
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 09:02, 10 December 2009 by Eliot (talk | contribs)

Welcome to my personal page, if you don't know me yet, well to begin my name is Eliot Van Uytfanghe usually playing with my real name Eliot, and i have been playing the Unreal Tournament series since UT Classic, i also have made maps and mutators for several years including some widely used mutators for UT2004 listed below!


    • LevelConfigManager(w/source)
      • A UnrealEd Mutator allowing you to modify the map gameplay to your choice, this is a very often used mutator in Assault Trial maps and is usually a must use today
    • MutNoAutoFire(w/source)
      • Replaces those annoying ShieldGun's that auto fire when coming near a player of your team, Note:Replaces the pawn class if it is xPawn or UTComp_Pawn, will not function properly if other mutators replacing the pawn class are running!. Created by Eliot/.:..: 2006-2009, this is a very often used mutator in Assault Trial servers because this mutator fixes common exploits of the game such as Movers not moving anymore in some cases and as well kills people that try to glitch through idling movers(such as non-complex doors), this mutator as well lets you configure the color of the shieldgun and let you choose your own suicide message and many more
    • MutBestTimes
      • Private trials mutator for my favorite servers
    • MutAccessPlus
      • Private admin mutator for our ut2x server but now used by the public though there was never a official release
    • MutDodgeJump(w/source)
      • Allows players to jump again after they have dodgedonce (optional)
    • MutXMasPresents(w/source)
      • Presents from Santa will be available throughout the maps played on your server
    • MutEmoticons
      • Replaces the current gametype HUD with a SmileyHud which brings Emoticons to the game like if you type in the chat it will display there a smiley icon instead of the text smiley.
    • MutCacheExtractor(w/source)
      • let's you extract cache files from within the game even online!


Description An UnrealEd tutorial i wrote, About the UnrealEd's Vertextool, with this tool you can make more complex brushes for your map.