My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This Pawn is the parent class for unreal characters.
- RequiredEquipment[16]
- Allow L.D. to modify for single player
- bool bNoDefaultInventory
- Don't spawn default inventory for this guy
- bool bIsSquadLeader
- Only used as startup property
- name SquadName
- Only used as startup property
- SelectedEquipment[16]
- What player has selected (replicate using function)
- OptionalEquipment[16]
- Player can optionally incorporate into loadout
- bool bAcceptAllInventory
- Can pick up anything
- bool bBlobShadow
- bool bKeepTaunting
- bool bPlayerShadows
- bool bPlayOwnFootsteps
- bool bSoakDebug
- Use less verbose version of debug display
- eDoubleClickDir CurrentDir
- vector GameObjOffset
- rotator GameObjRot
- float LastFootStepTime
- byte LoadOut
- int spree
- string VoiceType
- bool CheckTauntValid( name Sequence ) (simulated)
- Returns true if pawn has this taunt sequence
- DisplayDebug( Canvas Canvas, out float YL, out float YPos ) (simulated)
- List important actor variable on canvas. Also show the pawn's controller and weapon info
- vector BotDodge( vector Dir )
- Returns appropriate vector for dodge in direction Dir (which should be normalized)
- HoldGameObject( GameObject gameObj, name GameObjBone )
- EndJump()
- Called when stop jumping
- ShouldUnCrouch() (simulated)
- string GetDebugName()
- FootStepping( int side )
- name GetWeaponBoneFor( Inventory I )
- Return bone name of Inventory base.
- CheckBob( float DeltaTime, vector Y )
- bool IsInLoadout( class<Inventory> InventoryClass )
- return true if InventoryClass is part of required or optional equipment
- AddDefaultInventory()
- CreateInventory( string InventoryClassName )
- bool Dodge( eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove )
- PostBeginPlay() (simulated)
- PostNetBeginPlay()
- RosterEntry GetPlacedRoster()
- SetMovementPhysics()
- TakeDrowningDamage()
- PlayFootStep( int Side ) (simulated)
- ChunkUp( rotator HitRotation, float ChunkPerterbation ) (simulated)
- Pawn was killed - detach any controller, and die, determine if should spawn gibs
- SpawnGibs( rotator HitRotation, float ChunkPerterbation ) (simulated)
- SetAnimAction( name NewAction ) (simulated)
- TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, vector hitlocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType )
- BeginState()
- Landed( vector HitNormal )
- BaseChange() (singluar)
- Calls Super.BaseChange().
- BeginState()
Known Subclasses[edit]
UnrealPawn +- xIntroPawn >> +- xPawn +- Monster >> (UT2004 only) +- xMutantPawn (UT2004 only)
Unknown: pretty bog standard. need to sort functions into AI related and other stuff...