My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.
Allows an object to follow a defined path, by specifying PathPoint nodes. Set bStatic to TRUE to get it working.
Note: At least 4 PathPoints must exist. The first and last do not need speed/deltaU settings. Maximal 35 nodes are possible and because the first and last are dummies, 33 real positions are possible.
Note: If there are N points to interpolate through, there must be in total N+2 points specified. Point 0 and Point N+1 are dummy control points, where Point 1-Point 0 is the initial direction of motion, and Point N+1 - Point N is the final direction of motion. The object will start at point 1 and end up at point N.
Uses the Bernstein basis functions for Bezier interpolation:
B0(u) = (1-u)^3
B1(u) = 3u(1-u)^2
B2(u) = 3u^2(1-u)
B3(u) = u^3
ObjectPath Group[edit]
- bool bAlterPitch
- Should the pitch of the actor be modified during movement.
- bool bAlterYaw
- Should the yaw of the actor be modified during movement.
- bool bAlterRoll
- Should the roll of the actor be modified during movement.
- name PathActorTag
- The Tag of the actor which should be moved. Only the first found Actor with this tag will be moved.
- rotator RAdjust
- Adjust the rotation of the object.
- bool bPlayedOnce
- Really don't play it again since it's already finished last time
- bool bTriggeredOnce
- Don't repeat the path if it's already played through
- int curNode
- Which node are we at?
- vector lastPosition
- Where the actor was in the most recent frame
- rotator lastRotation
- The orientation of the actor in the most recent frame
- int numPathNodes
- how many elements in the path array
- Actor (UT) PathActor
- what should be moved
- PathPoint Path[35]
- maximum 35 nodes in the path, hence 33 real positions
- float uValue
- Offset in the segment
The main property that needs to be set for this is advanced > bStatic to false. Use along with pathpoints to make dynamic moving vehicles.
Imagine the applications in Unreal 2 :)
Wormbo: Funny to see pages like this over one year later. :p