The three virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. – Larry Wall
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT :: UWindowBase >> UWindowWindow >> UWindowDialogControl >> UWindowListControl >> UWindowPulldownMenu
- int HBorder
- int ItemHeight
- UWindowList Owner
- UWindowPulldownMenuItem Selected
- int TextBorder
- int VBorder
- UWindowPulldownMenuItem AddMenuItem (string C, Texture G)
- BeforeExecuteItem (UWindowPulldownMenuItem I)
- BeforePaint (Canvas C, float X, float Y)
- Clear ()
- CloseUp (optional bool bByOwner)
- Created ()
- DeSelect ()
- DrawItem (Canvas C, UWindowList Item, float X, float Y, float W, float H)
- DrawMenuBackground (Canvas C)
- ExecuteItem (UWindowPulldownMenuItem I)
- FocusOtherWindow (UWindowWindow W)
- UWindowMenuBar GetMenuBar ()
- KeyDown (int Key, float X, float Y)
- KeyUp (int Key, float X, float Y)
- LMouseDown (float X, float Y)
- LMouseUp (float X, float Y)
- MenuCmd (int Item)
- MouseMove (float X, float Y)
- Paint (Canvas C, float X, float Y)
- PerformSelect (UWindowPulldownMenuItem NewSelected)
- Select (UWindowPulldownMenuItem I)
- SetSelected (float X, float Y)
- ShowWindow ()
Default properties
- bAlwaysOnTop=True