Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel
Not much to say. My name is Fabien Cortina. I'm 21, french and studying computer engineering :)
I've been mapping since DooM, yet I've only released very few maps. Many were lost, unachieved or just bad. Some others were just to test something with the editor.
My work[edit]
Lately i've been mapping for Infiltration. I never liked space platforms or cathedrals ;) I've always made realistic maps, even with DooM. Infiltration has that magic feeling so many other mods don't have. And so many great mappers produced for it: Angelheart and Spooger to name few.
Most recent maps:
- DM-INF-DullRocks: i'm pretty happy with this one, it won a "Real Award" and a "Map of the Month" from Real Maps and was rated 91% on CombatMaps.de :)
- AS-INF-Frozen: an attempt at assault mapping. It's very very detailed! I literally flooded the map with custom decorations. It has just been reviewed by Real Maps.
To find more info on these decos:
Freon's Deco Pack #2
Freon's Deco Pack #3
Tarquin: Welcome to the Wiki :D
ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hello, welcome to the wiki!! :) :tup: (BTW: Nice Name :) )
Freon: who the fuck edited that page o_O
LegalAssassin: Que?!
Mychaeel: Never mind, Freon – just your average attention whore. They pop up once in a while on any Wiki. By the way, glad to see that you put MeshMaker to good use with your deco packs... :-)
Freon: from his IP it's probably someone i know (and knows what school i go to). but i never gave this address to anybody :/
Mosquito I remember you! INF, I got banned for standing up for my country, hows the weather in hell? (INF)