A native commandlet for exporting objects from Unreal packages.
UCC BatchExport <package filename> <export class> <export extension> <export path>
At the command line in a DOS box:
C:\UnrealTournament\System> UCC BatchExport Engine class uc ..\Engine\Classes
This exports all scripts in the Engine package (System\Engine.u) to C:\UnrealTournament\Engine\Classes.
- package filename
- The package with or without extension and directory. (e.g. Botpack.u, ..\Maps\CTF-Face.unr or just CTF-Face)
- export class
- The type of objects to export from the package. (e.g. class, texture, etc.)
- export extension
- Extension used for the exported files. (e.g. for class: uc, for textures: bmp or pcx)
- export path
- The path to save the files to. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
Recognized Classes/Extensions In UT2004
Export Class | Allowed Extensions | Notes |
Class | UC, H | UC exports the actual class scripts, H exports headers. (?) |
Texture | BMP, PCX, DDS, TGA, UPT | TGA export only works on RGA8 textures, DDS exports DXT compressed textures. BMP and PCX only work for 8-bit textures. UPT exports to UPaint textures. |
Sound | WAV | |
Level | T3D, OBJ, STL | Exports the complete map with all actors and brushes. |
Model | T3D | Exports all brushes used in a map. The Red Builder Brush is exported to Brush.t3d while all other brushes result in files named Model#.t3d. |
Object | T3D | This exports all objects in a package. Here 'Objects' are also functions, states, actors, classes (no code, no default properties, only the name) and (that's the useful part) subobjects declared in the Default Properties and texture modifiers. |
Polys | T3D, OBJ | Exports polygons (?) to files named Polys#.t3d |
Prefab | T3D | |
StaticMesh | T3D | Exports StaticMeshes (probably converted to brushes?) |
TextBuffer | TXT | Exports all kinds of text sources in the package. Script code is exported as ScriptCode.txt for each class, so the files will instantly overwrite each other. |
Recognized Classes/Extensions In UT2003
Note: In UT2003 the class exporter has a bug. In v2107 (unpatched version) UnrealEd and UCC BatchExport crash when processing certain classes. In v2136 (first official UT2003 patch) they don't export objects created in the default properties block. These objects are vital for Emitter and GUI classes. You shouldn't extract the sources, but download them from the Class Tree page. (These came directly from Epic.)
Export Class | Allowed Extensions | Notes |
Class | UC, H | UC exports the actual class scripts, H exports headers. (?) |
Texture | BMP, PCX, DDS, TGA, UPT | TGA export only works on RGA8 textures, DDS exports DXT compressed textures. BMP and PCX only work for 8-bit textures. UPT exports to UPaint textures. |
Sound | WAV | |
Level | T3D, OBJ, STL | Exports the complete map with all actors and brushes. |
Model | T3D | Exports all brushes used in a map. The Red Builder Brush is exported to Brush.t3d while all other brushes result in files named Model#.t3d. |
Object | T3D | This exports all objects in a package. Here 'Objects' are also functions, states, actors, classes (no code, no default properties, only the name) and (that's the useful part) subobjects declared in the Default Properties and texture modifiers. |
Polys | T3D, OBJ | Exports polygons (?) to files named Polys#.t3d |
Prefab | T3D | |
StaticMesh | T3D | Exports StaticMeshes (probably converted to brushes?) |
TextBuffer | TXT | Exports all kinds of text sources in the package. Script code is exported as ScriptCode.txt for each class, so the files will instantly overwrite each other. |
Recognized Classes/Extensions In UT
Export Class | Allowed Extensions | Notes |
Class | uc, h | When you specify h you always get exactly this result for all classes:#endif #ifndef NAMES_ONLY #undef AUTOGENERATE_NAME #undef AUTOGENERATE_FUNCTION #endif NAMES_ONLY #if _MSC_VER #pragma pack (pop) #endif |
Texture | bmp, pcx | |
Sound | wav | |
Music | * | You can specify any extension. Note that these are most likely S3M, XM or IT files. (Use a module player to find it out. |
Level | t3d | Exports the complete map with all actors and brushes. |
Model | t3d | Exports all brushes used in a map. The Red Builder Brush is exported to Brush.t3d while all other brushes result in files named Model#.t3d. |
Polys | t3d | Exports polygons (?) to files named Polys#.t3d |
TextBuffer | txt | Exports all kinds of text sources in the package. Script code is exported as ScriptCode.txt for each class, so the files will instantly overwrite each other. Maps have an additional text buffer with camera settings for UnrealEd:CAMERAVERT=.5226449 CAMERALEFT=.5033383 CAMERARIGHT=.5006847 |
Related Topics
SabbathCat: I've been trying to export model files using UCC in UnrealTournament, and the t3d export doesn't appear to work. I've tried many variations, is it that the UT version of UCC doesn't recognise .PSK?
I'm trying to export the XanMKII model to have a go at re-mapping it.
Wormbo: An object of class Model
is the actual shape of a brush actor. It has nothing to do with skeletal or vertex meshes, which both can't be exported through UCC BatchExport. The above tables can be concidered complete already.
SabbathCat: Ah right, makes sense. Thanks Wormbo! :)
Graphik: What can be used to export vertex meshes?
Gizzy: Try UTPT, WOTGreal or Umodel. Theres a small trick involving some code to export a selection of Vertex or Skeletal meshes and save them to their own .u file. If someone could point me to the right page, I could add the code and a small guide.