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Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Movement

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Actor >> Pawn (UT) / Movement Functions

Movement Functions[edit]

Latent Functions[edit]

MoveTo (vector NewDestination, optional float speed) [latent]
This function moves the pawn to the specified destination. The destination is an actual point in space rather than a displacement vector to be travelled. The pawn will travel at the speed * groundspeed or use groundspeed itself if no value is specified.
MoveToward (Actor (UT) NewTarget, optional float speed) [latent]
This function will cause the pawn to move towards the Actor (UT) specified. The pawn will travel at the speed * groundspeed or use groundspeed itself if no value is specified.
StrafeTo (vector NewDestination, vector NewFocus) [latent]
This function "strafes" the pawn to the specified destination. The pawn faces in the direction specified by NewFocus. It is assumed that the RotationRate property is used to determine how long this operation takes.
StrafeFacing (vector NewDestination, Actor (UT) NewTarget) [latent]
This function "strafes" the pawn to the specified destination. The pawn attempts to keep turning to face the Actor (UT) specfied. It is assumed that the RotationRate property determines how successful this is.
TurnTo (vector NewFocus) [latent]
This function turns the pawn to face the direction specified.
TurnToward (Actor (UT) NewTarget) [latent]
This function causes the pawn to turn towards the Actor (UT) specified.

Other Functions[edit]

AddVelocity (vector NewVelocity) 
This function adds the new velocity to the pawn's current velocity and sets the pawn's physics to PHYS_Falling. If the pawn is already travelling upwards (ie. it's Z velocity component > 0) then any Z velocity component of the new velocity is halved.
bool CheckWaterJump (out vector WallNormal) 
This function appears to be used to determine whether a pawn can jump out of water. The function returns true if the jump is possible.
ClientSetLocation (vector NewLocation, rotator NewRotation) 
This function can be used to set the location and rotation of the pawn. Note that the pawn's roll is explicitly set to 0 irrespective of the value passed in.
ClientSetRotation (rotator NewRotation) 
This function sets the view rotation of the pawn and then sets the pitch and roll to 0 before setting the pawn's rotation.
UnderLift (Mover (UT) M) 
This function is called when a pawn moves under a lift. The function should be used to move the pawn from underneath the lift.
SetMovementPhysics ( ) 
This function is used to set the pawn's physics to an appropriate value for the zone they are within.
JumpOffPawn ( ) 
This function is called if a pawn falls on either a decoration or another pawn.
PreSetMovement ( ) 
This function sets up the default movement properties of the pawn.

See Also[edit]