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'''ET_Rook,''' //Castle<br>
'''ET_Knight,''' //Manta, Viper?<br>
'''ET_Bishop,''' //Hero<br>

Latest revision as of 10:31, 15 February 2011



UT3 Info >> GameRules >> UT_GR_Info (custom)


enum EnemyType



Pawn Pawn
EnemyType Type


Extends: PawnInfo

bool bIsBot
bool bIsFriendly
int Damage
int ModifiedDamage
'class<DamageType>' DamageType



function SetFirstGR()


function bool OverridePickupQuery(Pawn Other, class<Inventory> ItemClass, Actor Pickup, out byte bAllowPickup)


function NetDamage(int OriginalDamage, out int Damage, Pawn injured, Controller instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)


<uscript> //=================================================== // Class: UT_GR_Info // Creation date: 12/12/2008 19:35 // Last updated: 11/04/2010 13:10 // Contributors: 00zX //--------------------------------------------------- // Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ //=================================================== class UT_GR_Info extends GameRules;


enum PawnType { ET_Infantry, ET_Hero, ET_Vehicle, ET_Rook, //Castle ET_Knight, //Manta, Viper? ET_Bishop, //Hero ET_Turret };

struct PawnInfo { var Pawn Pawn; var PawnType Type; };

struct EnemyInfo extends PawnInfo { var bool bIsBot; var bool bIsFriendly; var int Damage; var int ModifiedDamage; //ConversionRatio>?? var class<DamageType> DamageType;

structdefaultproperties { bIsBot=false bIsFriendly=false Damage=0 ModifiedDamage=0 DamageType=class'DmgType_Suicided' } };

var UT_MDB_GameExp GameExp; var private UT_MDB_GameRules BaseGameRules;

/** wtf why am I grey? */ function SetBaseGameRules() { if(GameExp == None) return;

`logd("GameRules Info Controller Initalized!",,'GameRulesInfo');

BaseGameRules = GameExp.GetBaseGameRules(); `logd("BaseGameRules:"$BaseGameRules,,'GameRulesInfo'); }

static function PawnType GetPawnType(Pawn Pawn) { local PawnType PType;

if(ClassIsChildOf(Pawn.class,class'UTPawn')) { //Added Rook 2.0 if(Pawn.IsA('UTHeroPawn')) { if(UTHeroPawn(Pawn).bIsHero && !UTHeroPawn(Pawn).bIsSuperHero) PType = ET_Hero; else if (!UTHeroPawn(Pawn).bIsHero && UTHeroPawn(Pawn).bIsSuperHero) PType = ET_Rook; } else PType = ET_Infantry;

} //isA UTVehicle else if(ClassIsChildOf(Pawn.class, class'UTVehicle')) { if(ClassIsChildOf(Pawn.class, class'UTVehicle_TrackTurretBase')) PType = ET_Turret; else PType = ET_Vehicle; }

return PType; }

function bool HandleRestartGame() { if((NextGameRules != None) && NextGameRules.HandleRestartGame()) return true; return false; }

function bool CheckEndGame(PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason) { if(NextGameRules != None) return NextGameRules.CheckEndGame(Winner,Reason);

return true; }

function bool OverridePickupQuery(Pawn Other, class<Inventory> ItemClass, Actor Pickup, out byte bAllowPickup) { if(GameExp == None || BaseGameRules == None) return false;

if(Pickup != None && UTPawn(Other) != None) if((BaseGameRules != None) && BaseGameRules.PickupQuery(UTPawn(Other), ItemClass, Pickup)) return true; return false; }

function ScoreObjective(PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, Int Score) { /* local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; local int idx;

HandleNotify = (EventName = ET_OnExit, NotifyName = NT_Vehicle); for(GR = BaseGameRules; GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { idx = GR.EventNotifier.Notifies.find(HandleNotify); if(idx != Index_None) GR.ScoreObjective(Scorer,Score); }*/ }

function ScoreKill(Controller Killer, Controller Killed) { /* local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; local int idx;

HandleNotify = (EventName = ET_OnExit, NotifyName = NT_Vehicle); for(GR = BaseGameRules; GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { idx = GR.EventNotifier.Notifies.find(HandleNotify); if(idx != Index_None) GR.ScoreKill(Killer,Killed); }*/ }

//Cumulative //TODO: SUPPORT OTHER MUTS, USE THE LINKED LIST ONTOP OF OBJECT LIST!!~ function NetDamage(int OriginalDamage, out int Damage, pawn injured, Controller instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType) { local EnemyInfo Enemy;

if(GameExp == None || BaseGameRules == None) return;

if(!WorldInfo.Game.IsInState('MatchInProgress') || (injured == None && instigatedBy == None)) { Damage = 0; return; }

//GameInfo.ReduceDamage // then check if carrying items that can reduce damage // if((damage > 0) && (injured.InvManager != None)) // injured.InvManager.ModifyDamage(Damage, instigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType);

if(instigatedBy != None && instigatedBy.Pawn != None) { Enemy.Pawn = InstigatedBy.Pawn; Enemy.Damage = OriginalDamage; Enemy.Type = GetPawnType(Enemy.Pawn);

/* if(ClassIsChildOf(Enemy.Pawn.class,class'UTPawn')) { //Added Rook 2.0 if(Enemy.Pawn.IsA('UTHeroPawn')) { if(UTHeroPawn(InstigatedBy.Pawn).bIsHero && !UTHeroPawn(InstigatedBy.Pawn).bIsSuperHero) Enemy.Type = ET_Hero; else if (!UTHeroPawn(InstigatedBy.Pawn).bIsHero && UTHeroPawn(InstigatedBy.Pawn).bIsSuperHero) Enemy.Type = ET_Rook; } else Enemy.Type = ET_Infantry;

} //Enemy isA UTVehicle else if(ClassIsChildOf(InstigatedBy.Pawn.class, class'UTVehicle')) { if(ClassIsChildOf(InstigatedBy.Pawn.class, class'UTVehicle_TrackTurretBase')) Enemy.Type = ET_Turret; else Enemy.Type = ET_Vehicle; }*/

//Enemy isA UTBot if(UTBot(instigatedBy) != None && UTBot(injured.controller) == None && UTBot(injured.controller) != UTBot(instigatedBy)) Enemy.bIsBot = true;

//Self-Damage if(Enemy.Pawn == injured) Damage = BaseGameRules.ModifySelfDamage(Enemy);

//Damage From EnemyPawn else if(injured != instigatedBy) { //Team Damage if(WorldInfo.Game.bTeamGame) { if(instigatedBy.GetTeamNum() != injured.GetTeamNum()) Damage = BaseGameRules.ModifyDamageTaken(Enemy, Injured); else Enemy.bIsFriendly = true; } //FFA Damage else Damage = BaseGameRules.ModifyDamageTaken(Enemy, Injured); } } } </uscript>