Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd
Legacy:DeusExPlayer (DX)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 19:35, 28 November 2006 by Daffodilistic (Talk)
DX :: Object (DX) >> Actor (DX) >> Pawn (DX) >> PlayerPawn (DX) >> PlayerPawnExt (DX) >> DeusExPlayer (DX)
- MPFLAG_FirstSpot = 0x01
- mpMsgDelay = 4.0
- MPMSG_CameraInv = 7
- MPMSG_CloseKills = 8
- MPMSG_DropItem = 11
- MPMSG_FirstBurn = 5
- MPMSG_FirstPoison = 4
- MPMSG_KilledTeammate = 12
- MPMSG_LostLegs = 10
- MPMSG_NoCloakWeapon = 15
- MPMSG_TeamComputer = 14
- MPMSG_TeamHackTurret = 16
- MPMSG_TeamHit = 2
- MPMSG_TeamLAM = 13
- MPMSG_TeamNsf = 1
- MPMSG_TeamSpot = 3
- MPMSG_TeamUnatco = 0
- MPMSG_TimeNearEnd = 9
- MPMSG_TurretInv = 6
- MPSERVERFLAG_CameraInv = 0x08
- MPSERVERFLAG_DropItem = 0x20
- MPSERVERFLAG_FirstBurn = 0x02
- MPSERVERFLAG_FirstPoison = 0x01
- MPSERVERFLAG_LostLegs = 0x10
- MPSERVERFLAG_NoCloakWeapon = 0x40
- MPSERVERFLAG_TurretInv = 0x04
- NintendoDelay = 6.0
- Computers ActiveComputer
- String AddedNanoKey
- SpyDrone aDrone
- AugmentationManager AugmentationSystem
- Augmentation system vars
- Name AugPrefs[9]
- bool bAlwaysRun
- bool bAmmoDisplayVisible
- BarkManager barkManager
- bool bAskedToTrain
- bool bAugDisplayVisible
- bool bAutoReload
- bool bBuySkills
- bool bCompassVisible
- bool bConfirmNoteDeletes
- bool bConfirmSaveDeletes
- bool bCrosshairVisible
- bool bDisplayAllGoals
- bool bDisplayAmmoByClip
- bool bDisplayCompletedGoals
- bool bHelpMessages
- bool bHitDisplayVisible
- Bool bHUDBackgroundTranslucent
- Bool bHUDBordersTranslucent
- Bool bHUDBordersVisible
- bool bHUDShowAllAugs
- Bool bIgnoreNextShowMenu
- bool bKillerProfile
- float BleedRate
- Bool bMenusTranslucent
- bool bNintendoImmunity
- bool bNPCHighlighting
- bool bObjectBeltVisible
- bool bObjectNames
- bool bQuotesEnabled
- Bool bSavingSkillsAugs
- bool bShowAmmoDescriptions
- bool bSpyDroneActive
- Bool bStartingNewGame
- Bool bStartNewGameAfterIntro
- bool bSubtitles
- bool bToggleCrouch
- bool bToggleWalk
- toggle walk
- String BurnString
- bool bWarrenEMPField
- String CanCarryOnlyOne
- String CannotDropHere
- String CannotLift
- float ClotPeriod
- Float CombatDifficulty
- Combat Difficulty, set only at new game time
- Actor ConversationActor
- int Credits
- Credits (money) the player has
- ShieldEffect DamageShield
- float DropCounter
- float drugEffectTimer
- GameInfo DXGame
- float Energy
- Energy the player has
- String EnergyDepleted
- float EnergyDrain
- amount of energy left to drain
- float EnergyDrainTotal
- total amount of energy to drain
- float EnergyMax
- Maximum energy [?]
