values. This type of value is only used before package file version 178 and has been replaced with DWORD or INT values afterwards. (See Compact index format below.)
- A 128 bit GUID value.
- A zero-terminated string of 8 bit characters.
- A zero-terminated string of 16 bit characters.
- An INDEX value (DWORD in UE3) as string length and type followed by either an ASCIIZ or UNICODEZ string. The length value's sign determines whether the string is stored using 8 bit (positive) or 16 bit (negative) characters. The length always refers to the number of characters, not the number of bytes, to follow and includes any trailing null character. Note that the empty string theoretically has three representations: length 0, length 1 and an ASCII null character, or length -1 and a Unicode null character. In practice the length 0 representation will be preferred.
Compact index format
The compact index format is a special way to store signed 32 bit values so they don't occupy as much space if their absolute value is relatively low. This format is used in many places in UE1 and UE2 packages, such as dynamic array lengths and name or object references, but became obsolete in UE3 where cooked package content can be compressed.
The rule of thumb for compact index values is: Lower absolute values can be stored with fewer bytes, the sign is stored separately. The sign and up to 6 value bits can be stored in the first byte, every additional byte stores up to 7 bits. That means, the values -63..63 are stored using a single byte, the values -8191..-64 and 64..8191 can be stored in two bytes, and so on.
The bits of the first byte:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Sign More? V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0
Vx are the absolute value's bits, "More?" is a flag signaling whether more bytes will follow and Sign is the value's sign bit. The second byte, if necessary, looks as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 More? V12 V11 V10 V9 V8 V7 V6
The same notions as above apply. Values bits 13..19 are stored in byte 3, 20..26 in byte 4 and 27..30 in byte 5. Bit 31 would be the sign bit, which is already stored in byte 1. Data bits 4..7 in byte 5 are always zero. In practice, compact index values will usually occur in their 1 to 3 byte forms, rarely in the 4 byte form and probably never in their 5 byte form.
Object references
The import table, export table and many other places in a package file reference objects. Such references are stored as compact index value in UE1 and 2 and as DWORD value in UE3. Object references are resolved as follows:
- If the reference is zero, no object is referenced, i.e. NULL/None.
- If the reference is positive, the object must be looked up in the export table at index
. - If the reference is negative, the object must be looked up in the import table at index
Package header
Unreal package files always start with a header section that provides information about the content of the package. (Thanks to Eliot for the header fields introduces in UE3.)
The package header is structured as follows:
Version | Type | Name | Description |
DWORD | Package file tag | Always the byte sequence 0xC1 0x83 0x2A 0x9E or the value 0x9E2A83C1. | |
WORD | Package file version | The package file format version. (Used in the version columns on this page.)
| |
WORD | Licensee version | Licensees may modify the package format. Their changes may render packages incompatible to standard packages, so they have this field as a separate way to handle their own change history.
| |
>= 249 | DWORD | Header size | |
>= 269 | STRING | Folder name | |
DWORD | Package flags | ||
DWORD | Name count | The number of entries in the package's name table. | |
DWORD | Name offset | The byte position of the name table in the package file. | |
DWORD | Export count | The number of entries in the package's export table. | |
DWORD | Export offset | The byte position of the export table in the package file. | |
DWORD | Import count | The number of entries in the package's import table. | |
DWORD | Import offset | The byte position of the import table in the package file. | |
< 68 | DWORD | Heritage count | The number of entries in the package's heritage table. |
< 68 | DWORD | Heritage offset | The byte position of the heritage table in the package file. |
>= 415 | DWORD | Depends offset | The byte position of the dependencies table in the package file. The number of entries is equal to Export count. (I may be wrong, could be Import count, but I am using Export count in UE Library so that has confused me, although it is commented out!). |
>= 623 | DWORD/DWORD/DWORD | ImportExportGuidsOffset, ImportGuidsCount, ExportGuidsCount | |
>= 584 | DWORD | ThumbnailTableOffset | |
>= 68 | GUID | Package GUID | The package's GUID that is used e.g. in the package map. Before file version 68 the last GUID from the heritage table defines the package's GUID. |
>= 68 | DWORD | Generation count | This package's generation number. |
>= 68 | x * GenerationInfo | Generation info list | List of generation infos (see Generation infos below) for generations 1..GenerationCount, i.e. Generation Count values. |
>= 245 | DWORD | Engine version | (Optional: Engine licensee version) |
>= 277 | DWORD | Cooker version | (Optional: Cooker licensee version) |
>= 334 (cooked) | DWORD | Compression flags | |
>= 334 (cooked) | DWORD | Compressed chunks count | |
>= 334 (cooked) | x * CompressedChunk | Compressed chunks list | List of compressed chunks (see Compressed chunks below) in the package. |
>= ??? | Array of Strings | An array of other cooked packages | Related to cooking. |
>= ??? | ??? | ??? | Related to textures. |
Generation infos
Generation infos tell, how many export and name table entries previous versions of a package contained. This information is used for package map negotiation between the server and client in network games if they have different versions of a package.
