Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd


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Reverb is ick, & undocumented ick at that.

I laughed my arse off when I read that :) EntropicLqd
I LMAO when I read your comment about LYAO... :-D Must be someone out there who knows about it, but whenever I've experimented I've managed to make UT howl the speakers with feedback... *Mrs Doyle-style sigh* – Tarquin
Hee! Similar experience here. If anyone knows settings that simulate certain environments and don't 'howl,' let's collect a list. I've got one at home I'll post soon.Aedis

List of maps that use reverb. It's easiest to just copy the settings used in one of these until we work out what it does.

  • CTF-EternalCave
  • DM-StalwartXL
  • DM-Peak
  • AS-Frigate

Making sure the numbers you input are not divisible by each other helps. Nonetheless it sometimes howls, building up over minutes until you exit the zone. I'm informed by Mxtrmntr of BU that it's a well known bug in UT and U1. - Nachimir

Dma: says: You can experiment with reverberation filters quickly by going to Options/Level, setting the reverb effects for the entire level, then double-clicking on sound effect names in the sound browser.

Remember to check reverb is enabled for UT as a whole, in the UT advanced settings

Dma: The information about Creative's crazy .EAL files can be found at Uses DM-Pressure.unr as a tutorial.

Evilmrfrank: AS-Frigate also uses the reverb option, I'm sure many others do as well.

Reverb Settings[edit]

Array Item Delay Gain
0 130 50
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 20
4 50 0
5 2000 150


I've been experimenting with this feature, and I think I figured it out. :D


Unreal Tournament has the feature to create reverberation in specified area's of your map. This creates echo when you fire a weapon or change your weapon, etc. UT's reverb features 6 individually configurable echo's. You can set these at a Zoneinfo.


When you recompile your map, it tries to calculate the gain and delay automatically.

I didn't find it very useful. (note: you should turn it off afterwards)


Turn reverb on in specified zone.


Cutoff Frequency for the reverb. This is the frequency at wich the echo fades away.


The interval the echo occurs. You can set 6 echos and configure the offset. (note: values are cumulative)


The volume of each of the 6 echos. Zero will turn an individual echo off.


Changes the global volume.


I guess this influences the global offset size.