These are basically used for in-map Scrolling Messages; a Good example are the Scoreboards in DM-Morpheus in UT2004. This is apparently done Clientside and will thus require you to be in-game to see the Effect.
MessageTextureClient Properties are as follows:
bCaps - Whether the Message is always in Capitals (True) or is not case specific. (False)
Font - The Font to use.
FontColor - The Color the Font will be. Can also specify an Alpha Channel.
MessageTexture - The Texture to use for the scrolling Message IN EDITOR. This also determines on what Texture the Message will be tacked on to. This will be a Black Background in-game.
ScrollingMessage - The Text of the Message. If you wish to use this as a Scoreboard, there's some Shortkey parameters you can specify here:
%p | Local Player's name; that is; the name of the person who is looking at the message. |
%h | Gender of the Local Player; changes accordingly. |
%lp | Lead Player's name. |
%lf | Lead Player's Frags. |