User:SuperApe/OSMT Monster Manual
Note: This is a reference for creatures found in Old Skool Monsta Toolz. This is not meant to be a redefinition of the old Unreal or UT creatures. Do not edit this page to make the information fit old Unreal.
As a Level Designer, you need to know as much as possible about the monster you're placing in your map. Maybe you're devising the monster placement and want to know what monster is best for this situation. Perhaps you just want to know what's possible with these monsters. This reference is here to help guide your design decisions.
First listed is the ScriptedMonster Basics, the properties and orders available to all OSMT creatures, the ScriptedMonster classes. After that, individual creatures and their properties, behaviors and orders are listed.
While many of these creature classes mimic old UT monster classes, they are not meant to duplicate them. There are significant differences between classic UT creatures and OSMT creatures, despite the many similarities. Several new behaviors, properties and orders have been added to these creatures. The wiki page links are provided purely for reference.
ScriptedMonster Basics
ScriptedMonster is the base class for all the creatures in the OSMT toolset. Along with a custom Controller class, ScriptedMonsterController, it handles all the advanced AI features that were handled by the ScriptedPawn class from UT. ScriptedMonster is meant to be the accessible class the mapper modifies to tweak the individual creature properties to suit the needs of their map.
Additionally, note that if you would like to add your own custom monster at some point, subclass ScriptedMonster and make use of the functions available in this class and the functions used in other ScriptedMonster subclasses for easy development and integration to this toolset.
Along with the normal Pawn and xPawn attributes, ScriptedMonsters have several new properties to help configure the creature's behavior. Most of these properties are used the same way as they were in UT.
- Aggressiveness
- A ranking of how aggressive this creature is, generally between -1.0 and 1.0.
- AttitudeToPlayer
- A setting that defines the creature's behavior toward human players at map start. Creatures react to each other as defined by their species.
- ATTITUDE_Fear : This creature will try to flee from players.
- ATTITUDE_Hate : This creature will attack players.
- ATTITUDE_Frenzy : This creature will fight players to the end and never flee. It is a little less accurate and tends not to change Enemies.
- ATTITUDE_Threaten : This creature will make hostile motions but will wait for the player to initiate combat.
- ATTITUDE_Ignore : This creature will ignore players.
- ATTITUDE_Friendly : This creature will not attack players. If possible, this creature may greet the player.
- ATTITUDE_Follow : If more intelligent (Mammal and up), this creature will follow the player. If possible, this creature will fight the player's Enemies.
- ATTITUDE_MAX : (not yet implemented)
- bDelayedPatrol
- If True, this creature will wait until triggered before it starts its patrol. (Must have "Patroling" Orders and patrol route set up)
- bDropOnlyOne
- If True, the creature can only drop one of the items listed in the GoodieDrop property array when it dies. The item is picked randomly.
- bFixedStart
- If True, this creature will not be moved from its placed location. Some Orders (like Patroling and Ambushing) use this property to determine if the creature should be moved directly to a related AI actor location at map start.
- bHateWhenTriggered
- If True, this creature will Hate (ATTITUDE_Hate) the player when triggered.
- bIgnoreFriends
- If True, this creature will deregard rank and hunt players on their own.
- bIsBoss
- If True, this creature will be given extra health (up to +15% multiplied by Skill) and other creatures will avoid combat with it.
- bIsWuss
- If True, this creature is inclined to take damage without fighting back.
- bQuiet
- If True, this creature will play no sounds.
- bTeamLeader
- If True and if part of a team, this creature will command others with a matching TeamTag.
- FirstHatePlayerEvent
- This Event is fired when this creature first encounters a player it Hates.
- GoodieDrop
- A dynamic list of Pickups this creature will drop when it dies.
- HearingThreshold
- This is actually a standard Pawn property. It determines the relative threshold the creature will hear Enemies. It translates to a distance the creature can react to sounds, lower threshold being longer distance.
- Intelligence
- A setting that defines the relative intelligence (memory, tactics, etc.) of this creature.
- BRAINS_None : Amoeba-like. Only reacts to immediate stimulus.
- BRAINS_Reptile :
- BRAINS_Mammal :
- BRAINS_Human : Player-like. Advanced tactics.
