I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
Legacy:Actor Context Menu
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This context menu appears when an Actor is right-clicked in an UnrealEd Viewport. A more specialized menu appears on brushes and movers: see Brush Context Menu.
For UnrealEd Interface menus in other windows and context menus, see UnrealEd Menus.
For more on working with actors, see Actor Overview.
- <class> properties
- opens the floating actor properties window for this actor or group of actors.
- Movers
- commands to show mover polygons in the BSP & change the keyframe. See mover.
- Reset ->
- reset rotation, pivot, scaling or all. Use the reset rotation command as frequently as possible to avoid gimbal lock errors
- Transform ->
see also Brush Transformation.
- Mirror About X: When a pivot is selected, mirrors the brush on x axis.
- Mirror About Y: When a pivot is selected, mirrors the brush on y axis.
- Mirror About Z: When a pivot is selected, mirrors the brush on z axis.
- Transform Permanently: Makes any scale changes/other changes to the brush permanent. Resets changed values back to 0.
Note on the mirror commands: the axis is the normal to the plane of reflection, not the plane of reflection itself (common mistake when thinking in a 2D viewport)
- Order ->
- brings selection to front or back of the Brush Order.
- Polygons ->
opens polygons submenu
- To Brush: use on a world brush to make the red builder brush take on its shape.
- From Brush: use on a world brush to make it take the current shape of the red builder brush.
- Merge: merges coplanar faces of a brush. See Merge Polygons.
- Seperate: seperates faces that have been previously merged. See Merge Polygons.
- Select all <class>
- selects all of the same of the selected actor.
- Select all
- selects everything in the world, such as brushes, actors, lights, etc...
- Note
- If used on an actor/brush that is part of a group, it will select all in the particular group.
- Select none
- deselects everything that is currently selected.
- Select brushes
- allows selection of ALL brushes that are Additive, Subtractive, Semisolid, or Nonsolid.
- Duplicate
- creates a copy of a selected actor/brush. The characteristics and values of the selected actor/brush are carried over to the duplicate. Keyboard equivalent: CTRL-W or SHIFT-D
- Delete
- deletes selected actors.
- Edit script
- opens and displays the UnrealScript code of the selected object's class in the script editor window.
- Make current
- Makes the class of this actor the selected class in the Actor Class Browser. It will now show in the Viewport Context Menu -> Add <class> here command.