Legacy:Vehicle: Difference between revisions

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SuperApe (talk | contribs)
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Sweavo (talk | contribs)
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{{classbox| [[Legacy:UT2004|UT2004]] :: [[Legacy:Actor|Actor]] >> [[Legacy:Pawn|Pawn]] >> Vehicle}}
{{classbox| [[Legacy:UT2004|UT2004]] :: [[Legacy:Actor|Actor]] >> [[Legacy:Pawn|Pawn]] >> Vehicle}}

This abstract base class contains gameplay and AI code for vehicles in UT2004.  Although there was a separate vehicle class in UT2003 (Pawn -> KVehicle -> KCar -> [[Legacy:Bulldog|Bulldog]]), it was only used in the test map, "VehicleDemo", and was not available in game.
This abstract base class contains gameplay and AI code for [[Legacy:Vehicles|Vehicles]] in UT2004.  Although there was a separate vehicle class in UT2003 (Pawn -> KVehicle -> KCar -> [[Legacy:Bulldog|Bulldog]]), it was only used in the test map, "VehicleDemo", and was not available in game.

==Properties ==
==Properties ==

Latest revision as of 10:42, 16 November 2007

UT2004 :: Actor >> Pawn >> Vehicle

This abstract base class contains gameplay and AI code for Vehicles in UT2004. Although there was a separate vehicle class in UT2003 (Pawn -> KVehicle -> KCar -> Bulldog), it was only used in the test map, "VehicleDemo", and was not available in game.



Overlay materials used when spawning
bool bFPNoZFromCameraPitch
Ignore any vehicle-space Z due to FPCamViewOffset (so looking up and down doesn't change camera Z rel to vehicle)
array<sound> BulletSounds
float HUDOverlayFOV
vector HUDOverlayOffset
byte Team
The team the vehicle belongs to


bool bDrawDriverInTP
Whether to draw the driver when in 3rd person mode.
bool bDrawMeshInFP
Whether to draw the vehicle mesh when in 1st person mode.
bool bRelativeExitPos
relative vector to vehicle?
name DriveAnim
Animation to play while driving.
vector DrivePos
Position (rel to vehicle) to put player while driving.
rotator DriveRot
Rotation (rel to vehicle) to put driver while driving.
vector EntryPosition
Offset for the entry trigger
float EntryRadius
Radius for the entry trigger
array<vector> ExitPositions
Positions (rel to vehicle) to try putting the player when exiting.
vector FPCamPos
Position of camera when driving first person.
vector FPCamViewOffset
Offset in reference frame of camera.
int MaxViewPitch
Maximum amount you can look up and down
int MaxViewYaw
Maximum amount you can look left and right
float Rise
between -1 and 1
float Steering
between -1 and 1
float Throttle
between -1 and 1
Range TPCamDistRange
vector TPCamLookat
Look at location in vehicle space
vector TPCamWorldOffset
Applied in world space after vehicle transform.


