From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This abstract base class contains gameplay and AI code for vehicles in UT2004. Although there was a separate vehicle class in UT2003 (Pawn -> KVehicle -> KCar -> Bulldog), it was only used in the test map, "VehicleDemo", and was not available in game.
- SpawnOverlay[2]
- Overlay materials used when spawning
- bool bFPNoZFromCameraPitch
- Ignore any vehicle-space Z due to FPCamViewOffset (so looking up and down doesn't change camera Z rel to vehicle)
- array<sound> BulletSounds
- float HUDOverlayFOV
- vector HUDOverlayOffset
- byte Team
- The team the vehicle belongs to
- bool bDrawDriverInTP
- Whether to draw the driver when in 3rd person mode.
- bool bDrawMeshInFP
- Whether to draw the vehicle mesh when in 1st person mode.
- bool bRelativeExitPos
- relative vector to vehicle?
- name DriveAnim
- Animation to play while driving.
- vector DrivePos
- Position (rel to vehicle) to put player while driving.
- rotator DriveRot
- Rotation (rel to vehicle) to put driver while driving.
- vector EntryPosition
- Offset for the entry trigger
- float EntryRadius
- Radius for the entry trigger
- array<vector> ExitPositions
- Positions (rel to vehicle) to try putting the player when exiting.
- vector FPCamPos
- Position of camera when driving first person.
- vector FPCamViewOffset
- Offset in reference frame of camera.
- int MaxViewPitch
- Maximum amount you can look up and down
- int MaxViewYaw
- Maximum amount you can look left and right
- float Rise
- between -1 and 1
- float Steering
- between -1 and 1
- float Throttle
- between -1 and 1
- Range TPCamDistRange
- vector TPCamLookat
- Look at location in vehicle space
- vector TPCamWorldOffset
- Applied in world space after vehicle transform.
- TransEffects[2]
- Spawning effects
- float AIMoveCheckTime
- class<Controller> AutoTurretControllerClass
- bool bAdjustDriversHead
- rotate driver's head depending on view rotation
- bool bAllowViewChange
- bool bAutoTurret
- controlled by AI if no player controlling (FIXME Move to subclass)
- bool bCanCarryFlag
- bool bCanFlip
- bool bDefensive
- should be used by defenders
- bool bDesiredBehindView
- bool bDrawVehicleShadow
- Vehicle Shadow
- bool bDriverHoldsFlag
- bool bDriving
- Vehicle is being driven
- bool bDropDetail
- Vehicle should reduce its detail level
- bool bEnemyLockedOn
- bool bEnterringUnlocks
- Vehicle is unlocked when a player enterred it..
- bool bFollowLookDir
- used by AI to know that controller's rotation determines vehicle rotation
- bool bHasHandbrake
- hint for AI
- bool bHasRadar
- bool bIsGreyScale
- bool bKeyVehicle
- hint for AI
- bool bNoFriendlyFire
- FriendlyFire disabled for this vehicle
- bool bNonHumanControl
- Cannot be controlled by humans
- bool bOldDriving
- bool bRemoteControlled
- destroying vehicle won't kill player
- bool bScriptedRise
- hint for AI
- bool bSeparateTurretFocus
- hint for AI (for tank type turreted vehicles)
- bool bShowChargingBar
- bool bShowDamageOverlay
- Vehicle should display the normal pawn damage overlay when hit by a weapon
- bool bSpawnProtected
- Cannot be destroyed by a player before its been possessed.
- bool bStalled
- Vehicle is stalled (can't apply acceleration)
- bool bTeamLocked
- Team defines which players are allowed to enter the vehicle
- bool bTurnInPlace
- whether vehicle can turn in place
- bool bVehicleDestroyed
- Vehicle has been destroyed (no more need to simulate special vehicle physics)
- bool bVehicleShadows
- Global config option for vehicle shadows
- bool bWeaponisAltFiring
- bool bWeaponisFiring
- float CameraSpeed
- for smoothly interpolating TPCamDistance to new value
- string CenterSpringForce
- int CenterSpringRangePitch
- int CenterSpringRangeRoll
- class<DamageType> CrushedDamageType
- float DesiredTPCamDistance
- for smoothly interpolating TPCamDistance to new value
- Pawn Driver
- Can be None if Controller spawns right away with vehicle
- float DriverDamageMult
- damage to the driver is multiplied by this value
- int DriverViewPitch
- The driver's view pitch
- int DriverViewYaw
- The driver's view yaw
- float EjectMomentum
- name FlagBone
- vector FlagOffset
- rotator FlagRotation
- array<sound> HornSounds
- Actor HUDOverlay
- HudOverlay actor used
- class<Actor> HUDOverlayClass
- HudOverlay class to use when driving this vehicle
- float LastCameraCalcTime
- for smoothly interpolating TPCamDistance to new value
- float LastHornTime
- float LastLockWarningTime
- String LockOnClassString
- float MaxDesireability
- float MinRunOverSpeed
- Speed must be greater than this for running into someone to do damage
- float MomentumMult
- Affects how foreign objects impact the vehicle (When a shock rifle beam hits a Raptor, it gets pushed back more than a Goliath would). Lower means that the vehicle is less affected (.01 means a practically impervious fortress, 1 means gets shot around a lot, etc.)
