Legacy:Custom Brushbuilder
Note that UnrealEd 2 brushbuilder packages don't work with UnrealEd 3: they need to be recompiled.

The interface with all the custom builders UnrealEd accepts plug-in scripts for custom brushbuilders.
(1-10 are the default brushbuilders.)
Tarquin Brushbuilders (11-17)
Created by Tarquin.
And also recompiled for UnrealEd 3 by SlickWilly.
- Tarquin's brushbuilders, available from:
- the Tarquin Brushbuilders pack: partial cylinder, spiral stairs, panorama, torus.
- the Extruder Brushbuilder.
Platonic Solids Brushbuilder (18)
Created by Dave Arendash, at the Unreal Realm of Concepts.
- Five Platonic solids: Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron. Plus hundreds of other shapes as brushes.
- http://darendash.home.comcast.net/~darendash/
DawnTreader: Question, has this been recompiled, does it work with UED3?
DaveA: Answer, have not tried it, but it should work ok. Want the source?
FrameBuilder Brushbuilder (19)
Created by JohnMcL.
- Builds an open, four-sided frame with an optional sheet inside.
- http://files.myopera.com/dr-flay/unreal/UEd/FrameBuilder.zip
DawnTreader: Question, has this been recompiled, does it work with UED3? And is the page down or am i just having bad luck with the link?
Torin: Try http://unrealed.myexp.de/index.php?P=info&D=117 (dead link)
DawnTreader: Thanks Torin! But it does need to be recompiled doesn't it? Just tried it out and it don't work in UED3.
Landscape Brushbuilder (20)
Created by Rahnem.
- Alternative to the Terrain Brush Builder that comes with UnrealEd 2.
- http://web.archive.org/web/20050416225037/http://www.planetunreal.com/rahnem/files/
- Download http://files.myopera.com/dr-flay/unreal/UEd/RahnemBrushBuilders.zip
UnrealEdExtra Brushbuilders (21-23)
Created by Daid.
- Includes:
- Random Tunnel
- Random Terrain
- Cylinder Sheet
DawnTreader: Question, has this been recompiled, does it work with UED3?
File placement
- .U files go in {UT}/System
- .BMP files go in {UT}/System/Editores
- .txt (readme's) go in {UT}/Help
Each .U file needs a reference in Game Ini File, for example:
In UT, this is under the Editor.EditorEngine section, in UT2003, in the UnrealEd.UnrealEdEngine section.
Related Topics
- Brushbuilders, the built-in set
- BrushBuilder, the parent class
- Scripting Custom Brushbuilders for details on how to create them.
- Custom Brushbuilder Ideas