MutNoAutoFire is a mutator developed for Assault Trials since 2006 by Eliot and .:..:.
MutNoAutoFire adds a lot of new features to the game for players to use as well fixes many bugs in the game that were annoying in trials but the main purpose was to fix the auto-firing of ShieldGuns whenever the owner of the gun went to close to a teammate which was really annoying when a server is overpopulated.
Features/Fixes MNAF provides a lot of features and fixes for the trials community, here's some of them.
- Pawn Related
- Animation fixes.:..: i.e. all animations are now played on the client side as well some gibbing fixes.
- Fading Skins.:..:, other pawns that are near this Pawn will be fading depending on the distance.
- Mover glitch fix.:..:, Eliot i.e. forces a suicide if a player is detected to be inside a mover(this was abused by players to glitch through doors blocking levels in trial maps).
- Custom Suicide MessageEliot, .:..:, the ability to set your own suicide message by using the console command SetSuicideMessage %o OMFG packetloss!. a GetCurrentSuicideMsg command is also available to copy your current suicide message to the clipboard.
- Custom Drowning DamageEliot, the ability to change the damage of drowning to none or less/more.
- 'Anti-TeamKillingEliot, players could teamkill by shooting a grenade(etc) aimed to a team mate and then switch from team which will make the fired projectile harmful to the team mate, this is fixed by canceling the fire state of player before he switches the team, also all inventory classes and all remaining projectiles that belong to the player are destroyed!.
- 'Anti-MultiDodge hacksEliot, players were able to use MD hacks to dodge multiple times while in air to cheat trial maps as well dodge with no delay, this has been fixed by putting a server side check on DoubleClickDir and implementing a server side delay time(false positives are possible, especially with higher ping).
- 'Landing sound fixEliot, sometimes the landing sound of players wasn't played at all, this is now fixed though if the surface doesn't have a sound applied it is possible to not hear any landing sound which is quite annoying for trial players when they are trying to time their dodges perfectly.
- 'SJ and the SWD shieldjump combinationEliot used to overwrite the cool animations of characters after doing like Shield Fire + Jump at the same this is because the damage animation was overwriting the cool animation, this is fixed by disabling the damage animation(it was kinda ugly anyway), this can be undone by using the console command TogglePlayDirectionalHit.
- 'Default WeaponEliot, the pawn class also tries to make the ShieldGun weapon to be default selected weapon, by default the AssaultRifle is selected by some code implement inside the gun(online only), however sometimes(depending on ping) the ShieldGun is selected and because people usually want the ShieldGun being the default selected weapon, it got really annoying as it slows down your speedrun, to fix this the Pawn class tries to make the ShieldGun to be always the default selected weapon however this feature does not work perfectly(ping depend) but still increases the chance.
- ShieldGun Related
- Customize the ShieldGun's Color.:..:, Eliot, the color of the ShieldGun skin(green) can be set by using the console command SetShieldColor (R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) i.e. white, an options menu is also available to customize the color by using sliders, to access this use ShieldMenu, ShieldGunMenu, MNAFMenu or SGMenu.
- Auto-Fire fix.:..:, Eliot, when charging with the original ShieldGun and if an team mate comes very close to you then the ShieldGun would automatic release and so thus ruining your speedrun especially when a room is very crowed, this is fixed by making the automatic feature to only work against non-team mates.
- Reflection Sound fixEliot, the original ShieldGun plays a sound whenever reflection is triggered(Alt-Fire) however this sound does not work online, this is fixed.
- Alt-Fire Sound fixEliot, the original ShieldGun was meant to play a sound when the shield(Alt-Fire) was activate, this is fixed now offline and online.
- Fire TimingEliot, the MNAF ShieldGun adds two new features to time firing, 1. the crosshair color is gold when the ShieldGun is ready to be fired, white if not, 2. if the aimed target is hittable then the crosshair color alpha will be 255, 70% less if not, this can be toggled by using the console command ToggleCrosshairColor.
- Alt-Fire Shield in Third-Person improvement.:..:, the original ShieldGun shield rotation is only attached to the pawn's rotation, the MNAF ShieldGun improves this by making the shield more accurate to the ShieldGun location and rotation, improving the feel of playing with the ShieldGun in third-person.
- Primary-Fire Charging in Third-Person.:..:, the original charging effect is not visible to other players, this is fixed and now all players can see that you are charging the ShieldGun.
- Misc, there are several more small fixes and improvements done to the ShieldGun, such as the firing sound pitch/volume is adjusted to make the ShieldGun feel more powerful for its momentum, the net priority and update frequency is also adjusted so that the ShieldGun is updated more and feels better online especially for people with high ping.
Console Commands
ShieldGun Commands
You need to be holding a ShieldGun
()to use these console commands.
