Legacy:LiftCenter (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
A LiftCenter actor tells AI agents (bots, etc) where to go while riding a lift.
For the UT200x version of this actor, see LiftCenter.
LiftCenter Group
- name LiftTag
- Ties this to other lift pathnodes.
- name LiftTrigger
- Indicates to AI which Trigger actor will activate this Lift.
- vector MaxZDiffAdd
- Added threshold for Z difference between pawn and lift, for lifts which are at the end of a ramp or stairs.
Gustavo6046: I sometimes use LiftCenter as a JumpSpot for small distances. How to set MaxZDiffAdd properly here? It is hard.
- vector MaxDist2D
- The maximum distance between the bot and the LiftCenter. It defaults to 400 world units.
- float LastTriggerTime
- vector LiftOffset
- Trigger RecommendedTrigger
Known Subclasses
These are used in a similar fashion with LiftExit (UT) to create different types of path.
Related Topics
- LiftExit (UT) - The companion actor to this.
- Pathing Lifts for full details on how to use
- NavigationPoint (UT) for a summary of pathnode classes
- Bot Pathing for further path network topics