I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.


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Why rant? Because it feels good, and because it might prompt someone else to pitch in their ideas in regard.

Unreal Online: Custom maps[edit]

Now, I understand there's not much that can be done in regard, but I just hate joining a server to see my T1 connection spend 10 minutes downloading a map.

I'm sure I'm not the only one. So, what can be done in regard?

  • Optimize your maps to make the download smaller
  • Use standard content (for ex: standard smeshes that we all have) unless you really need to
  • Run a server only if your server can serve fast

...and, by the name of what's dear to you...

  • Test your map and make sure it's stable! I mean, sometimes I wait those 10 minutes to play your map, and then, 2 minutes into it, it crashes ! (just your map, since I end up in the server browser and can join any other server, while your server disappears from the list)


RPGs, where are thou?[edit]

Is it me or there is a lack of good RPGs lately? Sure, it seems money is in the MMORPG slice of the market, but still....