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==Related Topics==
==Related Topics==
* [[Legacy:Introduction To Replication|Introduction to Replication]]
* [[Legacy:Replication|Replication]]
* [[Legacy:Replication|Replication]]
* [[Legacy:Replication Block|Replication Block]]
[[Category:Legacy Class (UT)|{{PAGENAME}}]]
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[[Category:Legacy Class (UT2003)|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Legacy Class (UT2003)|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Latest revision as of 13:50, 25 March 2008

UT :: Actor (UT) >> Info (UT) >> ReplicationInfo (Package: Engine)
UT2003 :: Actor >> Info >> ReplicationInfo (Package: Engine)

A native, abstract parent class for those which handle data to be sent from the server to the client. ReplicationInfos are always relevant for network replication.

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