I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX
Unlike UT jumppads which set a velocity (and left the mapper fiddling around to try and get it just right), UT2003 jumppads set a destination pathnode thus:
Set NavigationPoint -> ForcePaths[0] to the Object -> Name of the which actor to jump to, preferably a PathNode. After a path rebuild, a pink parabola linking the jumppad to the destination will be visible in the editor when the UTJumpPad is selected. (This is probably not a script thing but something hardcoded in the engine.) You could use it to jump to a redeemer or some weapon or powerup. Look at CTF-Face3 for usage. AFAWK the JumpTarget and JumpVelocity values can be safely ignored.
See Kicker for the corresponding actor in UT.
- Only UnrealPawn's or subclases thereof can use a UTJumpPad. (For Instance a standard Pawn can't use a UTJumpPad).
- Guided Redeemers can jump on them... try it! ;) (No longer possible)
SuperApe: These tips conflict, as a RedeemerWarhead is not a subclass of UnrealPawn. Was this a leftover note from Kicker?
StarWeaver: And guided redeemers definitely aren't effected by UTJumpPads (just checked on DM-Plunge). . . The code (UTJumpPad.Touch in 2004/3369) does agree with the first statement though.
Nick89: This was one of the problems I had when I wrote this statement, Redeemer is a Pawn, but in the mod I am working on we ran into this problem. So it seems one of these classes got updated somewhere along the line.
(props of parent class)
- sound JumpSound
- Set to the sound the jumppad generates when used.
- float JumpZModifier
- The strength of the boost you'll get, higher value means a higher jump. This is a factor, so 0.5 is half as high, while 2 is twice as high.
- Actor JumpTarget
- vector JumpVelocity
Custom Subclasses
- TriggerJumpPad, can be switched on and off
Related Topics
G-LiTe: Is there a way to set multiple destinations on a jumppad? (so it selects one at random?)
Dma: You would need to set bStatic=false and play with the settings. It might even require multiple jumppads in the same spot.
ZxAnPhOrIaN: Could script one! ;)
smattbac: There seems to be some problems if the pathnode and the jumppad are in the same height. I have everything set up correctly, but when I rebuild the paths in the editor, no pink line show up, and when I try it ingame it freezes when I touch the jumppad. :\
ZxAnPhOrIaN:~ hmmm... try deleting the jumppad and adding another one, and also try to move the pathnode up or down farther.
Mythmon: I think that if the jumpPad and location are the same height it will end up doing something like
and it gets a divide by 0 error, which generally isnt good ;)
Tony: How many UUs does it have to be to detect a difference? Are we talking about 1 here, or is it more than that?
Tarquin: If it really is a divide by zero error, then as long as the numbers are not the same you should be fine.
Kou: Just a quick question: I have a small Plunge/Skyline-style 1on1 map that uses jump pads to get from one level to the next, but the jumppads end up shooting the players up in the air too far because of the Physics Volume that I have set up. I've already tried looking at the jump pads in Plunge, but they're no help. Even the JumpZModifier doesn't seem to work when I set it below 1.000000. What would I do to fix this?