I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
Legacy:HUD (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The superclass for all heads-up display classes.
- globalconfig int HudMode
- globalconfig int Crosshair
- The number of the currently selected crosshair. (?)
- class<Menu> MainMenuType
- Menu MainMenu
- The menu used in Unreal.
- string HUDConfigWindowType
- The name of the class used to configure this HUD.
- Color WhiteColor
- A color variable containing the color used as "white". (Default is R=0, G=128, B=255 which is a kind of light blue)
- Mutator HUDMutator
- The first Mutator registered as HUD mutator. To go through all HUD mutators use the mutator's NexHUDMutator variable.
- PlayerPawn PlayerOwner
- The player owning this HUD. (ChallengeHUD.PawnOwner is the Pawn (UT) the HUD currently displays info for)
HUDLocalizedMessage struct[edit]
- class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message
- The LocalMessage (UT) class used to create this message.
- int Switch
- The Switch parameter used in various functions of the LocalMessage.
- PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI
- Object OptionalObject
- The OptionalObject parameter used in various functions of the LocalMessage.
- float EndOfLife
- float LifeTime
- bool bDrawing
- int numLines
- string StringMessage
- color DrawColor
- The message's text color.
- font StringFont
- The message's font.
- float XL, YL
- float YPos
- function ClearMessage (out HUDLocalizedMessage M)
- Resets the HUDLocalizedMessage M.
- function CopyMessage (out HUDLocalizedMessage M1, HUDLocalizedMessage M2)
- Copies the values of M2 into M1.
- simulated event PreRender (Canvas Canvas)
- Called before world geometry is drawn.
- simulated event PostRender (Canvas Canvas)
- Called after world geometry is drawn and fog is applied. This contains the main HUD rendering functionality.
- simulated function InputNumber (byte F)
- ???
- simulated function ChangeHud (int d)
- Probably used to select a HUD type as saved in the HudMode variable. (???)
- simulated function ChangeCrosshair (int d)
- Changes the crosshair.
- simulated function DrawCrossHair (Canvas Canvas, int StartX, int StartY)
- Draws the crosshair.
- simulated function Message (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string Msg, name N)
- Called when receiving a new string message. (e.g. a kill with damage type 'SpecialDamage')
- simulated function LocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject, optional string CriticalString)
- Called when receiving a new LocalMessage. (e.g. flag capture, any kill in UT, etc...)
- simulated function PlayReceivedMessage (string S, string PName, ZoneInfo PZone)
- simulated function bool DisplayMessages (Canvas (UT) Canvas)
- DisplayMessages is called by the Console in PostRender. It offers the HUD a chance to deal with messages instead of the Console. Returns true if messages were dealt with.
- function bool ProcessKeyEvent (int Key, int Action, float Delta)