- DataVaultImage FirstImage
- Data Vault Image linked list start
- float FlashTimer
- name FloorMaterial
- DebugInfo GlobalDebugObj
- String GoalAdded
- String HandsFull
- String HeadString
- String HealedPointLabel
- String HealedPointsLabel
- String HUDThemeName
- String InventoryFull
- InvulnSphere invulnSph
- float JoltMagnitude
- KillerProfile killProfile
- Actor lastFirstPersonConvoActor
- float lastFirstPersonConvoTime
- float LastRefreshTime
- HUD Refresh timer
- Actor lastThirdPersonConvoActor
- float lastThirdPersonConvoTime
- String LegsString
- float logTimeout
- byte maxLogLines
- float MaxRegenPoint
- in multiplayer, the highest that auto regen will take you
- String MenuThemeName
- float MPDamageMult
- int mpMsgCode
- int mpMsgFlags
- int mpMsgOptionalParam
- String mpMsgOptionalString
- int mpMsgServerFlags
- float mpMsgTime
- float musicChangeTimer
- float musicCheckTimer
- EMusicMode musicMode
- Pawn myBurner
- Actor myKiller
- Pawn myPoisoner
- Actor myProjKiller
- Actor myTurretKiller
- String NextMap
- float NintendoImmunityTime
- float NintendoImmunityTimeLeft
- String NoneString
- String NoRoomToLift
- String NoteAdded
- int PlayerSkin
- Skin assigned to PC by player on the Character Generation screen.
- int poisonCounter
- int poisonDamage
- String PoisonString
- float poisonTimer
- String PrimaryGoalCompleted
- String QuickSaveGameTitle
- float RegenRate
- the number of points healed per second in mp
- float RunSilentValue
- communicate run silent value in multiplayer
- int saveCount
- byte savedSection
- Float saveTime
- String SecondaryGoalCompleted
- float ServerTimeDiff
- float ServerTimeLastRefresh
- EShieldStatus ShieldStatus
- float ShieldTimer
- int SkillPointsAvail
- Available skill points
- String SkillPointsAward
- int SkillPointsTotal
- Total skill points
- SkillManager SkillSystem
- Reference to a Skill Manager [?]
- int spyDroneLevel
- float spyDroneLevelValue
- String strStartMap
- float swimBubbleTimer
- float swimDuration
- float swimTimer
- String TakenOverString
- ColorThemeManager ThemeManager
- String TooHeavyToLift
- String TooMuchAmmo
- String TorsoString
- byte translucencyLevel
- String TruePlayerName
- Name assigned to PC by player on the Character Generation screen.
- int UIBackground
- Actor ViewModelActor[8]
- Used by viewmodel
- name WallMaterial
- Vector WallNormal
- int WarrenSlot
- float WarrenTimer
- String WeaponUnCloak
- String WithString
- String WithTheString
_Conversation System
- ConHistory conHistory
- Conversation History
- ConPlay conPlay
- Conversation
- DataLinkPlay dataLinkPlay
- Used for DataLinks
- Actor FrobTarget
- Actor being, or to be frobbed
- float FrobTime
- Elapsed duration of frob [?]
- float MaxFrobDistance
- Maximum frob distance [?]
_Goal Tracking
- DeusExGoal FirstGoal
- First goal [?] start of list?
- DeusExGoal LastGoal
- Last goal [?] end of list?
_Inventory System
- bool bBeltIsMPInventory
- DEUS_EX AMSD Whether to ignore inv slots in multiplayer
- bool bInHandTransition
- The inHand is being swapped out
- Inventory ClientinHandPending
- Client temporary inhand pending, for mousewheel use.
- Inventory inHand
- The current object in hand
- Inventory inHandPending
- The pending item waiting to be put in hand
- byte invSlots[30]
- 5x6 grid of inventory slots
- Inventory LastinHand
- Last object inhand, so we can detect inhand changes on the client.
- int maxInvCols
- Maximum number of inventory columns
- int maxInvRows
- Maximum number of inventory rows
- NanoKeyInfo KeyList
- List of Keys
- NanoKeyRing KeyRing
- Inventory Item
- bool bCanLean
- float curLeanDist
- float prevLeanDist
_Log Messages
- DeusExLog FirstLog
- First log message (linked list start)
- DeusExLog LastLog
- Last log message (linked list end)
_Multiplayer Option Propagation
- bool bFirstOptionsSynced
- DEUS_EX AMSD For multiplayer option propagation UGH! In most cases options will sync on their own. But for initial loadout based on options, we need to send them to the server. Easiest thing to do is have a function at startup that sends that info.
