From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The elevator trigger only responds to proximity. This class disables proximity but adds tag event response.
// ElevatorTriggerPlus.
class ElevatorTriggerPlus extends Triggers;
// A special trigger devised for the ElevatorMover class, since
// detecting one trigger message is not enough to determine 2 or more
// different commands (like up/down). When an event
// triggers it, it sends a message to the ElevatorMover with the desired
// keyframe change and moving time interval.
var() int GotoKeyframe;
var() float MoveTime;
var() bool bTriggerOnceOnly;
// Called when something triggers the trigger.
function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator )
local ElevatorMover EM;
// Call the ElevatorMover's Move function
if( Event != '' )
foreach AllActors( class 'ElevatorMover', EM, Event )
EM.MoveKeyframe( GotoKeyFrame, MoveTime );
if( bTriggerOnceOnly )
// Ignore future touches.
- open actor browser
- click on "triggers"
- click "trigger" -> "new script"
- package: MyLevel
- name : ElevatorTriggerPlus
- put the code over the small code UT put there
- tools -> compile changed
- use the trigger in your level before you save and exit or it wont save it
(there's a page that explains this you can link to: Create A Subclass)
Taken from http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=88718
Credit to "The_Countess".