- SightRadius
- This is actually a standard Pawn property. It determines the distance in UU that the creature will be able to see Enemies.
- Skill
- A ranking of how well this creature performs in combat. This property affects aim, movement speed, dodging ability, etc. If zero, the creature will be given the configured game Skill level. If more than zero, this value is added to the configured game Skill level, up to a maximum of 7 (equalling "Godlike").
- TeamTag
- A name given to the team which this creature belongs.
- GibScale
- A DrawScale multiplier given to gibs spawned from this creature.
- AlarmTag
- This creature is associated with AlarmPoints with this Tag. It will begin to perform their Alarm procedures when it first sees a player.
- Orders
- Determines this creature's initial state and commanded tasks. Typical Orders available to all creatures are: Ambushing, Guarding, Patroling, and Waiting. Some creatures have unique Orders available as well.
- OrderTag
- This Tag further identifies an actor for the creature to act its Orders upon. An Ambushing creature will ambush from an AmbushPoint with a matching Tag, a Guarding creature will guard the actor with a matching Tag, a Patroling creature will begin its patrol route at the PatrolPoint with a matching Tag.
- SharedAlarmTag
- If multiple creatures are to use the same AlarmTag, set that Tag here so that only one of the creatures perform the Alarm behaviors.
Main (ScriptedMonster)
- OddsOfAppearing
- The chance this creature will show up at map start. Default = 1.0 (or 100%) This chance is adjusted by game Skill level.
- StartingAnim
- The name of the animation sequence to loop at map start.
- Acquire
- The sound made when this creature acquires an Enemy.
- Fear
- The sound made when this creature is frightened.
- Roam
- The sound made when this creature is roaming or wandering.
- Threaten
- The sound made when this creature is threatening an Enemy.
These Orders are behavior states available to all ScriptedMonster classes. By setting the Orders string property to these keywords, the creature will follow a set of rules governing their behavior. In addition to these standard available Orders, many creatures have individual Orders unique to their class. Check the creature class definitions below for available Orders unique to that class.
- Waiting
- (default) Wander or Camp nearby the placed spot until an Enemy is detected. Attack and freely roam afterwards.
- Ambushing
- Travel to an AmbushPoint (or spawn at one at map start) whose Tag matches OrderTag, wait for an Enemy, then Attack. Find an AmbushPoint again after combat and wait for another player.
- Guarding
- Guard an actor whose Tag matches OrderTag. Remain near and return to the placed spot after combat.
- Patroling
- Travel from one PatrolPoint (or spawn at one at map start), whose Tag matches OrderTag, to the NextPatrol in a series, leave for combat and return to patrol afterward.
- Pose
- This auxilliary Order is available to all ScriptedMonsters. It will force the creature to remain in place and loop it's StartingAnim sequence. The creature will not react to players or game events, so it is mostly used for non-game releated purposes, like taking screenshots, matinee cutscenes or decoration.
Useful Functions
- A monster who dies will automatically trigger its Event. This can be used in a variety of situations where the mapper will require things to happen once the monster is dead, or to wait for things to happen until the monster had died. To set this up, the mapper will match the monster's Event to the Tag of some other triggerable actor. The player who kills the monster is considered the Instigator of the Event.
- A monster who is triggered in some way where the Instigator of the trigger Event is a Pawn (Player or otherwise), will immediately become aware of the Pawn and consider the Pawn their Enemy. To set this up, the mapper will match the monster's Tag to the Event of some trigger system (trigger, Mover, another monster, etc.) where the player will cause (or Instigate) the Event.
For a step-by-step tutorial on implementing the various Orders available to all ScriptedMonsters, see the Basic ScriptedPawn Tutorial.
Name: Nalicow (in UT: Cow)
Wiki page: Cow
Intelligence: Reptile
Health: 60
Attacks: None
Damage: None
OSM Score Award: 1
Description & Behavior
The Nalicow is a herd animal that was raised by the Nali, the oppressed race that players saved in the original Unreal game. Nalicows are harmless. They walk around, moo, shake, and sometimes poop a green blob that eventually "pops" in green smoke. Sometimes Nalicows are accompanied by BabyCows, which will usually stay close. If hurt, the Nalicow tends to turn away from the attacker and run.
