Legacy:Object (UT3)
The top-most base class of the UT3 class hierarchy. It defines all the globally available functions and operators.
Apart from Interfaces, the class Object is the only class that is declared without an extends clause. In fact, it is illegal to declare any other non-interface class without an explicit parent class.
- The return value of various search functions when they didn't find anything, including both Find() methods of dynamic arrays.
- MaxInt = 0x7fffffff
- The maximum positive int value.
- Pi = 3.1415926535897932
- The value of π, the mathematical constant describing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. (see Wikipedia:Pi)
- DegToRad = 0.017453292519943296
- π divided by 180, the value required to convert angle values in degrees to angle values in radians.
- RadToDeg = 57.295779513082321600
- 180 divided by π , the value required to convert angle values in radians to angle values in degrees.
All Object properties are native and const, i.e. they are initialized in native code and can't be changed from UnrealScript.
Object group
These properties are only in a group so they are displayed in UnrealEd. They are declared editconst, so they can't be changed from UnrealEd.
- name Name
- The name of this object. The string representation of this value is the same like the last part of the object's string representation.
- Object ObjectArchetype
- A reference to another object, whose property values were used as a "template" when creating this object. (see Wikipedia:Archetype)
Other Important Properties
- Class Class
- The class of this object. For objects of a certain class X, the compiler will actually see this property as type Class<X>. (a "class limitor", see variable type) This also goes for accessing objects through variables, function return values or typecasting operations.
- Object Outer
- The object containing this object. For objects whose class is declared with the within clause, this property will actually have the type of the class specified in the within clause. Only for packages this property will be
Internal Properties
The object class defines several other properties, but those are all declared as private and thus can't be accessed.
See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Enums.
See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Structs.
See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Operators for all operators.
See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Numeric Functions for all functions dealing with numbers and derived structures, such as vectors and rotators.
See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Functions for the other functions, which are mostly related to colors, strings and objects.
These two events are called during the GotoState() native function:
- EndState(name NextStateName)
- Called immediately before going out of the current state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and before BeginState() is called within the new state. NextStateName is the name of the state being switched to.
- BeginState(name PreviousStateName)
- Called immediately when entering a state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, before any state code is executed. PreviousStateName contains the name of the state being switched away from.
These two events are called during the PushState() native function:
- PausedState()
- Called on the state that is being paused because of a PushState().
- PushedState()
- Called in the new state that was pushed onto the state stack with PushState(), before any state code is executed.
These two events are called during the PopState() native function:
- PoppedState()
- Called in the current state that is being popped off the state stack with PopState(), before the new state is activated.
- ContinuedState()
- Called on the state that is no longer paused because of a PopState().
Mod Support
These function stubs are available since UT3 Patch 1. They are supposed to be a customizable replacement for the Get/SetPropertyText functions of earlier UnrealEngine generations.
- string GetSpecialValue(name PropertyName)
- Mods can override this function in their classes to allow them to return values without the need for typecasting or even knowing the actual class type.
- SetSpecialValue(name PropertyName, string NewValue)
- Mods can override this function in their classes to allow other objects to set values without the need for typecasting or even knowing the actual class type.
Important Subclasses
For a complete list see the UnrealEd actor classes browser.
- Actor (UT3)
- BrushBuilder
- Canvas (UT3)
- CheatManager (UT3)
- Commandlet
- Component
- LocalMessage (UT3)
- MapInfo
- SequenceObject
- Surface (UT3)
- UIRoot
- UTMapMusicInfo
- WebApplication (UT3)
- WepRequest (UT3)
- WebResponse (UT3)
Category:Legacy To Do – subclasses list