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by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate (custom)

The abstract base class of all logic gates. The only purpose of this class is to group the subclasses.

LogicGates work the same way like their real life pendants: A TriggerEvent is considered "True", an UnTriggerEvent "False". The output depends on the gate as described in the following actors.

The subclasses have different functionalities.


by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate >> LogicalNOT (custom)

Toggles the boolean value of an incoming Event and forwards it. If the Event was an Untrigger-Event, then it will become a Trigger-Event and the other way around.

Property group 'Events'


Type: name

Triggering this actor will cause it to untrigger the Event entered in the field below. Untriggering it will cause it to trigger the Event respectively.


Type: name

The output Event that will be triggered.


by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate >> LogicalOR (custom)

Triggers an Event if AT LEAST ONE condition is True. Untriggers it, if an Event had been triggered and both conditions became False again.

Property group 'Events'


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the first condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the second condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

The output Event that will be triggered.


by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate >> LogicalAND (custom)

Triggers an Event if BOTH conditions are True. Untriggers it, if an Event had been triggered and one condition became False again.

Property group 'Events'


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the first condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the second condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

The output Event that will be triggered.


by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate >> LogicalOR >> LogicalNOR (custom)

Does exactly the opposite of the Logical OR. That means that it triggers an Event if NONE of the conditions is True and untriggers the Event if one or both conditions are True.

Property group 'Events'


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the first condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the second condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

The output Event that will be triggered.


by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate >> LogicalAND >> LogicalNAND (custom)

Does exactly the opposite of the LogicalAND. That means that it triggers an Event if ONLY ONE OR NONE of the conditions is True and untriggers the Event if both conditions are True.

Property group 'Events'


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the first condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the second condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

The output Event that will be triggered.


by Crusha K. Rool

UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Triggers >> EventGate >> LogicGate >> LogicalXOR (custom)

Triggers an Event if EXACTLY ONE OF TWO conditions is True. Untriggers it, if an Event had been triggered and both conditions became False or True.

Property group 'Events'


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the first condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

Triggering the Event with this name will toggle the second condition True. UnTriggering it will toggle the condition False.


Type: name

The output Event that will be triggered.