From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Configurable Properties
- array<string> QueryHandlerClasses
- string RootFrame
- string HeaderPage
- string MessagePage
- string RestartPage
- string DefaultBG
- string HighlightedBG
- string AdminRealm
- string FramedMessagePage
- string SkinPath
- string SiteCSSFile
- string CellLeft
- string CellCenter
- string CellRight
- string NowrapLeft
- string NowrapCenter
- string NowrapRight
- string CellColSpan
- string RowLeft
- string RowCenter
- string CheckboxInclude
- string TextboxInclude
- string SubmitButtonInclude
- string RadioButtonInclude
- string SelectInclude
Non-Configurable Properties
- class<UTServerAdminSpectator> SpectatorType
- array<xUtil.MutatorRecord> AllMutators
- array<xWebQueryHandler> QueryHandlers
- UTServerAdminSpectator Spectator
- xAdminUser CurAdmin
- PlayInfo GamePI
- WebResponse Resp
- StringArray AGameType
- StringArray AExcMutators
- StringArray AIncMutators
- StringArray Skins
- string htm
- struct HtmlChar
- string Plain
- string Coded
- array<HtmlChar> SpecialChars
Initialization Methods
- Init()
- LoadQueryHandlers()
- LoadGameTypes()
- LoadMutators()
- string SetGamePI(string GameType)
Main Query Methods
- PreQuery(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- Query(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- QueryRootFrame(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- QueryHeaderPage(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- QuerySubmitRestartPage(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- QueryRestartPage(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- ServerChangeMap(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response, string MapName, string GameType)
- PostQuery(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
- CleanupQuery()
- CleanupApp()
Query Tools
Useful functions which can be used to simplify your Query-related methods
- string WebInclude(string file)
- bool ShowFrame(WebResponse Response, string Page)
- bool ShowPage(WebResponse Response, string Page)
- bool StatusReport(WebResponse Response, string ErrorMessage, string SuccessMessage)
- StatusError(WebResponse Response, string Message)
- StatusOk(WebResponse Response, string Message)
- ShowMessage(WebResponse Response, string Title, string Message)
- ShowFramedMessage(WebResponse Response, string Message, bool bIsErrorMsg)
- AccessDenied(WebResponse Response)
String Handling
Various methods for dealing with strings; encoding to HTML
- string PadLeft(String src, int width, optional string with)
- string PadRight(string src, int w, optional string with)
- string HtmlEncode(string src)
- string HtmlDecode(string src)
- string HyperLink(string url, string text, bool bEnabled, optional string target)
- string NextPriv(out string PrivString)
- bool HasURLOption(string ParamName, out string Value)
- bool CanPerform(string privs)
- EatStr(out string Dest, out string Source, int Num)
- ReplaceTag(string from, string tag, coerce string with)
Maplist Handling
- bool ValidDemoMap(string MapName)
- bool MapIsChanging()
- MapTitle(WebResponse Response)
- ApplyMapList(StringArray ExcludeMaps, StringArray IncludeMaps, string GameType, string MapListType)
- UpdateDefaultMaps(string GameType, StringArray Maps)
List Generators
- StringArray ReloadIncludeMaps(StringArray ExMaps, String GameType)
- StringArray ReloadExcludeMaps(String GameType)
- string GenerateGameTypeOptions(string CurrentGameType)
- string GenerateMapListOptions(string GameType, string MapListType)
- string GenerateMapListSelect(StringArray MapList, StringArray MovedMaps)
- string UsedMutators()
- CreateFullMutatorList(out StringArray Mutators, out StringArray GroupsOnly)
- operator(44) string += (out coerce string A, coerce string B)
- operator(44) string @= (out coerce string A, coerce string B)