- bHasBaby
- If True, a baby cow will be spawned near this cow. It will stay close to this cow.
- bStayClose
- If True, this cow will not wander beyond the WanderRadius.
- WanderRadius
- The distance in UU from the placed spot where the cow can wander. If bStayClose is True, this cow will not wander beyond that distance and will instead turn back toward it's placed location.
Name: Fly (in UT: RazorFly)
Wiki page: None
Intelligence: None
Health: 35
Attacks: Sting, both from above and from below.
Damage: Sting = 10, by default
OSM Score Award: 2
Description & Behavior
The Fly is a large flying insect with little (no) intelligence. It will buzz as it flies. It crawls and flies until an Enemy is found. It will generally home in on the Enemy by flying because it flies much faster than it crawls, but when close it will usually land and attack from the ground, as it's ground attack can be made more frequently. If hit, the Fly will usually try to dodge by flying. Although a single Fly can be easy to defeat, swarms of Flies can be very challenging. When found in a swarm, Flies are sometimes known to alert the rest of the hive, if angered, causing the entire hive to attack at once.
- bAngryHive
- If True, other Flies with the same Tag are considered of the same hive and if this Fly is damaged by an Enemy, it will immediately break off and attempt to alert all other Flies in it's hive. It will make all efforts to reach any "hivemate" Fly without an Enemy and tell them about their Enemy. Those hivemates will immediately attack the Enemy. The result can be like a swarming effect.
- Prone
- This special Order simply allows mappers to place a Fly and not worry that it will wander around or fly. Instead the placed fly will remain "grounded" until an Enemy is detected or it is alerted by another fly.
Name: Pupae (in UT: SkaarjPupae)
Wiki page: None
Intelligence: Reptile
Health: 65
Attacks: Bite, Stab and Lunge.
Damage: Bite & Stab = 8, Lunge = 12, by default
OSM Score Award: 4
Description & Behavior
Pupae are "baby Skaarj", an early form of the SkaarjWarriors and all other Skaarj. Although these are young creatures, they are fairly intelligent and far from harmless. They "skitter" around on four spider-like legs and can lunge about as far as a player can dodge or double-jump. They are sometimes found feeding on the carcasses they've killed.
- Feeding
- This special Order will cause the Pupae to remain in their placed location and feed on a carcass. It will play a series of biting and tearing animations as it munches down on the carcass directly in front of it. The mapper should supply a carcass or gib decoration for this purpose and place it directly in front of the placed Pupae.
- Pouncing
- This special Order will allow mappers to place Pupae on walls, ceilings, etc. and they will "stick" there until an Enemy comes by.
Name: Manta
Wiki page: None
Intelligence: Reptile
Health: 78
Attacks: Whip and Sting, using it's tail.
Damage: Both Whip & Sting = 15 by default.
OSM Score Award: 6
Description & Behavior
Mantas are simple flying reptilian creatures. They mostly glide and fly, but are known to land and rest, while flipping their tails. When an Enemy is detected they are known to dive and attack with agility. Mantas are better in open spaces and are usually less effective at attacking in tunnels or cramped spaces.
- StingDamage
- The amount of damage the Manta will do if it stings it's Enemy with it's tail. Default = 15.
- WhipDamage
- The amount of damage the Manta will do if it whips it's Enemy with it's tail. Default = 15.
SubClass: CaveManta
Health: 50
OSM Score Award: 6
This weaker subclass is nearly all-white in color, as opposed to the normal green, due to the lack of sunlight they recieve. They are meant to be found exclusively underground or in dark places. They are otherwise identical to the normal Manta.
SubClass: GiantManta
Health: 400
Damage: Both Whip & Sting = 30 by default.
Armor: Their tough skin can absorb 35 damage without causing the GiantManta to react in pain.
OSM Score Award: 12
This subclass is nearly three times the size of a normal Manta. These creatures are meant to be found exclusively in open areas.
Name: Gasbag
Wiki page: None
Intelligence: Reptile
Health: 200
Attacks: Punch, Pound and Fireball projectile.
Damage: Punch = 25 & Pound = 35, by default. Fireball = 45 with a DamageRadius of 140 UU.
