Always snap to grid
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This class represents actors that are fired or launched as indepentant entities, as opposed to instantfire weapons. A delayed-hit projectile that moves around for some time after it is created.
All of these properties are hidden.
- float Speed
- Initial speed of projectile.
- float MaxSpeed
- Limit on speed of projectile (0 means no limit)
- float TossZ
- Actor ZeroCollider
- bool bSwitchToZeroCollision
- If collisionextent nonzero, and hit actor with bBlockNonZeroExtents=0, switch to zero extent collision
- bool bNoFX
- Used to prevent effects when projectiles are destroyed (see LimitationVolume)
- bool bReadyToSplash
- bool bSpecialCalcView
- Use the projectile's SpecialCalcView function instead of letting the playercontroller handle the camera
- float Damage
- float DamageRadius
- float MomentumTransfer
- Momentum magnitude imparted by impacting projectile.
- class<DamageType> MyDamageType
Sound Effects[edit]
- sound SpawnSound
- Sound made when projectile is spawned.
- sound ImpactSound
- Sound made when projectile hits something.
Explosion Effects[edit]
- class<Projector> ExplosionDecal
- float ExploWallOut
- Distance to move explosions out from wall
- Controller InstigatorController
- Actor LastTouched
- Actor HurtWall
- float MaxEffectDistance
- bool bScriptPostRender
- If true, PostRender2D() gets called.
- Explode( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal ) (simulated)
- Calls Destroy().
- PostRender2D( Canvas C, float ScreenLocX, float ScreenLocY ) (simulated)
- Called if bScriptPostRender is true.
Known Subclasses[edit]
Projectile +- BioGlob +- FlakChunk +- Grenade +- LinkProjectile +- RedeemerProjectile +- RocketProj | +- SeekingRocketProj | +- BulldogRocket +- ShockProjectile +- SpawnerProjectile +- TranslocatorBeacon | +- TransBeacon | +- BlueBeacon | +- RedBeacon +- Flakshell
Related Topics[edit]
Category:Legacy Class (UT2003)
Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)
Category:Legacy To Do – Need function defs. Subclass tree needs filling in.