- bool bSecondOptionsSynced
_Note Tracking
- DeusExNote FirstNote
- First note (start of linked list)
- DeusExNote LastNote
- Last note (end of linked list)
_While Crouching
- bool bCrouchOn
- used by toggle crouch
- bool bForceDuck
- Force duck
- bool bWasCrouchOn
- used by toggle crouch
- byte lastbDuck
- used by toggle crouch
- IM_Bump
- IM_Frob
- IM_Sight
- IM_Radius
- IM_Named
- IM_Other
- MUS_Ambient
- MUS_Combat
- MUS_Conversation
- MUS_Outro
- MUS_Dying
- SS_Off
- SS_Fade
- SS_Strong
- AbortConversation( optional bool bNoPlayedFlag )
- ActivateAllAugs( )
- ActivateAugmentation( int num )
- ActivateBelt( int objectNum )
- ActivateKeypadWindow( Keypad KPad , bool bHacked )
- AddAugmentationDisplay( Augmentation aug )
- AddChargedDisplay( ChargedPickup item )
- AddDamageDisplay( name damageType , vector hitOffset )
- DeusExGoal AddGoal( Name goalName , bool bPrimaryGoal )
- bool AddImage( DataVaultImage newImage )
- bool AddInventory( inventory item )
- DeusExLog AddLog( String logText )
- DeusExNote AddNote( optional String strNote , optional Bool bUserNote , optional bool bShowInLog )
- AddObjectToBelt( Inventory item , int pos , bool bOverride )
- AllAugs( )
- CHEAT - gives player all augs
- AllCredits( )
- CHEAT - gives player max credits
- AllEnergy( )
- CHEAT - gives player max energy
- AllHealth( )
- CHEAT - gives player max health
- AllImages( )
- CHEAT/DEBUG - gives player all images
- AllSkillPoints( )
- CHEAT - gives player max skill points
- AllSkills( )
- CHEAT - gives player max skills
- AllWeapons( )
- CHEAT - gives player (or spawns?) all weapons
- AugAdd( class<Augmentation> aWantedAug )
- BeginState( )
- Bleed( float deltaTime )
- BuySkills( )
- BuySkillSound( int code )
- float CalculatePlayerVisibility( ScriptedPawn P )
- int CalculateSkillHealAmount( int baseHealPoints )
- bool CanActorSeePlayer( Actor invokeActor )
- bool CanBeLifted( Decoration deco )
- bool CanStartConversation( )
- CatchFire( Pawn burner )
- int ChargePlayer( int baseChargePoints )
- CheckActiveConversationRadius( )
- bool CheckActorDistances( )
- bool CheckConversationHeightDifference( Actor invokeActor , int heightOffset )
- bool CheckConversationInvokeRadius( Actor invokeActor , Conversation con )
- bool CheckFlagRefs( ConFlagRef flagRef )
- ClearAugmentationDisplay( )
- ClearBelt( )
- ClearInventorySlots( )
- ClearLog( )
- ClearPosition( int pos )
- ClientDeath( )
- ClientFlash( float scale , vector fog )
- ClientPlayAnimation( Actor src , Name anim , float rate , bool bLoop )
- ClientPossessed( )
- ClientSpawnHits( bool bPenetrating , bool bHandToHand , Vector HitLocation , Vector HitNormal , Actor Other , float Damage )
- ClientSpawnProjectile( class<projectile> ProjClass , Actor owner , Vector Start , Rotator AdjustedAim )
- ClientTurnOffScores( )
- CloseComputerScreen( Computers computerToClose )
- CloseThisComputer( Computers comp )
- ConBindEvents( )
- CreateColorThemeManager( )
- DataVaultImageNote CreateDataVaultImageNoteObject( )
- CreateDrone( )
- DumpLocation CreateDumpLocationObject( )
- GameDirectory CreateGameDirectoryObject( )
- ConHistoryEvent CreateHistoryEvent( )
- ConHistory CreateHistoryObject( )