OSM Score Award: 8
Description & Behavior
Gasbags are floating, legless creatures with multiple eyes and large mouths. They are unlike any other species in appearance. They are meant to be found in or around fire or lava, as one of their main attacks is spitting out a large, slow-moving fireball which explodes on impact. These are very tough creatures with a painful "One-Two" Punch and even more devastating Pound attack with their powerful arms. Although they can fly, their movements are fairly slow.
- PoundDamage
- The amount of damage done when the Gasbag Pounds it's Enemy with both fists. Default = 35.
- PunchDamage
- The amount of damage done when the Gasbag performs it's "One-Two" Punch on it's Enemy. Default = 25.
Subclass: GiantGasbag
Health: 600
Attacks: Punch, Pound, Fireball and spitting out smaller Gasbags.
Damage: Punch = 50 & Pound = 70, by default. Fireball = 90 with a DamageRadius of 280 UU.
Armor: GiantGasbags have a very tough skin able to absorb 50 damage without reacting in pain.
OSM Score Award: 25
This subclass is a "mother" of other Gasbags. It is three times the size and very powerful. On top of that, this creature can spit out either fireball projectiles or normal-sized Gasbags from it's mouth. These "child" Gasbags will attack the mother's Enemy as well. If there is no Enemy around, the mother may decide to retrieve child Gasbags by tracking them down and swallowing them whole. Child Gasbags resist this a little and back away from the mother. This subclass is considered a Boss, so other creatures will usually decide not to attack it.
Name: Brute
Wiki page: Brute
Intelligence: Mammal
Health: 340
Attacks: PistolWhip & Punch melee attacks. Gutshot projectile, Double fire projectile and Walk fire projectile attacks. Projectile is a rocket.
Damage: Melee attacks = 35, by default. Each rocket projectile = 55 with DamageRadius of 180 UU.
OSM Score Award: 10
Description & Behavior
Brutes are genetically engineered bipedal humaniods designed to serve the Skaarj as sentries, and sometimes as beasts of burden. They are big and generally slow creatures with less than average intelligence. They carry two projectile weapons, one in each hand. In close range, they either PistolWhip, Punch or fire their projectiles at point-blank in a Gutshot. At long range, they either stand and fire both projectiles at a rapid rate, walk closer and fire, or stamp their feet and charge the Enemy. Brutes are known to sleep while at their post. They are less aware when they are asleep.
- bTurret
- If True, this Brute will remain in it's placed location and only turn to attack Enemies.
- WhipDamage
- The amount of damage done by striking it's Enemy with one of it's melee attacks.
- Sleeping
- This will put the Brute in a Sleeping state at map start. The Brute is much less aware while sleeping. They sleep while standing up.
Subclass: LesserBrute
Health: 180
Attacks: LesserBrutes carry dual blaster pistols, firing EliteKrall bolts.
Damage: Melee attacks = 28, by default. Projectiles = 25.
OSM Score Award: 8
This subclass is a smaller version of the normal Brute, although still considerably bigger than a normal player. They carry blaster pistols instead of rocket launchers. Their red blaster projectiles move faster, but do less damage than normal Brute rockets. They appear to be wearing two ammo belts across their massive chest.
Subclass: Behemoth
Health: 500
Attacks: Behemoths carry dual SeekingRocket launchers.
Damage: Melee attacks = 48, by default. Projectiles = 65 with a DamageRadius of 190 UU.
Armor: Behemoths wear armor able to absorb 30 damage before reacting in pain.
OSM Score Award: 20
Behemoths are nearly the largest of all the creatures. They carry twin guns that fire SeekingRockets, which home in and do a lot of damage. They also have armor, which protects them from reacting in pain to minor damage.
Name: Krall
Wiki page: Krall
Intelligence: Mammal
Health: 180
Attacks: Krall staff, used in melee attacks (Strike, Pound & Throw), as well as projectile launcher, firing an energy bolt.
Damage: Strike = 20, Pound = 20 & Throw = 30, by default. Projectile = 17.
