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UT2003 :: Object >> WebApplication >> UTServerAdmin


Configurable Properties

array<string> QueryHandlerClasses
string RootFrame
string HeaderPage
string MessagePage
string RestartPage
string DefaultBG
string HighlightedBG
string AdminRealm
string FramedMessagePage
string SkinPath
string SiteCSSFile
string CellLeft
string CellCenter
string CellRight
string NowrapLeft
string NowrapCenter
string NowrapRight
string CellColSpan
string RowLeft
string RowCenter
string CheckboxInclude
string TextboxInclude
string SubmitButtonInclude
string RadioButtonInclude
string SelectInclude

Non-Configurable Properties

class<UTServerAdminSpectator> SpectatorType
array<xUtil.MutatorRecord> AllMutators
array<xWebQueryHandler> QueryHandlers
UTServerAdminSpectator Spectator
xAdminUser CurAdmin
PlayInfo GamePI
WebResponse Resp
StringArray AGameType
StringArray AExcMutators
StringArray AIncMutators
StringArray Skins
string htm
struct HtmlChar
string Plain
string Coded
array<HtmlChar> SpecialChars


Initialization Methods

string SetGamePI(string GameType)

Main Query Methods

PreQuery(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
Query(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
QueryRootFrame(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
QueryHeaderPage(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
QuerySubmitRestartPage(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
QueryRestartPage(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)
ServerChangeMap(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response, string MapName, string GameType)
PostQuery(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response)

Query Tools

Useful functions which can be used to simplify your Query-related methods

string WebInclude(string file)
bool ShowFrame(WebResponse Response, string Page)
bool ShowPage(WebResponse Response, string Page)
bool StatusReport(WebResponse Response, string ErrorMessage, string SuccessMessage)
StatusError(WebResponse Response, string Message)
StatusOk(WebResponse Response, string Message)
ShowMessage(WebResponse Response, string Title, string Message)
ShowFramedMessage(WebResponse Response, string Message, bool bIsErrorMsg)
AccessDenied(WebResponse Response)

String Handling

Various methods for dealing with strings; encoding to HTML

string PadLeft(String src, int width, optional string with)
string PadRight(string src, int w, optional string with)
string HtmlEncode(string src)
string HtmlDecode(string src)
string HyperLink(string url, string text, bool bEnabled, optional string target)
string NextPriv(out string PrivString)
bool HasURLOption(string ParamName, out string Value)
bool CanPerform(string privs)
EatStr(out string Dest, out string Source, int Num)
ReplaceTag(string from, string tag, coerce string with)

Maplist Handling

bool ValidDemoMap(string MapName)
bool MapIsChanging()
MapTitle(WebResponse Response)
ApplyMapList(StringArray ExcludeMaps, StringArray IncludeMaps, string GameType, string MapListType)
UpdateDefaultMaps(string GameType, StringArray Maps)

List Generators

StringArray ReloadIncludeMaps(StringArray ExMaps, String GameType)
StringArray ReloadExcludeMaps(String GameType)
string GenerateGameTypeOptions(string CurrentGameType)
string GenerateMapListOptions(string GameType, string MapListType)
string GenerateMapListSelect(StringArray MapList, StringArray MovedMaps)
string UsedMutators()
CreateFullMutatorList(out StringArray Mutators, out StringArray GroupsOnly)


operator(44) string += (out coerce string A, coerce string B)
operator(44) string @= (out coerce string A, coerce string B)