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Legacy:BrushBuilder (DX)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
DX :: Object (DX) >> BrushBuilder (Editor)
Base class of UnrealEd brush builders.
- Unreal Tournament has two new properties for UnrealEd 2:
- BitmapFilename
- Tooltip
- name Group
- bool MergeCoplanars
- array<BuilderPoly> Polys
- array<vector> Vertices
- int Direction
- name Item
- int PolyFlags
- array<int> VertexIndices
- bool BadParameters( optional string msg )
- BeginBrush( bool MergeCoplanars , name Group )
- bool EndBrush( )
- int GetPolyCount( )
- vector GetVertex( int i )
- int GetVertexCount( )
- Poly3i( int Direction , int i , int j , int k , optional name ItemName , optional int PolyFlags )
- Poly4i( int Direction , int i , int j , int k , int l , optional name ItemName , optional int PolyFlags )
- PolyBegin( int Direction , optional name ItemName , optional int PolyFlags )
- PolyEnd( )
- Polyi( int i )
- int Vertex3f( float x , float y , float z )
- int Vertexv( vector v )
- bool Build( )