OSM Score Award: 8
Description & Behavior
Krall are fairly intelligent reptilian creatures long ago enslaved to serve the Skaarj. They have since become integrated into the Skaarj society as lower class soldiers. They are very loyal and are generally given more important duties than Brutes, like Patroling and Guarding. Krall are very agile; able to run quickly and jump very far. Krall carry a bladed staff which fires a yellow enegy bolt, so it can be used in close range as well as long. They have various striking melee attacks, both one handed and two handed. One two-handed attack is called a Pound, as the staff is brought down from over the Krall's head. Another two-handed attack is called a Throw, as the target is stabbed with the staff and then lifted and tossed backwards at the same time. Krall can also fire their projectile rapidly while standing in place, or at a slower rate as they walk towards their Enemy. Krall have nimble legs, but those legs are vulnerable to damage. Krall are able to loose their legs completely during combat and still put up a good fight by crawling and firing with their staff weapon. Krall are sometimes found sleeping (sometimes even while standing against a wall), but they are still fairly aware while asleep. Krall can be mischievious at times as well. They like to play dice games while on duty and are often found in groups of 2 to 8 sitting in a circle playing. They are slightly less aware than normal while they concentrate on their games.
- bDicePlayer
- If True, this Krall will gather with other Krall that have matching TeamTag (& bDicePlayer = true) to play a dice game: taking turns, rolling dice and laughing. The Krall will gather at the location of any one of the Krall that is set to play and form a circle. A number of Krall to play must be between 2 and 8, extra Krall will simply ignore the game. Krall are slightly less aware while playing.
- bSleeping
- If True and one of the Krall sleeping animations (Sleep1, Sleep2 or Sleep3) is set in ScriptedMonster -> StartingAnim, this Krall will be sleeping at map start. The Krall are less aware while sleeping.
- bSpearToss
- If True, this Krall is able to use the Throw melee attack. Default = True.
- MinDuckTime
- The minimum time this Krall will stay ducked behind cover when avoiding an incoming projectile. (not implemented)
- PoundDamage
- The amount of damage caused by pounding its target with the staff using both hands. Default = 20.
- StrikeDamage
- The amount of damage inflicted on its target when the Krall strikes one-handed with it's staff. Default = 20.
- ThrowDamage
- The amount of damage caused by an attack where the Krall stab, then toss the target backwards using the staff. Default = 30.
- Sleeping
- This will put the Krall in a Sleeping state at map start. The Krall is less aware while sleeping. For this Order to take effect, one of the three sleeping animation sequences must be defined in the StartingAnim property. (Sleep1, Sleep2 or Sleep3)
Subclass: EliteKrall
Health: 200
Damage: Projectile = 25.
OSM Score Award: 10
This subclass is are the leaders of the Krall. They are a little tougher, more agile and able to jump farther than normal Krall. Their staff weapon also fires a faster and more powerful blue energy bolt.
Name: Skaarj (in UT: SkaarjWarrior)
Wiki page: Skaarj
Intelligence: Human
Health: 210
Attacks: Claw, Spin & Lunge blade melee attacks. Dual enegy projectiles.
Damage: Claw = 14, Spin = 16 and Lunge = 30, by default. Projectile = 30 with a DamageRadius of 150.
OSM Score Award: 12
Description & Behavior
Skaarj are highly intelligent and aggressive creatures that appear as a cross between a bipedal reptile and insect. They are strong and agile, able to run, dodge, and jump just like players do. They carry two large blades on each forearm that can retract. These blades can be used in a "One-Two" punch-style Claw melee attack or in a slashing Spin attack. Skaarj can also quickly Lunge at a target with both blades outstretched. On top of this, Skaarj have a natural bio-electrical charge they can build up and discharge as a projectile from each arm. These projectiles move quickly, do a fair amount of damage and cause the target to be thrown backwards. They can fire two projectiles at a time while standing still or at a slower rate while walking or jogging toward their Enemy. Skaarj are complex creatures, not only managing a variety of lesser creatures to do their bidding, but also comprising several classes within their species that handle various tasks. Skaarj are sometimes seen operating complex machinery or control panels. Skaarj are known to lie in wait, feigning death to catch a passing Enemy by suprise.
- bButtonPusher
- If True, this Skaarj will be busy performing a series of button pushes and lever pulls at map start as it monitors and operates a control panel. Mappers should supply a control panel and place it directly in front of the Skaarj. The Skaarj will be slightly less aware while button pushing.
