Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd

Legacy:Solid Snake/CeFloatingWindow

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float OldMouseX 
float OldMouseY 


bool bAllowMultipleInstances 
bool bDontLoseFocus 
bool bUseTitleBar 
FloatBox InnerBorder 
FloatBox InnerBoundBox 


GUIButton OnContextMenuClick(ceGUIContextMenu Sender, string Item )
OnContextMenuQuery(ceGUIContextMenu Sender, out GUIComponent FocusedControl )
bool OnRefresh( )


GUIButton AddSystemButton(string StyleName )
AddSystemMenu( )
bool FloatingHover(GUIComponent Sender )
FloatingMousePressed(GUIComponent Sender, bool bRepeat )
FloatingMouseRelease(GUIComponent Sender )
bool FloatingPreDraw(Canvas C )
FloatingRendered(Canvas C )
ForceWindowPosition(float NewActualLeft, float NewActualTop, float NewActualWidth, float NewActualHeight )
GUIComponent GetGUIComponentOnContextQuery( )
class<ceModuleInfo> GetModuleInfo( )
GetWindowBounds(out float LeftBound, out float TopBound, out float RightBound, out float BottomBound )
GetWindowDimensions(out float AL, out float AT, out float AW, out float AH )
HoveringCorners(out int Left, out int Top, out int Right, out int Bottom )
InitComponent(GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner )
bool InternalOnClick(GUIComponent Sender )
bool InternalOnContextMenuQuery(ceGUIContextMenu Sender, out GUIComponent FocusedControl )
bool InternalOnPreDraw(Canvas Canvas )
bool IsInBounds( )
SetFocus(GUIComponent Who )
SetWindowPosition(float NewActualLeft, float NewActualTop, float NewActualWidth, float NewActualHeight )
