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UT2004 :: Actor >> Triggers >> LandMine (Package: XGame)

A land mine. Blows up players who touch it and chucks their bodies into the air.

A good example for LandMine usage is the UT2004 map CTF-Grassyknoll.


vector ChuckVelocity
This velocity will be added to the player touching the LandMine.
class<DamageType> DamageType
The DamageType used to kill the player. Grassyknoll uses 'Fell' here to get the "X left a small crater" message, just with a slightly different meaning... ;)
class<Emitter> BlowupEffect
An emitter effect that will be spawned at the bottom of the touching player's collision cylinder, i.e. between the feet.
Sound BlowupSound
The sound to play when blowing up the player.

Related Topics

  • Landmines (UT) – a tutorial for creating land mines in the original UT