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Legacy:Mod Ideas/HyperspaceButton

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Mod ideas for UT 2003 – Hyperspace or death? You'll not know till you try


This small mod allows the user to hyperspace to a randomly selected navigation point on the current map - possibly dying in the process.

The mod works by giving each player an inventory item that keeps track of how many hyperspaces the player has used since the last re-spawn. The first hyperspace has a 20% chance of killing the player. The chance of death increases by 5% every time the player uses the hyperspace button.

Once the hyperspace button is used it requires a few seconds (10 or 20 would seem sensible) to re-charge before it can be used again. A small HUD indicator should display the hyperspace status (charging or ready - chance of death should not be displayed).

In CTF games players will drop the flag at the point they hyperspace.

Interested Scripters[edit]

If you are interested in developing this mod for UT2003 then add your name to the list. Once you start development you should indicate that below (and hopefully include a link to a journal page). Before you start development you should also check this section to see if anyone else has started.


EntropicLqd: Is the rate at which the hyperspace function becomes more dangerous too high?

Mychaeel: Sounds a bit like the Personal Transporter pickup in Quake to me. (That's not a bad thing.) Just that the Personal Teleporter is a regular pickup that allows you to translocate to a random, but safe spot in the map.

EntropicLqd: Never played with that one - I just happened to be thinking about Asteroids for some reason unknown to me and remembered about the hyperspace feature. Plagarism-tastic :)

ZxAnPhOrIaN: In CTF, when you hyperspace, the flag should fly high in the air, or go in a random direction for 240 (5 yards) UU's. ;)

Puppeteer Nessus: This sounds pretty fun... I'll play around with this idea when I get home tonight.