The three virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. – Larry Wall
Legacy:Actor (DX)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
DX :: Object (DX) >> Actor (Engine)
- bool bIgnore
- True if this actor should be generally ignored; compliance is voluntary
- float BlendAnimFrame[4]
- Blending animation variable
- float BlendAnimLast[4]
- Blending animation control - Last Frame
- float BlendAnimMinRate[4]
- Bleinding animation control - Minimum rate for velocity-scaled animation
- float BlendAnimRate[4]
- Blending animation variable
- name BlendAnimSequence[4]
- Blending animation variable
- float BlendTweenRate[4]
- Blending animation variable
- bool bVisionImportant
- Added to make vision aug run faster. If true, the vision aug needs to check this object more closely. Used for heat sources as well as things that blind.
- int CollisionTag
- NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
- Object ConListItems
- [Linked] list of ConItems for this Actor
- float CurrentVisibility
- Additional variable for AI
- float DistanceFromPlayer
- Added for stasis
- int ExtraTag
- NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
- Inventory Inventory
- Inventory chain
- float LastConEndTime
- Time when last conversation ended
- float LastRenderTime
- Added for stasis
- SmellNode LastSmellNode
- Additional variable for AI
- float LastVisibility
- Additional variable for AI
- int LightingTag
- NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
- int NetTag
- NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
- float OldBlendAnimRate[4]
- Blending animation control - Animation rate of previous animation (is equal to AnimRate until animation completes).
- int OtherTag
- NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
- plane SimBlendAnim[4]
- Blending animation control. This is replicated to simulated proxies
- int SpecialTag
- NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
- float VisUpdateTime
- Additional variable for AI
- bool bBlockSight
- True if pawns can't see through this actor.
- bool bDetectable
- True if this actor can be detected (by sight, sound, etc).
- bool bOwned
- Additional variable for AI
- bool bTransient
- True if this actor should be destroyed when it goes into stasis
- String BarkBindName
- Used to bind barks.
- String BindName
- Used to bind conversations
- float ConStartInterval
- Amount of time required between two convos.
- String FamiliarName
- For display in conversations after you've spoken to the Actor
- String UnfamiliarName
- For display in conversations before you've spoken to the Actor
- float RelevantRadius
- Radius in which things are always relevant.
- class<SmellNode> SmellClass
- Additional variable for AI
- EAISTATE_ChangeBes
- EAITYPE_Visual
- EAITYPE_Olifactor
- BM_Idle
- BM_CriticalDamage
- BM_AreaSecure
- BM_TargetAcquired
- BM_TargetLost
- BM_GoingForAlarm
- BM_OutOfAmmo
- BM_Scanning
- BM_Futz
- BM_OnFire
- BM_TearGas
- BM_Gore
- BM_Surprise
- BM_PreAttackSearching
- BM_PreAttackSighting
- BM_PostAttackSearching
- BM_SearchGiveUp
- BM_AllianceHostile
- BM_AllianceFriendl
{ var actor BestActor; var float Score; var float Visibility; var float Volume; var float Smell; };
- AIClearEvent( name eventName )
- Native function used for AI
- AIClearEventCallback( name eventName )
- Native function used for AI
- AIEndEvent( name eventName , EAIEventType eventType )
- Native function used for AI
- float AIGetLightLevel( vector Location )
- Native function used for AI
- AISendEvent( name eventName , EAIEventType eventType , optional float Value , optional float Radius )
- Native function used for AI
- AISetEventCallback( name eventName , name callback , optional name scoreCallback , optional bool bCheckVisibility , optional bool bCheckDir , optional bool bCheckCylinder , optional bool bCheckLOS )
- Native function used for AI
- AIStartEvent( name eventName , EAIEventType eventType , optional float Value , optional float Radius )
- Native function used for AI
- float AIVisibility( optional bool bIncludeVelocity )
- Native function used for AI
- AllActors( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , optional name MatchTag )
- Iterate through all actors on the level.
- CycleActors( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , out int Index )
- Currently unknown...
- EndConversation( )
- Save the time this conversation ended.
- bool FastTrace( vector TraceEnd , optional vector TraceStart )
- A quick trace. Returns true if it hits an actor within the range (TraceEnd from TraceStart).
- Frob( Actor Frobber , Inventory frobWith )
- Called to frob (use) an object. This function is an abstract stub.
- bool GetBoundingBox( out vector MinVect , out vector MaxVect , optional bool bExact , optional vector testLocation , optional rotator testRotation )
- Texture GetMeshTexture( optional int texnum )
- Gets any numbered texture from a mesh
- PlayerPawn GetPlayerPawn( )
- This returns the playerpawn, its behavior in multiplayer games is unknown.
- HurtRadius( float DamageAmount , float DamageRadius , name DamageName , float Momentum , vector HitLocation , optional bool bIgnoreLOS )
- Changes made, see comments
- bool InStasis( )
- Native function used for AI
- bool IsOverlapping( actor checkActor )
- Native function used for AI
- float LastRendered( )
- Native function used for AI
- float ParabolicTrace( out vector finalLocation , optional vector startVelocity , optional vector startLocation , optional bool bCheckActors , optional vector cylinder , optional float maxTime , optional float elasticity , optional bool bBounce , optional float landingSpeed , optional float granularity )
- PlayBlendAnim( name Sequence , optional float Rate , optional float TweenTime , optional int BlendSlot )
- Blending animation function
- PlayOwnedSound( sound Sound , optional ESoundSlot Slot , optional float Volume , optional bool bNoOverride , optional float Radius , optional float Pitch )
- int PlaySound( sound Sound , optional ESoundSlot Slot , optional float Volume , optional bool bNoOverride , optional float Radius , optional float Pitch )
- Plays a sound. Changed to return the channel ID of the sound so you can call StopSound later.
- rotator RandomBiasedRotation( int centralYaw , float yawDistribution , int centralPitch , float pitchDistribution )
- SetInstantMusicVolume( byte newMusicVolume )
- Set the sound system volumes without waiting for a tick event
- SetInstantSoundVolume( byte newSoundVolume )
- Set the sound system volumes without waiting for a tick event
- SetInstantSpeechVolume( byte newSpeechVolume )
- Set the sound system volumes without waiting for a tick event
- SetPhysics( EPhysics newPhysics , optional Actor newFloor )
- added optional param to SetPhysics()
- StopBlendAnims( )
- Blending animation function.
- StopSound( int Id )
- Stop a sound given the sound's ID
- TraceTexture( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , out name texName , out name texGroup , out int flags , out vector HitLoc , out vector HitNorm , vector End , optional vector Start , optional vector Extent )
- A trace that gives you the texture it hits... it is unknown at this time whether this only detects BSP, actors, or both.
- TraceVisibleActors( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , out vector HitLoc , out vector HitNorm , vector End , optional vector Start , optional vector Extent )
- A trace that only hits visible actors... it is unknown at this time whether this includes non-colliding visible actors.
- TweenBlendAnim( name Sequence , float Time , optional int BlendSlot )
- Blending animation function.
- BroadcastLocalizedMessage( class<LocalMessage> Message , optional int Switch , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1 , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 , optional Object OptionalObject )
- Changes made, see comments
- BumpWall( vector HitLocation , vector HitNormal )
- Called when the Actor bumps a wall.
- PostPostBeginPlay( )
- Called immediately after Initial State, and always called when loading a map *AND* when loading savegame
- PreBeginPlay( )
- Changes made, see comments
- SetInitialState( )
- Changes made, see comments