
UnCodeX is a combination of UClasses and UnDox created by El Muerte.
UnCodeX can create a class and package tree from the UnrealScript sources, analyse the content of each class for later use.
UnCodeX also gives you the ability to create a high detailed HTML API reference from your code. It includes all definitions made in classes, syntax highlighted source code, links to the type declarations, automatic JavaDoc-like documentation from your source code and much more.
You can take a look at the following examples:
- UT2003 UnrealScript code
- UT2004 UnrealScript code
- Unreal 2 UnrealScript code
- Unreal 2 XMP UnrealScript code
The links up above are broken, but most of the examples can be viewed here:
Note: UnCodeX should work with the source code of all games based on any of the Unreal Engine Versions.
Currently supported UnrealEngine games:
- Unreal
- Unreal Tournament
- Unreal 2 including XMP
- UT2003
- UT2004
If UnCodeX doesn't work with the unrealscript of a different game, please email me the unrealscript source of the game so I can fix the parser. And add it to the supported list.
Please report bugs/feature requests: on the SourceForge project page
Screen shots
- Automatically detects packages, but it is possible to exclude packages
- Multiple source code directories
- Customizable layout
- Customizable hot keys
- Application Toolbar support (can snap to the left and right side of the screen)
- Compile classes using your favorite compiler front-end
- Launch a test server from UnCodeX
- Join your test server
- Batch execution via commandline
- Import package priority settings from game .ini files
- possible to tag package to distinguish original packages/classes from custom packages/classes
- Commandline version for documentation generation (MS Windows and GNU\Linux i386 builds)
- Extendable via RemObjects' PascalScript
- Class tree and Package viewer
- Class inheritance tree
- Package tree
- Inline search
- Find a classes in the tree (using part of the name)
- Class full-text search (with regular expression support)
- Syntax hilighted source code preview of a selected class
- Package property editor
- Create subclass dialog
- Recursive delete classes
- Move classes to a different package
- property inspector to list add variables/functions/etc. in a class
- Defaultproperties browser
- Documention generator
- Create HTML reference Example page
- Compile HTML reference to a MS HTML Help file (requires HTML Help Workshop)
- Customizable HTML output using templates (UnrealWiki like template included)
- Support for special source code comments:
/** comment about the class/var/etc. below */
- All leading class comments are accepted as comments for that class.
- support for custom output modules
- Support for custom comment preprocessors (HTML output)
- Additional output modules
Older downloads
Development releases
MS Windows Beta (latest build: 237)
ucxcu Linux x86 (latest build: 014 beta 229)
- UT3 fixes. Does not support UTF16 encoded files, just plain ASCII.
The source code is available from my CVS server, the module name is UnCodeX
- WebCVS access
- http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/uncodex/UnCodeX/
- Anonymous CVS (info)
- https://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=120421
Please use the SourceForge project page for bug reports/feature requests/etc.
Use the seperate Legacy:UnCodeX/Discussion page for UnrealWiki related parts aspects of this tool/project.