Version | Type | Name | Description |
DWORD | Export count | The number of export table entries in that generation of the package. | |
DWORD | Name count | The number of name table entries in that generation of the package. | |
>= 322 | DWORD | Net object count |
Heritage table
Package versions less than 68 contain a heritage table instead of the generation infos. The number of entries and its size is specified in the package header.
The heritage table is nothing more but a list of GUID values of previous package generations. Any "post-heritage" engine that encounters a package with a heritage table will pick the last heritage entry as the package's GUID and assume the generation number 1.
Compressed chunks
Cooked Unreal Engine 3 packages can be compressed. The compressed chunks list maps the compressed parts of the file to uncompressed offset values. Every part of the package, except the header, can be part of a compressed chunk. The offsets specified in the package header actually refer to uncompressed positions.
Type | Name | Description |
DWORD | Uncompressed offset | The start offset of this chunk in the completely uncompressed package. |
DWORD | Uncompressed chunk size | The uncompressed size of this chunk. |
DWORD | Compressed offset | The start offset of this chunk in the compressed package file. |
DWORD | Compressed chunk size | The compressed size of this chunk. |
Name table
The name table specifies name values used throughout the package. The size and position of the name table is specified in the package header. Its entries are structured as follows:
Version | Type | Name | Description |
STRING | Name string | The string this name represents. | |
< 141 | DWORD | Name flags | Flags associated with this name. |
>= 141 | QWORD | Name flags | Flags associated with this name. |
Generally the name table does not contain any duplicate entries, including no different capitalizations. The only exception may be the name 'None', which may be occur several times if the package was conformed to a previous version. Names in the name table are grouped by the generation they were added in. Every generation's name group starts with a new 'None' name. The indices of additional 'None' names correspond to the name counts of previous generations in the package header's generation info list.
Export table
The following things need to be done on this page or in this section:
The export table specifies all objects the package contains. The size and position of the export table is specified in the package header. Its entries are structured as follows:
Version | Type | Name | Description |
INDEX | Class | The class of this object. None means this is a class itself. | |
INDEX | Super | The object this object inherits from. Only used for struct, states, classes and functions. | |
INT | Outer | The object containing this object. Resources may be contained in groups (which are subpackages), functions may be contained in states or classes, and so on. | |
INDEX | Name | The index of this object's name in the name table. | |
>= 220 | INT | Archetype | The object's archetype reference. |
< 195 | DWORD | Object flags | This object's flags. |
>= 195 | QWORD | Object flags | This object's flags. |
INDEX | Serial size | The size of this object's data in the package file. Some objects do not include any data. | |
(serial size > 0) | INDEX | Serial offset | The position of this object's data in the package file. This field is only present if the serial size is non-zero. |
>= 220, < 543 | INT | ??? count | |
>= 220, < 543 | x * 12 bytes | ??? | |
>= 247 | DWORD | Export flags | |
>= 322 | INT | ??? count | |
>= 322 | x * DWORD | ??? | |
>= 322 | 16 bytes | ??? | |
>= 487 | INT | ??? |
Exported objects implicitly form a tree with the package as implicit root (it is not included in the export table), but the export table entries are not strictly stored in any tree traversal order.
Like the name table, the export table may contain null objects if the package was conformed to an older version. Their indices correspond to the export counts of previous package generations.
Import table
The import table specifies objects from other packages that are required by objects in this package in some way. The size and position of the import table is specified in the package header. Its entries are structured as follows:
Type | Name | Description |
INDEX | Package | The package to import this object from. Zero if the imported object is a package itself. |
INDEX | Class | The class of the imported object. |
INT | Outer | The object containing this imported object. Resources may be contained in groups (which are subpackages), functions may be contained in states or classes, and so on. |
INDEX | Name | The index of the imported object's name in this package's name table. |
Imported objects form trees with their package as root, but the import table entries are not strictly stored in any tree traversal order. Packages may import a package with the same name to reference native-only classes that don't have any UnrealScript parts. For example the Core package imports another package called Core containing classes such as Class or ClassProperty.
- Unreal Package File Format by Eliot van Uytfanghe
- UE Explorer by Eliot van Uytfanghe - includes a .NET library for reading Unreal package files
- Unreal Tournament Package Tool by Antonio Cordero Balcázar - reads UE1 and UE2 packages
- UT Packages by Antonio Cordero Balcázar - Delphi library for reading UE1/2 packages
- UT Package File Format by Antonio Cordero Balcázar - File format documentation for UT and UT2004.
- UPK File Format by the XCOM Community - File format explained by various sources.