- bFakeDeath
- If True, this Skaarj will be pretending to be dead at map start. It will lie on the ground, not moving at all, until an Enemy is detected at close range. At that point, this Skaarj will jump up and attack. It's a good idea for the mapper to place this Skaarj alongside actual carcasses, gibs and debris.
- ClawDamage
- The amount of damage done to the target when both claws are stabbed.
- LungeDamage
- The amount of damage done to the target when this Skaarj lunges with both blades.
- SpinDamage
- The amount of damage done to the target during a melee attack where this Skaarj spins in place and slashes with both blades.
Subclass: IceSkaarj
Armor: IceSkaarj have light armor that absorbs 10 damage without reacting in pain.
OSM Score Award: 12
This subclass is meant for use in cold weather climates. They appear blue, as opposed to the normal green, and they wear some light armor. They also fire a very fast blue bio-electrical projectile.
Subclass: SkaarjScout
Health: 180
Armor: SkaarjScouts have light armor that absorbs 10 damage without reacting in pain.
OSM Score Award: 12
SkaarjScouts are meant to be used as lone reconnaissance soldiers. They are slightly less tough, but wear some light armor. They are otherwise identical to normal Skaarj.
Subclass: SkaarjBerserker
Health: 320
Damage: Claw = 20, Spin = 40 & Lunge = 40, by default.
Armor: SkaarjBerserkers have a very tough skin and a wild detemination that allows them to absorb 25 damage without reacting in pain.
OSM Score Award: 20
A SkaarjBerserker is a giant among Skaarj. It stands 20% taller, nearly as tall as a Behemoth or Warlord. These creatures are wild and very aggressive, attacking nearly any other creature which challenges them, including each other, which is why they are normally found alone. They favor melee attacks and usually are much more skilled in combat than other Skaarj.
Subclass: SkaarjAssassin
Health: 220
Armor: SkaarjAssassins carry medium armor which allow them to absorb 15 damage without reacting to pain.
OSM Score Award: 15
SkaarjAssassins are sort of an infantry soldier, wearing medium armor and able to take more damage than the normal Skaarj. They are otherwise identical to normal Skaarj.
Subclass: SkaarjLord
Health: 320
Damage: Claw = 20, Spin = 35 & Lunge = 35, by default.
Armor: SkaarjLords wear heavy armor which absorbs 25 damage without reacting in pain.
OSM Score Award: 20
SkaarjLords are the commanding class of Skaarj. They appear nearly identical to SkaarjAssassins, and can be confused easily as they are often seen alongside them. However, they can be identified by their deeper voices and their slower, but more powerful, red bio-electrical projectiles. SkaarjLords are very tough and usually far more skilled in combat than other Skaarj.
Name: Warlord
Wiki page: WarLord
Intelligence: Human
Health: 1100
Attacks: Rocket launcher with homing rockets. Strike melee attack using its rocket launcher as a club.
Damage: Strike = 45, by default. Rocket projectile = 70 with a DamageRadius of 200 UU.
Armor: Warlords wear armor and have a tough skin, so they are able to absorb 50 damage without reacting to pain.
OSM Score Award: 30
Description & Behavior
The Warlord is a Skaarj who has evolved through metamorphosis to the smartest, toughest and most dangerous creature. Warlords appear as giant Skaarj (like SkaarjBerserkers) with bat-like wings, very heavy armor and horns. Instead of using its blades or bio-electrical projectiles, the Walord has a special device fitted on its arm. It is a combonation rocket launcher and teleportation device. The rocket launcher fires homing rockets, able to lock onto the target and home in with moderate agility. The Warlord is able to use its rocket launcher as a club in close combat, but at distances, will fire two shots in quick succession. The Warlord can fire while walking toward its target or while flying. Warlords are moderately agile for their size, able to dodge projectile fire while walking or running. In the air, Warlords are extreamely agile, so they often prefer to be air born. For this reason, Warlords are typically found in more open spaces. If injured during combat, Warlords may use their teleportation device to retreat or to suprise their Enemy by appearing behind them. If hunting their Enemy, Warlords may use their teleportation device to "jump ahead", to close the gap on their Enemy, or to search around the area quickly. If seriously injured Warlords have been known to use the teleportation device to retreat from the battle altogether, laughing as they do so, to live and fight another day. If killed while flying, the Warlord will likely fall upside down to the ground and if the Enemy is still in sight, it will raise its rocket launcher to fire off one last "death shot" at them before dying. The Warlord is considered a Boss, so other creatures will avoid getting into combat with it.