- CreateKeyRing( )
- CreateKillerProfile( Pawn killer , int damage , name damageType , String bodyPart )
- DeusExLog CreateLogObject( )
- NanoKeyInfo CreateNanoKeyInfo( )
- CreatePlayerTracker( )
- CreateShadow( )
- DamageAll( optional int amount )
- DamagePart( int partIndex , optional int amount )
- DeactivateAllAugs( )
- DebugCommand( string teststr )
- DeleteAllGoals( )
- DeleteAllNotes( )
- Bool DeleteGoal( DeusExGoal goalToDelete )
- bool DeleteInventory( inventory item )
- Bool DeleteNote( DeusExNote noteToDelete )
- DeleteSaveGameFiles( optional String saveDirectory )
- Died( pawn Killer , name damageType , vector HitLocation )
- DisconnectPlayer( )
- DoFrob( Actor Frobber , Inventory frobWith )
- DoJump( optional float F )
- DoneReloading( DeusExWeapon weapon )
- DrawInvulnShield( )
- DrawShield( )
- DroneExplode( )
- DropDecoration( )
- bool DropItem( optional Inventory inv , optional bool bDrop )
- DrugEffects( float deltaTime )
- DualmapF10( )
- DualmapF11( )
- DualmapF12( )
- DualmapF3( )
- DualmapF4( )
- DualmapF5( )
- DualmapF6( )
- DualmapF7( )
- DualmapF8( )
- DualmapF9( )
- DumpInventoryGrid( )
- DXDumpInfo( )
- bool DXReduceDamage( int Damage , name damageType , vector hitLocation , out int adjustedDamage , bool bCheckOnly )
- EditFlags( )
- EndConversation( )
- EndState( )
- ExtinguishFire( )
- FailConsoleCheck( )
- FailRootWindowCheck( )
- DeusExGoal FindGoal( Name goalName )
- Bool FindInventorySlot( Inventory anItem , optional Bool bSearchOnly )
- Bool FindInventorySlotXY( int invSlotsX , int invSlotsY , out int newSlotX , out int newSlotY )
- Fire( optional float F )
- Fly( )
- ForceDisconnect( string Message )
- ForceDroneOff( )
- GenerateTotalHealth( )
- Conversation GetActiveConversation( Actor invokeActor , EInvokeMethod invokeMethod )
- Conversation GetActiveDataLink( String datalinkName )
- int GetAugPriority( Augmentation AugToCheck )
- float GetCurrentGroundSpeed( )
- GetDebug( name cmd )
- float GetDefaultCollisionHeight( )
- string GetDeusExVersion( )
- String GetDisplayName( Actor actor , optional Bool bUseFamiliar )
- name GetFloorMaterial( )
- bool GetHUDBackgroundTranslucency( )
- bool GetHUDBordersVisible( )
- bool GetHUDBorderTranslucency( )
- DeusExLevelInfo GetLevelInfo( )
- Float GetLogTimeout( )
- Byte GetMaxLogLines( )
- bool GetMenuTranslucency( )
- int GetMPHitLocation( Vector HitLocation )
- DeusExNote GetNote( Name textTag )
- GetSkillInfoFromProj( DeusExPlayer killer , Actor proj )
- name GetWallMaterial( out vector wallNormal )
- GetWeaponName( DeusExWeapon w , out String name )
- Inventory GetWeaponOrAmmo( Inventory queryItem )
- Ghost( )
- GiveInitialInventory( )
- GiveNanoKey( Name newKeyID , String newDescription )
- GoalAdd( Name goalName , String goalText , optional bool bPrimaryGoal )
- GoalCompleted( Name goalName )
- GoalSetPrimary( Name goalName , bool bPrimaryGoal )
- GrabDecoration( )
- GrantAugs( int NumAugs )
- bool HandleItemPickup( Actor FrobTarget , optional bool bSearchOnly )
- HandleWalking( )
- HealPart( out int points , out int amt )
- int HealPlayer( int baseHealPoints , optional Bool bUseMedicineSkill )
- HighlightCenterObject( )
- IAmWarren( )