Spawning effects
float AIMoveCheckTime
class<Controller> AutoTurretControllerClass
bool bAdjustDriversHead
rotate driver's head depending on view rotation
bool bAllowViewChange
bool bAutoTurret
controlled by AI if no player controlling (FIXME Move to subclass)
bool bCanCarryFlag
bool bCanFlip
bool bDefensive
should be used by defenders
bool bDesiredBehindView
bool bDrawVehicleShadow
Vehicle Shadow
bool bDriverHoldsFlag
bool bDriving
Vehicle is being driven
bool bDropDetail
Vehicle should reduce its detail level
bool bEnemyLockedOn
bool bEnterringUnlocks
Vehicle is unlocked when a player enterred it..
bool bFollowLookDir
used by AI to know that controller's rotation determines vehicle rotation
bool bHasHandbrake
hint for AI
bool bHasRadar
bool bIsGreyScale
bool bKeyVehicle
hint for AI
bool bNoFriendlyFire
FriendlyFire disabled for this vehicle
bool bNonHumanControl
Cannot be controlled by humans
bool bOldDriving
bool bRemoteControlled
destroying vehicle won't kill player
bool bScriptedRise
hint for AI
bool bSeparateTurretFocus
hint for AI (for tank type turreted vehicles)
bool bShowChargingBar
bool bShowDamageOverlay
Vehicle should display the normal pawn damage overlay when hit by a weapon
bool bSpawnProtected
Cannot be destroyed by a player before its been possessed.
bool bStalled
Vehicle is stalled (can't apply acceleration)
bool bTeamLocked
Team defines which players are allowed to enter the vehicle
bool bTurnInPlace
whether vehicle can turn in place
bool bVehicleDestroyed
Vehicle has been destroyed (no more need to simulate special vehicle physics)
bool bVehicleShadows
Global config option for vehicle shadows
bool bWeaponisAltFiring
bool bWeaponisFiring
float CameraSpeed
for smoothly interpolating TPCamDistance to new value
string CenterSpringForce
int CenterSpringRangePitch
int CenterSpringRangeRoll
class<DamageType> CrushedDamageType
float DesiredTPCamDistance
for smoothly interpolating TPCamDistance to new value
Pawn Driver
Can be None if Controller spawns right away with vehicle
float DriverDamageMult
damage to the driver is multiplied by this value
int DriverViewPitch
The driver's view pitch
int DriverViewYaw
The driver's view yaw
float EjectMomentum
name FlagBone
vector FlagOffset
rotator FlagRotation
array<sound> HornSounds
Actor HUDOverlay
HudOverlay actor used
class<Actor> HUDOverlayClass
HudOverlay class to use when driving this vehicle
float LastCameraCalcTime
for smoothly interpolating TPCamDistance to new value
float LastHornTime
float LastLockWarningTime
String LockOnClassString
float MaxDesireability
float MinRunOverSpeed
Speed must be greater than this for running into someone to do damage
float MomentumMult
Affects how foreign objects impact the vehicle (When a shock rifle beam hits a Raptor, it gets pushed back more than a Goliath would). Lower means that the vehicle is less affected (.01 means a practically impervious fortress, 1 means gets shot around a lot, etc.)
AIMarker myMarker
Used for stationary turrets. (for bots)
Vehicle NextVehicle
Link list
Texture NoEntryTexture
float OldSteering
byte OldTeam
OldTeam is used for replication purposes, PrevTeam is the team of the previous driver.
SVehicleFactory ParentFactory
The VehicleFactory that spawned this vehicle
Rotator PlayerEnterredRotation
Original rotation when player enterred vehicle
float PlayerStartTime
byte PrevTeam
OldTeam is used for replication purposes, PrevTeam is the team of the previous driver.
class<DamageType> RanOverDamageType
sound RanOverSound
float ShadowCullDistance
float ShadowMaxTraceDist
float SizeX
float SizeY
name StolenAnnouncement
sound StolenSound
Sound heard when this vehicle is carjacked (team switched)
byte StuckCount
Used by AI
float StuckTime
Material TeamBeaconBorderMaterial
Texture TeamBeaconTexture
float TeamUseTime
float ThrottleTime
Last time at which throttle was 0 (used by AI)
float TPCamDistance
string VehicleDescription
SVehicleIcon VehicleIcon
float VehicleLostTime
float VehicleMovingTime
Used by AI C++
string VehicleNameString
The friendly name of the vehicle (i.e., "Goliath")
string VehiclePositionString
The HUD message string used to describe the driver's current position (i.e., "in a Goliath").
ShadowProjector VehicleShadow
Shadow projector
float WheelsScale
float X
float Y





Known Subclasses

  +- ASVehicle
  |   +- ASTurret
  |   |   +- ASTurret_BallTurret
  |   |   +- ASTurret_IonCannon
  |   |   +- ASTurret_LinkTurret
  |   |   +- ASTurret_Minigun
  |   |   +- ASVehicle_Sentinel
  |   |       +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling
  |   |       +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor
  |   +- ASVehicle_SpaceFighter
  |       +- ASVehicle_SpaceFighter_Human
  |           +- ASVehicle_SpaceFighter_Skaarj
  +- KVehicle
  |   +- KCar
  |       +- Bulldog
  +- ONSWeaponPawn
  |   +- ONSArtillerySideGunPawn
  |   +- ONSDualACGatlingGunPawn
  |   +- ONSMASSideGunPawn
  |   +- ONSPRVRearGunPawn
  |   +- ONSPRVSideGunPawn
  |   +- ONSStationaryWeaponPawn
  |       +- ONSManualGunPawn
  |   +- ONSTankSecondaryTurretPawn
  |       +- ONSTankSecondaryTurretPawn_IonPlasma
  +- SVehicle
      +- ONSVehicle
          +- ONSChopperCraft
          |   +- ONSAttackCraft
          |       +- ONSDualAttackCraft (Bonus Pack)
          +- ONSHoverCraft
          |   +- ONSHoverBike
          +- ONSPlaneCraft
          |   +- ONSBomber
          +- ONSTreadCraft
          |   +- ONSHoverTank
          |       +- ONSHoverTank_IonPlasma
          +- ONSWheeledCraft
              +- ONSArtillery (Bonus Pack)
              +- ONSGenericSD
              +- ONSMobileAssaultStation
              +- ONSPRV
              +- ONSRV
              +- ONSShockTank (Bonus Pack)

Related Topics


Lilguy: I thought it was time someone created this... This is my first "real" wiki page so feel free to give suggestions etc..

SuperApe: Nice job, Lilguy. Filled in class tree. Added category tags and related topics.

Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)

Category:Legacy Class Tree

Category:Legacy To Do – Needs important functions, events and states filled in.