Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

Legacy:Mod Ideas/CrossfireFootball

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Mod ideas for UT 2003 – Crossfire Football

About Crossfire Football[edit]

This game is played with up to 4 teams on a large flat (but not necessairly open) arena. In the center of the arena a large fairly massive ball will be spawned. All players will spawn with a single weapon that fires a small sphere. The longer the fire button is held down the faster (or mabye more massive) the sphere will be. These weapons should be used to "steer" the ball into other teams goals to score. Needless to say, players a squashed by the ball.

I'm undecided as to whether to allow players to kill each other with their weapons - the game may just turn into a deathmatch then. I'm also considering whether placing "ammo top up" points near the team's goal mouth is sensible so players have to re-arm themselves rather than having unlimited ammution.


ZxAnPhOrIaN: Neat gametype! When you shoot someone with the balls, you and the person that you shot, will go back to where you respawn.

m.r.bob havent you heard of CarBall

Sabbathcat Sounds cool, especially big ball guns. Maybe alternate weapons, like an amped up sheild gun would be cool, where you could repel the ball if you were about to be squished, or place more acurate hits on the ball to create spin/backspin and do some curve shots (if it's possible with Karma). Car ball is fun, but something about getting up close and personal on foot sounds less linear. :D