I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX
Legacy:Surface Context Menu
The surface context menu is what pops up when you right-click on a surface in a 3D UnrealEd Viewport.
Menu items[edit]
- Surface Properties...
- Opens the Surface Properties Window. Choose this to set options about the texture alignment, flags, etc.
- Add light here
- Places an invisible Light (UT) (shows up as a torch in the editor) over the selected surface. Read the sections about Lighting for more on this.
- Align Selected
- Reset
- Select surfaces ->
- see Selecting Surfaces for the list of these commands and their keyboard equivalent.
- Select all surfaces
- selects all surfaces in the map
- Select None
- deselects all surfaces in the map
- Apply Texture
- makes the selected surface's texture the surface that is currently selected in the Texture Browser. This is equivalent to ALT - CLICK on a surface.
Cutting and Pasting Textures[edit]
In the editor shipped with UT2003 you can copy and paste textures between surfaces in the following way:
- Select the surface
- Right click on the surface you wish to copy the texture settings from and select the Edit -> Copy option.
- Select the surface you want to paste onto and select the Edit -> Paste -> Here option.
This operation copies texture scaling values as well as the texture so it's really useful if you are aligning textures over a number of days.
With the mouse:
- ALT - R CLICK to copy a texture.
- ALT - L CLICK to apply the texture
- CTRL - ALT - L CLICK to apply the texture with the scaling too.
EntropicLqd: Does this cheat by changing the current texture? If so then the menu version and the mouse version are not quite equivalent as I don't remember the menu version changing the current texture.
Tarquin: yes, it "picks up" the texture and makes it current
the above should probably be moved to Selecting Surfaces
EntropocLqd: Possibly - although it then ought to be made Selecting and Modifying Surfaces. I'm going to leave it here for a bit and slap a category to do at the bottom of the page. The context menu in UEd 3 doesn't match what's written here and needs updating. I've also blatted the comments section - not really needed.
Tarquin: Let's keep titles simple to link to :D