Legacy:Canvas (UT3)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT3 :: Object (UT3) >> Canvas (Package: Engine)
A drawing canvas.
Instances of this class are provided for drawing onto the HUD or (since UT3 Patch 2) into a ScriptedTexture (UT3).
- Font (UT3) Font
- Font for DrawText.
- float OrgX
- float OrgY
- Origin for drawing.
- float ClipX
- float ClipY
- Bottom right clipping region.
- float CurX
- float CurY
- Current position for drawing.
- float CurYL
- Largest Y size since DrawText.
- color DrawColor
- Color for drawing.
- bool bCenter
- Whether to center the text.
- bool bNoSmooth
- Don't bilinear filter.
- int SizeX
- int SizeY
- Zero-based actual dimensions.
- pointer Canvas{FCanvas}
- pointer SceneView{FSceneView}
- plane ColorModulate
- Texture2D DefaultTexture
Specifies a region on a texture.
- Texture2D Texture
- Source texture
- float U
- float V
- Left upper corner coordinates of the texture region.
- float UL
- float VL
- Width and height of the region.
Category:Legacy To Do – function descriptions