UE3:UTVoteCollector (UT3): Difference between revisions

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
No edit summary
added missing members
Line 9: Line 9:

'''Type:''' [[int]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
If true, then users can vote to play a map in a specific game type
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
If true, then players can vote to kick a player out of the server
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
If true, users can vote in order to pick the next map
'''Default value:''' True
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
If true, then players can vote for a mutator to be enabled/disabled during the next game
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
If true, then kickvote messages will not display the name of the voter (except to admins)
'''Default value:''' True
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
Whether or not game voting is currently active
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''Type:''' [[bool]]

<!-- enter variable description -->
As above, but relating to end game votes
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
A vote countdown has been enabled mid-game, and a map switch is imminent
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
Whether kick voting is active
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
Whether map voting is active
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
If false, users will only be able to vote at the end of the game
'''Default value:''' True
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
Whether mutator voting is active
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
Tells the code to update the maplist manager's active maplist

'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''Type:''' [[bool]]

<!-- enter variable description -->
Whether or not the winning map vote has been decided
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
If true, then the vote collector is accepting votes from clients
'''Type:''' [[int]]
The index of the game vote which an admin has forced to win
'''Default value:''' -1
'''Type:''' [[int]]
As above, except for map votes
'''Default value:''' -1
'''Type:''' [[array]]<[[int]]>
The index of mutator votes which are forced off
'''Type:''' [[array]]<[[int]]>
The index of mutator votes which are forced on
'''Type:''' [[int]]
The index of the map to be forcibly enabled, when all a maplists maps are disabled
'''Default value:''' -1

Line 23: Line 142:

<!-- enter variable description -->
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
How long players are given to pick a gametype
'''Default value:''' 15
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|GameVoteInfo}}>
Information about active game votes
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The amount of time that must pass before voting is initialized (only applies to midgame voting)
'''Default value:''' 30
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
Slows down vote data transfers, to spread out bandwidth usage and prevent lag
'''Default value:''' 12
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The percentage of votes required to kick a player from the server
'''Default value:''' 51
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|KickVoteInfo}}>
Information about active kick votes
'''Type:''' {{cl|UTMapListManager}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
How long players are given to pick a map
'''Default value:''' 30
'''Type:''' {{cl|UTMapList}}
The maplist used for map voting
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|MapVoteInfo}}>
Information about active map votes
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The percentage of votes required to initiate a map switch midgame
'''Default value:''' 51
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The minimum number of votes required in order to votekick a player
'''Default value:''' 3
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The minimum number of votes requires to initiate a map switch midgame
'''Default value:''' 2
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The percentage of votes required to enable/disable mutators (only counted at end of the game)
'''Default value:''' 51
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|MutatorVoteInfo}}>
Information about votable mutators and their vote counts
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{cl|UTUIResourceDataProvider}}>
Cached list of mutator data providers, for retrieving descriptions for clients on request
'''Type:''' [[string]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
Speeds up vote transfers when the client opens the vote menu; used to quickly finish transfers
'''Default value:''' 3
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|MutatorProfile}}>
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' globalconfig
The list of votable mutators
'''Default value, index 0:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_BigHead"
'''Default value, index 1:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_FriendlyFire"
'''Default value, index 2:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_Handicap"
'''Default value, index 3:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_Instagib"
'''Default value, index 4:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_LowGrav"
'''Default value, index 5:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_NoHoverboard"
'''Default value, index 6:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_NoOrbs"
'''Default value, index 7:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_NoPowerups"
'''Default value, index 8:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_NoTranslocator"
'''Default value, index 9:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_Slomo"
'''Default value, index 10:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_SpeedFreak"
'''Default value, index 11:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_SuperBerserk"
'''Default value, index 12:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_Survival"
'''Default value, index 13:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_Hero"
'''Default value, index 14:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|MutatorProfile|||Member}}
! Value
| MutClass
| "UTGame.UTMutator_WeaponsRespawn"

'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|MapVoteInfo}}>
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|MapVoteInfo}}>
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' deprecated

