Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd

Legacy:Actor (DX)

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DX :: Object (DX) >> Actor (Engine)


bool bIgnore 
True if this actor should be generally ignored; compliance is voluntary
float BlendAnimFrame[4] 
Blending animation variable
float BlendAnimLast[4] 
Blending animation control - Last Frame
float BlendAnimMinRate[4] 
Bleinding animation control - Minimum rate for velocity-scaled animation
float BlendAnimRate[4] 
Blending animation variable
name BlendAnimSequence[4] 
Blending animation variable
float BlendTweenRate[4] 
Blending animation variable
bool bVisionImportant 
Added to make vision aug run faster. If true, the vision aug needs to check this object more closely. Used for heat sources as well as things that blind.
int CollisionTag 
NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
Object ConListItems 
[Linked] list of ConItems for this Actor
float CurrentVisibility 
Additional variable for AI
float DistanceFromPlayer 
Added for stasis
int ExtraTag 
NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
Inventory Inventory 
Inventory chain
float LastConEndTime 
Time when last conversation ended
float LastRenderTime 
Added for stasis
SmellNode LastSmellNode 
Additional variable for AI
float LastVisibility 
Additional variable for AI
int LightingTag 
NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
int NetTag 
NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
float OldBlendAnimRate[4] 
Blending animation control - Animation rate of previous animation (is equal to AnimRate until animation completes).
int OtherTag 
NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
plane SimBlendAnim[4] 
Blending animation control. This is replicated to simulated proxies
int SpecialTag 
NetTag is on its own in the UT original - not sure of significance [Xhiris]
float VisUpdateTime 
Additional variable for AI


bool bBlockSight 
True if pawns can't see through this actor.
bool bDetectable 
True if this actor can be detected (by sight, sound, etc).
bool bOwned 
Additional variable for AI
bool bTransient 
True if this actor should be destroyed when it goes into stasis


String BarkBindName 
Used to bind barks.
String BindName 
Used to bind conversations
float ConStartInterval 
Amount of time required between two convos.
String FamiliarName 
For display in conversations after you've spoken to the Actor
String UnfamiliarName 
For display in conversations before you've spoken to the Actor



float RelevantRadius 
Radius in which things are always relevant.


class<SmellNode> SmellClass 
Additional variable for AI










	var actor BestActor;
	var float Score;
	var float Visibility;
	var float Volume;
	var float Smell;


AIClearEvent( name eventName )
Native function used for AI
AIClearEventCallback( name eventName )
Native function used for AI
AIEndEvent( name eventName , EAIEventType eventType )
Native function used for AI
float AIGetLightLevel( vector Location )
Native function used for AI
AISendEvent( name eventName , EAIEventType eventType , optional float Value , optional float Radius )
Native function used for AI
AISetEventCallback( name eventName , name callback , optional name scoreCallback , optional bool bCheckVisibility , optional bool bCheckDir , optional bool bCheckCylinder , optional bool bCheckLOS )
Native function used for AI
AIStartEvent( name eventName , EAIEventType eventType , optional float Value , optional float Radius )
Native function used for AI
float AIVisibility( optional bool bIncludeVelocity )
Native function used for AI
AllActors( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , optional name MatchTag )
Iterate through all actors on the level.
CycleActors( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , out int Index )
Currently unknown...
EndConversation( )
Save the time this conversation ended.
bool FastTrace( vector TraceEnd , optional vector TraceStart )
A quick trace. Returns true if it hits an actor within the range (TraceEnd from TraceStart).
Frob( Actor Frobber , Inventory frobWith )
Called to frob (use) an object. This function is an abstract stub.
bool GetBoundingBox( out vector MinVect , out vector MaxVect , optional bool bExact , optional vector testLocation , optional rotator testRotation )
Texture GetMeshTexture( optional int texnum )
Gets any numbered texture from a mesh
PlayerPawn GetPlayerPawn( )
This returns the playerpawn, its behavior in multiplayer games is unknown.
HurtRadius( float DamageAmount , float DamageRadius , name DamageName , float Momentum , vector HitLocation , optional bool bIgnoreLOS )
Changes made, see comments
bool InStasis( )
Native function used for AI
bool IsOverlapping( actor checkActor )
Native function used for AI
float LastRendered( )
Native function used for AI
float ParabolicTrace( out vector finalLocation , optional vector startVelocity , optional vector startLocation , optional bool bCheckActors , optional vector cylinder , optional float maxTime , optional float elasticity , optional bool bBounce , optional float landingSpeed , optional float granularity )
PlayBlendAnim( name Sequence , optional float Rate , optional float TweenTime , optional int BlendSlot )
Blending animation function
PlayOwnedSound( sound Sound , optional ESoundSlot Slot , optional float Volume , optional bool bNoOverride , optional float Radius , optional float Pitch )
int PlaySound( sound Sound , optional ESoundSlot Slot , optional float Volume , optional bool bNoOverride , optional float Radius , optional float Pitch )
Plays a sound. Changed to return the channel ID of the sound so you can call StopSound later.
rotator RandomBiasedRotation( int centralYaw , float yawDistribution , int centralPitch , float pitchDistribution )
SetInstantMusicVolume( byte newMusicVolume )
Set the sound system volumes without waiting for a tick event
SetInstantSoundVolume( byte newSoundVolume )
Set the sound system volumes without waiting for a tick event
SetInstantSpeechVolume( byte newSpeechVolume )
Set the sound system volumes without waiting for a tick event
SetPhysics( EPhysics newPhysics , optional Actor newFloor )
added optional param to SetPhysics()
StopBlendAnims( )
Blending animation function.
StopSound( int Id )
Stop a sound given the sound's ID
TraceTexture( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , out name texName , out name texGroup , out int flags , out vector HitLoc , out vector HitNorm , vector End , optional vector Start , optional vector Extent )
A trace that gives you the texture it hits... it is unknown at this time whether this only detects BSP, actors, or both.
TraceVisibleActors( class<actor> BaseClass , out actor Actor , out vector HitLoc , out vector HitNorm , vector End , optional vector Start , optional vector Extent )
A trace that only hits visible actors... it is unknown at this time whether this includes non-colliding visible actors.
TweenBlendAnim( name Sequence , float Time , optional int BlendSlot )
Blending animation function.


BroadcastLocalizedMessage( class<LocalMessage> Message , optional int Switch , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1 , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 , optional Object OptionalObject )
Changes made, see comments
BumpWall( vector HitLocation , vector HitNormal )
Called when the Actor bumps a wall.
PostPostBeginPlay( )
Called immediately after Initial State, and always called when loading a map *AND* when loading savegame
PreBeginPlay( )
Changes made, see comments
SetInitialState( )
Changes made, see comments