
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 07:06, 19 November 2007 by Sweavo (talk | contribs)
UT2004 :: Actor >> PawnFactory (Custom)

A generic factory for spawning pawns. The pawns need to be a sub-class of AnotherPawn.

NOTE: If your looking for a factory for vehicles check out Engine.SVehicleFactory



bool bEnabled
Factory is enabled by default.
class<AnotherPawn> PawnClass
The pawn to spawn.
int MaxPawnCount
The max number of pawns this factory can create.


int PawnCount
The current number of pawns this factory has created.


PawnCreated( AnotherPawn Pawn )
Called by the factory when a pawn is created.
PawnDestroyed( AnotherPawn Pawn )
Called by the pawn when it's destroyed.
Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
Spawns a new pawn if PawnClass is set and we haven't reached the MaxPawnCount.


Related Topics


fyfe: Nothing overly fancy or original, it's based off of Engine.SVehicleFactory.

fyfe: Added PawnCreated(), and added some code to set bEnabled to false while PawnCount == MaxPawnCount or if PawnClass isn't set.