<!-- enter variable description -->
<!-- enter variable description -->
Line 44: Line 437:
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''Type:''' [[int]]

<!-- enter variable description -->
The winning map vote index

'''Default value:''' -1
'''Default value:''' -1
Line 66: Line 459:

'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Information about a game vote
; [[byte]] GameIdx : The index into 'UTMapListManager.AvailableGameProfiles' of the gametype being voted for
; [[int]] NumVotes : The total number of votes this gametype currently has
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Information about a kickvote
; [[int]] PlayerID : The ID of the player being voted against
; [[byte]] NumVotes : The number of votes against the player
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native

The collection of maps + votes
The collection of maps + votes (used in the old and new vote systems)
; [[int]] MapID : An INT id that represents this map.
; [[int]] MapID : An INT id that represents this map.
; [[string]] Map : The Name of the map
; [[string]] Map : The Name of the map
Line 82: Line 489:
| -1
| -1
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Config structs
; [[string]] MutClass : The mutator class this profile uses, must be in the format: 'Package.Class'
; [[string]] MutName : The displayed mutator name (e.g. "Instagib")
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Information about a mutator vote
; [[byte]] MutIdx : Index into 'VotableMutators' (for retrieving the mutator class and display name)
; [[int]] ProviderIdx : Index into the 'MutProviders' list, for retrieving description data on request for clients
; [[byte]] NumVotes : The current number of votes for this mutator
; [[bool]] bIsActive : Whether or not the mutator is currently running; determines whether votes are for enabling or disabling the mutator

Line 91: Line 514:

===Other instance functions===
===Other instance functions===
See {{cl|UTVoteCollector instance functions}}.
{{code|function [[int]]&nbsp;'''AddVoteFor''' (out&nbsp;[[int]]&nbsp;'''CurrentVoteID''')}}
<!-- enter state description -->

<!-- enter function description -->
{{code|event '''BeginState''' ([[name]]&nbsp;'''PreviousStateName''')}}

'''Overrides:''' {{tl|BeginState|Object}} ''(global)''
{{code|function '''AttachVoteReplicationInfo''' ({{cl|UTPlayerController}}&nbsp;'''PC''')}}

<!-- enter function description -->
Called immediately when entering a state, while within the
GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any
state code is executed).

{{code|function '''BeginMidGameMapVote''' (optional&nbsp;[[int]]&nbsp;'''CurWinIndex''')}}
{{code|event '''EndState''' ([[name]]&nbsp;'''NextStateName''')}}

<!-- enter function description -->
'''Overrides:''' {{tl|EndState|Object}} ''(global)''

Called immediately before going out of the current state, while
{{code|function '''BroadcastVoteChange''' ([[int]]&nbsp;'''MapID''', [[byte]]&nbsp;'''VoteCount''')}}
within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and
before BeginState() is called within the new state.

<!-- enter function description -->
{{code|function '''BeginVoteCountdown''' (optional&nbsp;[[bool]]&nbsp;'''bInCountdown''')}}

'''Overrides:''' {{tl|BeginVoteCountdown||UTVoteCollector instance functions}} ''(global)''
{{code|function [[bool]]&nbsp;'''CheckMapVoteCount''' ([[int]]&nbsp;'''Idx''')}}

<!-- enter function description -->
<!-- enter function description -->

{{code|function [[int]]&nbsp;'''FindBestMap''' ()}}
{{code|function '''EndVoteCountdown''' ()}}
'''Overrides:''' {{tl|EndVoteCountdown||UTVoteCollector instance functions}} ''(global)''

<!-- enter function description -->
<!-- enter function description -->

{{code|function [[string]]&nbsp;'''GetWinningMap''' ()}}
{{code|function '''NotifyAllPlayersVoted''' ()}}
'''Overrides:''' {{tl|NotifyAllPlayersVoted||UTVoteCollector instance functions}} ''(global)''

<!-- enter function description -->
<!-- enter function description -->

{{code|function '''Initialize''' ([[array]]<[[string]]>&nbsp;'''MapList''')}}
<!-- enter state description -->

<!-- enter function description -->
{{code|event '''BeginState''' ([[name]]&nbsp;'''PreviousStateName''')}}

'''Overrides:''' {{tl|BeginState|Object}} ''(global)''
{{code|function [[bool]]&nbsp;'''MapVoteInProgress''' ()}}

<!-- enter function description -->
Called immediately when entering a state, while within the
GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any
state code is executed).