SetShieldColor - Set a new color for your ShieldGun this is applied to the Skin, Muzzle and Shield etc.
ShieldMenu - Opens the ShieldGunMenu where you can config the ShieldGunColor with sliders etc.
ToggleCrosshairColor - By default the crosshair color of the ShieldGun is dynamic adjusted i.e. When you aim to the ground and the ShieldGun fire is able to hit the ground then the alpha of the crosshair color will be fully applied, When you have fired the color of the gun will as well be changed to indicate you cannot fire yet, the color will return to default whenever your ready to fire again. Use this command to disable/enable this feature.
Player Commands
You need to be in game and alive to be able to use these console commands because they are implemented in the Pawn class.
GetCurrentSuicideMsg - Copies the current used SuicideMessage to your clipboard, press Ctrl+V to paste it into your console.
SetSuicideMessage - Change your SuicideMessage to the specified SuicideSTR.
- string SuicideSTR - The new SuicideMessage to use whenever you will suicide.
TogglePlayDirectionalHit - By default DirectionalHit animations are disabled because they overwrite the cool flip animations when trickjumping with weapons. Besides the DirectionalHit animations are annoying too. Use this command to disable/enable this feature.
Mutate Commands
Suicide - Alternative version for Suicide which has no super long suicide delay.
SetSuicideMessage - Alias to non-mutate.
GetCurrentSuicideMsg - Alias to non-mutate.
SetShieldColor - Alias to non-mutate.
MNAFHelp - Displays a list of available MNAF console commands and the present MNAF settings.
Admin/Developer Commands
MNAF_AddMember - Add a new member(who will be given rights to member exclusive features) by PlayerId(see 'ShowIds').
MNAF_RemoveMember - Remove a member by MemberSlot(see 'MNAF_ShowMembers').
MNAF_ShowMembers - Shows all members.
ShowIds - Shows the PlayerIds of all present players.
SetDrownDamage - See #INI 'DrownDamage'.
FastRespawnItems - See #INI 'bFastRespawnItems'.
SetSuicideDelay - See #INI 'SuicideDelay'.
SetSGNetPriority - See #INI 'SGNetPriority'.
SetSGNetFreq - See #INI 'SGNetFreq'.
Respawn Pickups Rapidly - If checked: Makes all the tournament kind of pickups respawn very rapidly. All PickupBases initial delayed spawn will be disabled. All TournamentHealths health reward will be set to the maximum health a player is capable of having.
Infinity Bio Rifle Ammo - if checked and 'Respawn Pickups Rapidy' is checked: 'BioRifle' will have infinity ammo.
Drown Damage - Amount of health players lose when they are drowning.
Shield Absorbs Self Damage - If checked: People can use alt fire to absorb self damage.
Fade Out Close Players - If checked: People near you will fade out.
Respawn Pickups Rapidly - If checked: Makes all the tournament kind of pickups respawn very rapidly. All PickupBases initial delayed spawn will be disabled. All TournamentHealths health reward will be set to the maximum health a player is capable of having.
Adjust Net Prioritys[sic] - If checked: Net Priority of ShieldGuns and Movers will be adjusted to make the server pay more attention to those, but less to the other kind of actors.
bFadeOutTeamMates - If true: People near you will fade out.
bFastRespawnItems - If true: Makes all the tournament kind of pickups respawn very rapidly. All PickupBases initial delayed spawn will be disabled. All TournamentHealths health reward will be set to the maximum health a player is capable of having.
bReplaceBioRifle - If true: The BioRifle will be replaced with a fixed BioRifle that does not have bugged globs.
bInfinityBioRifleAmmo - if true: 'BioRifle' will have infinity ammo.
bAllowAltGlitch - If true: People can use alt fire to absorb self damage.
bFixMovers - If true: Fixes the Movers so they won't stop moving when crushing.
bAdjustNetPrioritys[sic] - If true: Net Priority of ShieldGuns and Movers will be adjusted to make the server pay more attention to those, but less to the other kind of actors.
bNoCustomPickupsRespawnCode - If true and 'bFastRespawnItems' is true: tournament kind of pickups will not use the rapidly fast respawn code, use this in case of a conflict with other mutators.
DrownDamage - Amount of health players lose when they are drowning.
SuicideDelay - The amount of time in seconds the player should wait before he can suicide with 'Mutate Suicide' after spawning.
SGNetFreq - Increment this to get ShieldGuns update more often.
SGNetPriority - Increment this to get ShieldGuns update more often(Note:Setting this very high won't help as it would just mean other Actors will be updated less often instead!).
MoverNetPriority - Increment this to get the Movers update more often(Note:Setting this very high won't help as it would just mean other Actors will be updated less often instead!).
ConfigCroupName - (ClientSide) The name to use for the client side configuration.
- Download MutNoAutoFireV1I_Test5.rar from FileFront - 29/10/2009