- AIMarker myMarker
- Used for stationary turrets. (for bots)
- Vehicle NextVehicle
- Link list
- Texture NoEntryTexture
- float OldSteering
- byte OldTeam
- OldTeam is used for replication purposes, PrevTeam is the team of the previous driver.
- SVehicleFactory ParentFactory
- The VehicleFactory that spawned this vehicle
- Rotator PlayerEnterredRotation
- Original rotation when player enterred vehicle
- float PlayerStartTime
- byte PrevTeam
- OldTeam is used for replication purposes, PrevTeam is the team of the previous driver.
- class<DamageType> RanOverDamageType
- sound RanOverSound
- float ShadowCullDistance
- float ShadowMaxTraceDist
- float SizeX
- float SizeY
- name StolenAnnouncement
- sound StolenSound
- Sound heard when this vehicle is carjacked (team switched)
- byte StuckCount
- Used by AI
- float StuckTime
- Material TeamBeaconBorderMaterial
- Texture TeamBeaconTexture
- float TeamUseTime
- float ThrottleTime
- Last time at which throttle was 0 (used by AI)
- float TPCamDistance
- string VehicleDescription
- SVehicleIcon VehicleIcon
- float VehicleLostTime
- float VehicleMovingTime
- Used by AI C++
- string VehicleNameString
- The friendly name of the vehicle (i.e., "Goliath")
- string VehiclePositionString
- The HUD message string used to describe the driver's current position (i.e., "in a Goliath").
- ShadowProjector VehicleShadow
- Shadow projector
- float WheelsScale
- float X
- float Y
Known Subclasses
Vehicle +- ASVehicle | +- ASTurret | | +- ASTurret_BallTurret | | +- ASTurret_IonCannon | | +- ASTurret_LinkTurret | | +- ASTurret_Minigun | | +- ASVehicle_Sentinel | | +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling | | +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor | +- ASVehicle_SpaceFighter | +- ASVehicle_SpaceFighter_Human | +- ASVehicle_SpaceFighter_Skaarj +- KVehicle | +- KCar | +- Bulldog +- ONSWeaponPawn | +- ONSArtillerySideGunPawn | +- ONSDualACGatlingGunPawn | +- ONSMASSideGunPawn | +- ONSPRVRearGunPawn | +- ONSPRVSideGunPawn | +- ONSStationaryWeaponPawn | +- ONSManualGunPawn | +- ONSTankSecondaryTurretPawn | +- ONSTankSecondaryTurretPawn_IonPlasma +- SVehicle +- ONSVehicle +- ONSChopperCraft | +- ONSAttackCraft | +- ONSDualAttackCraft (Bonus Pack) +- ONSHoverCraft | +- ONSHoverBike +- ONSPlaneCraft | +- ONSBomber +- ONSTreadCraft | +- ONSHoverTank | +- ONSHoverTank_IonPlasma +- ONSWheeledCraft +- ONSArtillery (Bonus Pack) +- ONSGenericSD +- ONSMobileAssaultStation +- ONSPRV +- ONSRV +- ONSShockTank (Bonus Pack)
Related Topics
- Vehicles – Super topic for all vehicles (custom and stock)
- Bot Pathing
Lilguy: I thought it was time someone created this... This is my first "real" wiki page so feel free to give suggestions etc..
SuperApe: Nice job, Lilguy. Filled in class tree. Added category tags and related topics.
Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)
Category:Legacy To Do – Needs important functions, events and states filled in.