{{code|function '''MapVotePassed''' ([[int]]&nbsp;'''WinIdx''')}}
{{code|event '''EndState''' ([[name]]&nbsp;'''NextStateName''')}}

<!-- enter function description -->
'''Overrides:''' {{tl|EndState|Object}} ''(global)''

Called immediately before going out of the current state, while
{{code|function '''NotifyEndGameVote''' ()}}
within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and
before BeginState() is called within the new state.

<!-- enter function description -->
{{code|function '''BeginVoteCountdown''' (optional&nbsp;[[bool]]&nbsp;'''bInCountdown''')}}

'''Overrides:''' {{tl|BeginVoteCountdown||UTVoteCollector instance functions}} ''(global)''
{{code|function '''NotifyPlayerExiting''' ({{cl|UTPlayerController}}&nbsp;'''Player''')}}

<!-- enter function description -->
<!-- enter function description -->

{{code|function '''NotifyPlayerJoined''' ({{cl|UTPlayerController}}&nbsp;'''Player''')}}
{{code|function '''EndVoteCountdown''' ()}}
'''Overrides:''' {{tl|EndVoteCountdown||UTVoteCollector instance functions}} ''(global)''

<!-- enter function description -->
<!-- enter function description -->

{{code|function '''RemoveVoteFor''' (out&nbsp;[[int]]&nbsp;'''CurrentVoteID''')}}
{{code|function '''NotifyAllPlayersVoted''' ()}}
<!-- enter function description -->

'''Overrides:''' {{tl|NotifyAllPlayersVoted||UTVoteCollector instance functions}} ''(global)''
{{code|function '''TimesUp''' ()}}

<!-- enter function description -->
<!-- enter function description -->

Latest revision as of 08:18, 16 August 2009

UT3 Object >> Actor >> Info >> UTVoteCollector

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Type: int


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

If true, then users can vote to play a map in a specific game type


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

If true, then players can vote to kick a player out of the server


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

If true, users can vote in order to pick the next map

Default value: True


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

If true, then players can vote for a mutator to be enabled/disabled during the next game


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

If true, then kickvote messages will not display the name of the voter (except to admins)

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether or not game voting is currently active


Type: bool

As above, but relating to end game votes


Type: bool

A vote countdown has been enabled mid-game, and a map switch is imminent


Type: bool

Whether kick voting is active


Type: bool

Whether map voting is active


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

If false, users will only be able to vote at the end of the game

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether mutator voting is active


Type: bool

Tells the code to update the maplist manager's active maplist


Type: bool

Whether or not the winning map vote has been decided


Type: bool

If true, then the vote collector is accepting votes from clients


Type: int

The index of the game vote which an admin has forced to win

Default value: -1


Type: int

As above, except for map votes

Default value: -1


Type: array<int>

The index of mutator votes which are forced off


Type: array<int>

The index of mutator votes which are forced on


Type: int

The index of the map to be forcibly enabled, when all a maplists maps are disabled

Default value: -1


Type: UTGame


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

How long players are given to pick a gametype

Default value: 15


Type: array<GameVoteInfo>

Information about active game votes


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

The amount of time that must pass before voting is initialized (only applies to midgame voting)

Default value: 30


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

Slows down vote data transfers, to spread out bandwidth usage and prevent lag

Default value: 12


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

The percentage of votes required to kick a player from the server

Default value: 51


Type: array<KickVoteInfo>

Information about active kick votes


Type: UTMapListManager


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

How long players are given to pick a map

Default value: 30


Type: UTMapList

The maplist used for map voting


Type: array<MapVoteInfo>

Information about active map votes


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

The percentage of votes required to initiate a map switch midgame

Default value: 51


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

The minimum number of votes required in order to votekick a player

Default value: 3


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

The minimum number of votes requires to initiate a map switch midgame

Default value: 2


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

The percentage of votes required to enable/disable mutators (only counted at end of the game)