- bool InConversation( )
- IncreaseClientFlashLength( float NewFlashTime )
- InitializeSubSystems( )
- InvokeComputerScreen( Computers computerToActivate , float CompHackTime , float ServerLevelTime )
- InvokeConWindow( )
- InvokeUIScreen( Class<DeusExBaseWindow> windowClass )
- Bool IsEmptyItemSlot( Inventory anItem , int col , int row )
- Bool IsEmptyItemSlotXY( int invSlotsX , int invSlotsY , int col , int row )
- bool IsFrobbable( actor A )
- bool IsHighlighted( actor A )
- bool IsLeaning( )
- KeypadRunEvents( Keypad KPad , bool bSuccess )
- KeypadRunUntriggers( Keypad KPad )
- KeypadToggleLocks( Keypad KPad )
- KillerProfile( )
- KillShadow( )
- Landed( vector HitNormal )
- Legend( )
- LoadGame( int saveIndex )
- LoadMap( )
- LocalLog( String S )
- LogMsg( string msg )
- LoopHeadConvoAnim( )
- MaintainEnergy( float deltaTime )
- MakeCameraAlly( SecurityCamera camera )
- MakePlayerIgnored( bool bNewIgnore )
- Matrix( )
- MoveActor( int xPos , int yPos , int zPos )
- MoveDrone( float DeltaTime , Vector loc )
- MultiplayerDeathMsg( Pawn killer , bool killedSelf , bool valid , String killerName , String killerMethod )
- MultiplayerNotifyMsg( int code , optional int param , optional string str )
- MultiplayerTick( float DeltaTime )
- NewMultiplayerMatch( )
- NextBeltItem( )
- NextHUDColorTheme( )
- NextMenuColorTheme( )
- NintendoImmunityEffect( bool on )
- NoteAdd( String noteText , optional bool bUserNote )
- OpenSesame( )
- ParseLeftClick( )
- ParseRightClick( )
- PickupNanoKey( NanoKey newKey )
- PlaceItemInSlot( Inventory anItem , int col , int row )
- PlayBodyThud( )
- PlayDeathHit( float Damage , vector HitLocation , name damageType , vector Momentum )
- PlayDXTakeDamageHit( float Damage , vector HitLocation , name damageType , vector Momentum , bool DamageReduced )
- PlayerCalcView( out actor ViewActor , out vector CameraLocation , out rotator CameraRotation )
- bool PlayerIsClient( )
- bool PlayerIsListenClient( )
- bool PlayerIsRemoteClient( )
- PlayFootStep( )
- PlayHit( float Damage , vector HitLocation , name damageType , vector Momentum )
- PlayMusic( String musicToPlay , optional int sectionToPlay )
- PlayMusicWindow( )
- PlayPickupAnim( Vector locPickup )
- PopHealth( float health0 , float health1 , float health2 , float health3 , float health4 , float health5 )
- PostBeginPlay( )
- PostIntro( )
- PostNetBeginPlay( )
- PostPostBeginPlay( )
- PreTravel( )
- PrevBeltItem( )
- ProcessMove( float DeltaTime , vector newAccel , eDodgeDir DodgeMove , rotator DeltaRot )
- PunishDetection( int DamageAmount )
- PutCarriedDecorationInHand( )
- PutInHand( optional Inventory inv )
- QuickLoad( )
- QuickLoadConfirmed( )
- QuickSave( )
- ReceiveFirstOptionSync( Name PrefZero , Name PrefOne , Name PrefTwo , Name PrefThree , Name PrefFour )
- ReceiveSecondOptionSync( Name PrefFive , Name PrefSix , Name PrefSeven , Name PrefEight )
- RefreshChargedPickups( )
- RefreshSystems( float DeltaTime )
- Reloading( DeusExWeapon weapon , float reloadTime )
- ReloadWeapon( )
- RemoveAugmentationDisplay( Augmentation aug )
- RemoveChargedDisplay( ChargedPickup item )
- RemoveInventoryType( Class<Inventory> removeType )
