Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The elevator trigger only responds to proximity. This class disables proximity but adds tag event response.
//============================================================================= // ElevatorTriggerPlus. //============================================================================= class ElevatorTriggerPlus extends Triggers; // A special trigger devised for the ElevatorMover class, since // detecting one trigger message is not enough to determine 2 or more // different commands (like up/down). When an event // triggers it, it sends a message to the ElevatorMover with the desired // keyframe change and moving time interval. var() int GotoKeyframe; var() float MoveTime; var() bool bTriggerOnceOnly; // // Called when something triggers the trigger. // function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator ) { local ElevatorMover EM; // Call the ElevatorMover's Move function if( Event != '' ) foreach AllActors( class 'ElevatorMover', EM, Event ) EM.MoveKeyframe( GotoKeyFrame, MoveTime ); if( bTriggerOnceOnly ) // Ignore future touches. SetCollision(False); }
- open actor browser
- click on "triggers"
- click "trigger" -> "new script"
- package: MyLevel
- name : ElevatorTriggerPlus
- put the code over the small code UT put there
- tools -> compile changed
- use the trigger in your level before you save and exit or it wont save it
(there's a page that explains this you can link to: Create A Subclass)
Taken from http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=88718
Credit to "The_Countess".