Default value: 51


Type: array<MutatorVoteInfo>

Information about votable mutators and their vote counts


Type: array<UTUIResourceDataProvider>

Cached list of mutator data providers, for retrieving descriptions for clients on request


Type: string


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

Speeds up vote transfers when the client opens the vote menu; used to quickly finish transfers

Default value: 3


Type: array<MutatorProfile>

Modifiers: globalconfig

The list of votable mutators

Default value, index 0:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_BigHead"

Default value, index 1:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_FriendlyFire"

Default value, index 2:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_Handicap"

Default value, index 3:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_Instagib"

Default value, index 4:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_LowGrav"

Default value, index 5:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_NoHoverboard"

Default value, index 6:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_NoOrbs"

Default value, index 7:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_NoPowerups"

Default value, index 8:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_NoTranslocator"

Default value, index 9:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_Slomo"

Default value, index 10:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_SpeedFreak"

Default value, index 11:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_SuperBerserk"

Default value, index 12:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_Survival"

Default value, index 13:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_Hero"

Default value, index 14:

Member Value
MutClass "UTGame.UTMutator_WeaponsRespawn"


Type: array<MapVoteInfo>

Modifiers: deprecated


Type: class<UTVoteReplicationInfo>

Default value: Class'UTGame.UTVoteReplicationInfo'


Type: array<UTVoteReplicationInfo>


Type: int

The winning map vote index

Default value: -1

Default values



Class: Engine.SpriteComponent

Inherits from: Info.Sprite

No new values.



Modifiers: native

Information about a game vote

byte GameIdx
The index into 'UTMapListManager.AvailableGameProfiles' of the gametype being voted for
int NumVotes
The total number of votes this gametype currently has


Modifiers: native

Information about a kickvote

int PlayerID
The ID of the player being voted against
byte NumVotes
The number of votes against the player


Modifiers: native

The collection of maps + votes (used in the old and new vote systems)

int MapID
An INT id that represents this map.
string Map
The Name of the map
byte NoVotes
Number of votes this map has

Default values:

Property Value
MapID -1


Modifiers: native

Config structs

string MutClass
The mutator class this profile uses, must be in the format: 'Package.Class'
string MutName
The displayed mutator name (e.g. "Instagib")


Modifiers: native

Information about a mutator vote

byte MutIdx
Index into 'VotableMutators' (for retrieving the mutator class and display name)
int ProviderIdx
Index into the 'MutProviders' list, for retrieving description data on request for clients
byte NumVotes
The current number of votes for this mutator
bool bIsActive
Whether or not the mutator is currently running; determines whether votes are for enabling or disabling the mutator


Native functions


native function int GetMapIndex (int MapID)

Other instance functions

See UTVoteCollector instance functions.




event BeginState (name PreviousStateName)

Overrides: Object.BeginState (global)

Called immediately when entering a state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any state code is executed).


event EndState (name NextStateName)

Overrides: Object.EndState (global)

Called immediately before going out of the current state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and before BeginState() is called within the new state.


function BeginVoteCountdown (optional bool bInCountdown)

Overrides: BeginVoteCountdown (global)


function EndVoteCountdown ()

Overrides: EndVoteCountdown (global)


function NotifyAllPlayersVoted ()

Overrides: NotifyAllPlayersVoted (global)



event BeginState (name PreviousStateName)

Overrides: Object.BeginState (global)

Called immediately when entering a state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any state code is executed).


event EndState (name NextStateName)

Overrides: Object.EndState (global)

Called immediately before going out of the current state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and before BeginState() is called within the new state.


function BeginVoteCountdown (optional bool bInCountdown)

Overrides: BeginVoteCountdown (global)


function EndVoteCountdown ()

Overrides: EndVoteCountdown (global)


function NotifyAllPlayersVoted ()

Overrides: NotifyAllPlayersVoted (global)