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Legacy:Object (UT3)/Enums
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT3 :: Object (UT3) (Enums)
These enumerations are declared in the Object class.
Generic axis enum. The byte or int representations of these values can be used as bit masks for a bit field.
- No axis.
- X axis.
- Y axis.
- Dummy value so AXIS_Z actually corresponds to the bit value 0x4, i.e. third bit 1, all others 0.
- Z axis.
Various types of input events.
- IE_Pressed
- A button was pressed.
- IE_Released
- A button was released.
- IE_Repeat
- A repeated event was fired due to a button being held down.
- IE_DoubleClick
- A mouse button was pressed twice in quick succession.
- IE_Axis
- Axis input, like mouse or joystick movement.
Curve modes for interpolation points in InterpCurvePoint* structs. See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Structs.
- CIM_Linear
- CIM_CurveAuto
- CIM_Constant
- CIM_CurveUser
- CIM_CurveBreak
Methods for connecting interpolation points in InterpCurve* structs. See Legacy:Object (UT3)/Structs.
- IMT_UseFixedTangentEval
- IMT_UseBrokenTangentEval
Determines which ticking group an Actor (UT3) or ActorComponent belongs to.
- TG_PreAsyncWork
- Any item that needs to be updated before asynchronous work is done.
- TG_DuringAsyncWork
- Any item that can be run in parallel of asynchronous work.
- TG_PostAsyncWork
- Any item that needs the asynchronous work to be done before being updated.