- RemoveItemDuringConversation( Inventory item )
- RemoveItemFromSlot( Inventory anItem )
- RemoveNanoKey( Name KeyToRemove )
- RemoveObjectFromBelt( Inventory item )
- RepairInventory( )
- bool ResetBasedPawnSize( )
- ResetConversationHistory( )
- ResetGoals( )
- ResetPlayer( optional bool bTraining )
- ResetPlayerToDefaults( )
- RestartLevel( )
- RestoreAllHealth( )
- RestoreScopeView( )
- RestoreSkillPoints( )
- bool RestrictInput( )
- ResumeDataLinks( )
- SaveGame( int saveIndex , optional String saveDesc )
- SaveSkillPoints( )
- ServerConditionalNotifyMsg( int code , optional int param , optional string str )
- ServerSetAutoReload( bool bAuto )
- ServerUpdateLean( Vector desiredLoc )
- bool SetBasedPawnSize( float newRadius , float newHeight )
- name SetBoolFlagFromString( String flagNameString , bool bValue )
- SetComputerHackTime( Computers computerToSet , float HackTime , float ClientLevelTime )
- SetDamagePercent( float percent )
- SetDebug( name cmd , name val )
- SetHUDBackgroundTranslucency( bool bNewTranslucency )
- SetHUDBordersVisible( bool bVisible )
- SetHUDBorderTranslucency( bool bNewTranslucency )
- SetInHand( Inventory newInHand )
- SetInHandPending( Inventory newInHandPending )
- SetInvSlots( Inventory anItem , int newValue )
- SetLogTimeout( Float newLogTimeout )
- SetMaxLogLines( Byte newLogLines )
- SetMenuTranslucency( bool bNewTranslucency )
- SetServerTimeDiff( float sTime )
- SetState( name state )
- SetTurretState( AutoTurret turret , bool bActive , bool bDisabled )
- SetTurretTrackMode( ComputerSecurity computer , AutoTurret turret , bool bTrackPlayers , bool bTrackPawns )
- ShowAcceleration( bool bShow )
- ShowArea( bool bShow )
- ShowAugmentationAddWindow( )
- ShowAugmentationsWindow( )
- ShowBase( bool bShow )
- ShowBindName( bool bShow )
- ShowClass( Class<Actor> newClass )
- ShowConversationsWindow( )
- ShowCredits( optional bool bLoadIntro )
- ShowCylinder( bool bShow )
- ShowData( bool bShow )
- ShowDemoSplash( )
- ShowDist( bool bShow )
- ShowEnemy( bool bShow )
- ShowEnemyResponse( bool bShow )
- ShowER( bool bShow )
- ShowEyes( bool bShow )
- ShowGoalsWindow( )
- ShowHealth( bool bShow )
- ShowHealthWindow( )
- ShowHud( bool bShow )
- ShowImagesWindow( )
- ShowInstigator( bool bShow )
- ShowIntro( optional bool bStartNewGame )
- ShowInventoryWindow( )
- ShowLight( bool bShow )
- ShowLogsWindow( )
- ShowLOS( bool bShow )
- ShowMainMenu( )
- ShowMass( bool bShow )
- ShowMesh( bool bShow )
- ShowMultiplayerWin( String winnerName , int winningTeam , String Killer , String Killee , String Method )
- ShowPhysics( bool bShow )
- ShowPlayerPawnList( )
- ShowPos( bool bShow )
- ShowProgress( )
- ShowQuotesWindow( )
- ShowRGBDialog( )
- ShowScores( )
- ShowSkillsWindow( )
- ShowState( bool bShow )
- ShowVelocity( bool bShow )
- ShowVisibility( bool bShow )
- ShowZone( bool bShow )
- SkillPointsAdd( int numPoints )
- SpawnBlood( Vector HitLocation , float Damage )
- Carcass SpawnCarcass( )
- SpawnEMPSparks( Actor empActor , Rotator rot )
- SpawnMass( Name ClassName , optional int TotalCount )
- bool StartAIBarkConversation( Actor conOwner , EBarkModes barkMode )
