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Object >> BrushBuilder >> SpiralStairBuilder (Package: Editor)

Creates a Spiral Staircase for the red builder brush


  • Inner Radius - the radius from the centre to the side
  • StepWidth - the width of each step
  • StepHeight - the height between each step, I don't know the maximum walkheight, but when 32, you must jump
  • StepThickness - the height of each step, starting at the beginning of the step
  • NumSteps per 360 - the number of steps each round.
  • NumSteps - the number of steps
  • GroupName - Doesn't work with it
  • Sloped Ceiling - check if you want the ceiling of each step is sloped, or just right
  • Sloped Floor - check if you want the floor of each step is sloped, or just right
  • CounterClockwise - check if you want it to go up to the left or say false if you want it to go up to the right

Alignment tips

If you checked something with sloped, then do that part with the align to floor, and don't use a texture that is like one image, but use a repeated texture. Align the sides to wall direction

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