UE3:SessionSettingsProvider (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIPropertyDataProvider >> UISettingsProvider >> SessionSettingsProvider
Within class:
Direct subclass:
This class in other games:

Provides the UI with read/write access to settings which affect gameplay, such as gameinfo, mutator, and maplist settings.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Todo: make this class also expose a copy of all settings as an array called "Settings" so that the UI can autogenerate lists of menu options, ala GUIMultiOptionList in UT2004.

Fixme: not ready for use yet!



Type: Class

Modifiers: const, transient

the class that will provide the properties and metadata for the settings exposed in this provider. Set by calling BindProviderInstance.


Type: class<UISettingsClient>

Modifiers: const, private

this is the UISettingsClient class that is used as the interface for retrieving metadata from data sources; only used by C++ to easily determine whether arbitrary classes implement the correct interface for use by this data provider

Default value: Class'Engine.UISettingsClient'


Type: Class

Modifiers: const

The metaclass for this data provider. Classes indicate which properties are available for use by settings data stores by marking the property with a keyword. Must implement the UISettingsClient interface.

Default values

Property Value
ProviderTag 'SessionSettingsProvider'


Native functions


native final function bool BindProviderClient (Class DataSourceClass)

Associates this data provider with the specified class.


  • DataSourceClass - a pointer to the specific child of Dataclass that this data provider should present data for.


TRUE if the class specified was successfully associated with this data provider. FALSE if the object specified wasn't of the correct type or was otherwise invalid.


native final function bool UnbindProviderClient ()

Clears the reference to the class associated with this data provider.


TRUE if the class reference was successfully cleared.



event bool IsValidDataSourceClass (Class PotentialDataSourceClass)

Script hook for preventing a particular child of DataClass from being represented by this dynamic data provider.


  • PotentialDataSourceClass - a child class of DataClass that is being considered as a candidate for binding by this provider.


return FALSE to prevent PotentialDataSourceClass's properties from being added to the UI editor's list of bindable properties for this data provider; also prevents any instances of PotentialDataSourceClass from binding to this provider at runtime.


event ProviderClientBound (Class DataSourceClass)

Called once BindProviderInstance has successfully verified that DataSourceInstance is of the correct type. Child classes can override this function to handle storing the reference, for example.


event ProviderClientUnbound (Class DataSourceClass)

Called immediately after this data provider's DataSource is disassociated from this data provider.

Other instance functions


function bool CleanupDataProvider ()

Overrides: UISettingsProvider.CleanupDataProvider

Allows the data provider to clear any references that would interfere with garbage collection.