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The GameStats object is used to send individual stat events to the stats server. Each game should spawn a GameStats object if it wishes to have stat logging.
Bots and Spectators events,scores, and connects/disconnects are not stored.
Chr(9) is equivalent to a tab character. And is used frequently in this class to space data appropriately.
All events are logged and use the method Header() to give them a formatted TimeStamp to note the time when the event occurred.
- bool bShowBots
- Specifies whether stats on the bots should be logged. This property is not used anywhere in UT2003's UnrealScript code.
- GameReplicationInfo GRI
- An instance of GameReplicationInfo stored in the Level, which is used to gather information for logging purposes.
- FileLog TempLog
- A log file that is opened as "stats.txt", which is written to by the Logf method throughout the game.
Inherited From Actor
- Destroyed ( )
- Shuts down the stats logging.
- PostBeginPlay ( )
- Initializes the stats logging.
New Methods
- ConnectEvent (PlayerReplicationInfo Who)
- Logs when a player join the server.
- DisconnectEvent (PlayerReplicationInfo Who)
- Logs when a player disconnect from the server.
- EndGame (string Reason)
- Called when the game ends. Loops through the PlayerReplicationInfos to gather their score and deaths.
- string FullTimeDate ( )
- Returns a string with the date in the format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND
- GameEvent (string GEvent, string Desc, PlayerReplicationInfo Who)
- Logs special events that take place in game.
- string GetMapFileName ( ) [native final]
- Returns the name of the current map.
- string GetStatsIdentifier (Controller C) [native final]
- Returns the players login identifier (see Uniquely Identify A Player).
- string Header ( )
- Returns the TimeStamp with a tab appended.
- Init ( )
- Creates the FileLog and opens "Stats.txt" as the log file. If it fails, then the GameStats object is destroyed.
- KillEvent (string Killtype, PlayerReplicationInfo Killer, PlayerReplicationInfo Victim, class<DamageType> Damage)
- Logs a kill with the time, who did the killing (even environment), who was killed, and by the damage type they were killed by.
- Logf (string LogString)
- Writes to the "Stats.txt" file through the FileLog that was created during the init method.
- string MapName ( )
- Gets the mapname from the native function GetMapFileName and then strips off the extension ".ut2" and removes any tab characters.
- NewGame ( )
- Logs the Level Title, Level Author, Level GameName, Server Time, Server Time Zone, MapName, and all the Mutator and GameRules objects that are loaded.
- ScoreEvent (PlayerReplicationInfo Who, float Points, string Desc)
- Logs the timestamp, player name, points scored, and the description of the score.
- ServerInfo ( )
- Logs the Server Name, Time Zone, Admin Email, Admin Name, IP:port (filled by MasterServer), and stores all the key/value pairs of the ServerState.
- Shutdown ( )
- Closes the FileLog.
- SpecialEvent (PlayerReplicationInfo Who, string Desc)
- Logs the time and the special event caused by a player.
- StartGame ( )
- Logs the time and the initials for the start of the game.
- TeamScoreEvent (int Team, float Points, string Desc)
- Logs the time, the team number, points scored, and the description of the scoring.
- string TimeStamp ( )
- Returns a string with the time on the level rounded to the nearest second.
- String TimeZone ( )
- Currently returns 0, has a comment that this needs to be fixed.