- bTacticalTeleporting
- If True, this Warlord will use its teleport device both to retreat from combat if injured and to track down an Enemy while hunting.
- bTeleportWhenHurt
- If True, this Warlord will attempt to escape the map when it is nearly dead by using its teleportation device. It will laugh as it does so to indicate that it has left.
- StrikeDamage
- The amount of damage inflicted on the target when the Warlord uses its rocket launcher as a club melee weapon. Default = 45.
- Mutilating
- This special Order will cause this Warlord to be busy at map start mutilating a long dead carcass, by kicking it, hitting it and periodically ripping pieces of it off to eat it. The Warlord is slightly distracted and less aware while mutilating. When an Enemy is detected, the Warlord will laugh at them and then attack. A large gib is automatically spawned in front of the Warlord, so there is no need for the mapper to supply this gib. The gib will automatically disappear a short time after the Warlord has left to attack an Enemy.
Name: (Character Name)
Wiki page: None
Intelligence: Human
Health: 100
Attacks: Weapon use (see below)
Damage: Weapon use (see below)
OSM Score Award: 1
Description & Behavior
ScriptedCharacters are player character Monsters. They look, sound and fight similar to normal Players. They may appear as any Player character. Most of the time, they will be friendly to Players and fight by their side, but these characters sometimes are held hostage, ignore Players or turn against Players and command legions of Monsters. Although they cannot pickup items, ScriptedCharacters attack by using up the weapon pickups they have in their inventory, so their attacks and damage vary depending on the weapon used. Once a weapon is depleated of ammo, they will switch to another weapon until their inventory is empty. ScriptedCharacters are very talkative. They will Taunt, Challenge and Cheer.
If set, these properties will override the default settings on ScriptedCharacters.
- FighterAnim
- The anim sequence used when this ScriptedCharacter challenges another Pawn.
- GreetingAnim
- The anim sequence used when this ScriptedCharacter greets a friendly Pawn.
- OverrideHealth
- If more than 0, will explicitly set this creature's Health.
- OverrideShield
- Explicitly sets this creature's ShieldStrength.
- ThreatenAnim
- The anim sequence used when this ScriptedCharacter is warning another Pawn.
- VictoryAnim
- The anim sequence used when this ScriptedCharacter is feeling victorious.
- (bQuiet)
- Use this normal ScriptedMonster property to make sure this ScriptedCharacter doesn't talk, taunt or cheer. It will still cry in pain and death.
- (GoodieDrop)
- Use this normal ScriptedMonster array to give this creature WeaponPickups to use. This creature will use the last WeaponPickup on the list first, the next to last second, etc. AmmoPickups are also used. List ammo after the weapon to make sure they use it.
- (PlacedCharacterName)
- Use this normal xPawn property to define the Character. By using a standard Character name (or a custom Character Name defined in a .upl file), the proper Character mesh, skins and sounds will be set automatically at map start.
- bAllowCharacterOverride
- If True, this creature will retain the default phrases for Greeting, Threaten, Fear, etc., based on the default Character sounds.
- Greeting
- The sound made by this Character when it greets a friend.
- TalkativePct
- The chance percentage this Character Taunts, Challenges, Cheers, etc. when it wants to.
- Victory
- The sound made by this Character when it defeats an Enemy.
A ScriptedCharacter can be placed in an OSM Adventure map with the Tag "IntroCutScenePawn" and it will be reset to appear as the Player's selected Character during the IntroCutScene. It will be removed from the level at the end of the IntroCutScene.
Related Topics
- Old Skool Monsta Toolz - A hub for info on Old Skool Monsta Toolz.
- Mapping for OSM Adventure - Information on the OSM Adventure gametype.
- ScriptedPawn – The old UT base class for creatures
- Basic ScriptedPawn Tutorial – Using these creatures with the OSMT AI tools to implement complex behavior.
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