- bool StartConversation( Actor invokeActor , EInvokeMethod invokeMethod , optional Conversation con , optional bool bAvoidState , optional bool bForcePlay )
- bool StartConversationByName( Name conName , Actor conOwner , optional bool bAvoidState , optional bool bForcePlay )
- Bool StartDataLinkTransmission( String datalinkName , Optional DataLinkTrigger datalinkTrigger )
- StartListenGame( string options )
- StartMultiplayerGame( string command )
- StartNewGame( String startMap )
- StartPoison( Pawn poisoner , int Damage )
- StartTrainingMission( )
- StopPoison( )
- Summon( string ClassName )
- SupportActor( Actor standingActor )
- SwitchAmmo( )
- TakeDamage( int Damage , Pawn instigatedBy , Vector hitlocation , Vector momentum , name damageType )
- Tantalus( )
- TeamSay( string Msg )
- Timer( )
- ToggleAmmoDisplay( )
- ToggleAugDisplay( )
- ToggleCameraState( SecurityCamera cam , ElectronicDevices compOwner )
- ToggleCompass( )
- ToggleCrosshair( )
- ToggleHitDisplay( )
- ToggleLaser( )
- ToggleObjectBelt( )
- ToggleScope( )
- ToggleWalk( )
- ToggleWinFrames( )
- ToggleWinStats( )
- Trig( name ev )
- UnloadTexture( Texture texture )
- UnTrig( name ev )
- UpdateAmmoBeltText( Ammo ammo )
- UpdateAugmentationDisplayStatus( Augmentation aug )
- UpdateBeltText( Inventory item )
- UpdateCameraRotation( SecurityCamera camera , Rotator rot )
- UpdateCarcassEvent( )
- UpdateDynamicMusic( float deltaTime )
- UpdateInHand( )
- UpdatePlayerSkin( )
- UpdatePoison( float deltaTime )
- UpdateTimePlayed( float deltaTime )
- UpdateTranslucency( float DeltaTime )
- UpdateWarrenEMPField( float deltaTime )
- bool UsingChargedPickup( class<ChargedPickup> itemclass )
- VerifyConsole( Class<Console> ConsoleClass )
- Verifies that console is Engine.Console. If you want something different, override this in a subclassed player class.
- VerifyRootWindow( Class<DeusExRootWindow> WindowClass )
- Verifies that the root window is the right kind of root window, since it can be changed in the ini
- ViewFlash( float DeltaTime )
- ViewModelAdd( int num , string ClassName )
- ViewModelBlendPlay( int num , name anim , optional float fps , optional int slot )
- ViewModelBlendStop( int num )
- ViewModelDestroy( int num )
- ViewModelGiveWeapon( int num , string weaponClass )
- ViewModelLoop( int num , name anim , optional float fps )
- ViewModelPlay( int num , name anim , optional float fps )
- VMA( int num , string ClassName )
- VMBP( int num , name anim , optional float fps , optional int slot )
- VMBS( int num )
- VMD( int num )
- VMGW( int num , string weaponClass )
- VML( int num , name anim , optional float fps )
- VMP( int num , name anim , optional float fps )
- Walk( )
- WhereActor( optional int Me )
- WinFrames( bool bFramesOn )
- WinStats( bool bStatsOn )
- ZoneChange( ZoneInfo NewZone )
- Destroyed( )
- HeadZoneChange( ZoneInfo newHeadZone )
- InterpolateEnd( Actor Other )
- JoltView( float newJoltMagnitude )
- PlayerCalcView( out actor ViewActor , out vector CameraLocation , out rotator CameraRotation )
- PlayerInput( float DeltaTime )
- PlayerTick( float deltaTime )
- Possess( )
- RenderOverlays( canvas Canvas )
- TravelPostAccept( )
- UpdateEyeHeight( float DeltaTime )
Xhiris: 12000 lines! UGH!