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UT2004 :: Actor >> Trigger >> xKicker >> JumpingTeleporter (Package: custom)

by VitalOverdose


This custom xkicker actor will fire ( + HardAttach a nice trail effect) a Pawn and then depending if the Pawn went in the right direction, it will then capture and teleport (with optional sound/Emitter fx) him.


There is only 1 actor to this teleport system as any actor that has it collision switched off can be a TeleportExit as long as its 'TagName' matches the one specified by the mapper in the JumpingTeleporter properties. Path nodes are ideal for TeleportExits.

If you link more than one actor to the the JumpingTeleporter then one will be picked at random at the time of teleportation. This is so you can add a JumpingTeleporter to existing maps very quickly as most maps have pathnodes/ RoadPathNodes already set out in suitable places for most pawns to be teleported to.


Remember you don't HAVE to use multiple spawn locations If you use 1 JumpingTeleporter and 1 spawn location it should be no more difficult to visualize than using a standard teleporter system.

The Script

// Jumping Teleporter By vitaloverdose, Updated Nov 2007
// http://www.Vitaloverdose.com
// This is part of the 'Vitals Pro Mapping Tools' Mod
// Full class list http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Vital's_Pro_Mapping_Tools
class  JumpingTeleporter extends xkicker
Var() Bool                              bPlaySpawnEffect;
Var   Bool                              bRescanTeleportExits;
Var   Bool                              bScanning;
Var   Bool                              bTracking;
Var() Array < Class< Emitter > >        TrailFxPool;
Var() Array < Class< Emitter > >        TeleportFxPool;
Var() Array < Class< Emitter > >        MaterialiseFxPool;
Var   Array        < Actor >            TeleportExits;
Var() Name                              TeleportExitTag;  // mapper can set the Tag name for tp points
Var() Float                             TimerFrequency;
Var() Float                             TelEntryScanRadius;
Var() Vector                            TeleportEntryOffset;
Var() Sound                             TeleportSound;
Var() sound                             MaterialiseSound;
Var   Int                               RescanFrequency;
Var   Int                               TimeTillRescan;
Function PostBeginPlay()
{                                             // Run the first Scan for TeleportExits
TeleportEntryOffset += Location;
if ( RescanFrequency!= 0 )                    // checks to see if the mapper wants Rescaning
     settimer(0.1,true);                       // if so then set the timer to repete
TeleportExits.Insert( 0,1 );            // creates blanks space for first TeleportExits vector loction;
super.PostBeginPlay();              // adds function related code form parent
Simulated function ScanTeleportExit()
 Local Actor FoundTeleportExit;
 if ( TeleportExits.Length != 0 )
     TeleportExits.Remove( 0,TeleportExits.Length );
 foreach AllActors( Class'Actor' , TeleportExits[0], TeleportExitTag )
         TeleportExits.Insert( 0,1 );
 if ( RescanFrequency != 0)
Function Touch(Actor Other)
 local Emitter SpawnedTrail;
 if (((other.IsA('Pawn'))&&(!other.isa('Vehicle'))) && (TrailFxPool.length != 0))
     SpawnedTrail = Spawn( TrailFxPool[rand(TrailFxPool.length-1)+1] ,self ,,other.Location ,other.rotation );
    if (SpawnedTrail!=None)
Function Timer()
 local Emitter FoundEmitter;
 local Emitter SpawnedEmitter;
 if ( bTracking == true )
    foreach RadiusActors(class'Emitter',FoundEmitter,TelEntryScanRadius,TeleportEntryOffset)
          if (FoundEmitter.Owner == self)
              TeleportActor( Pawn(FoundEmitter.Base) );
              if ( TeleportFxPool.length > 0 )
                  SpawnedEmitter=Spawn( TeleportFxPool[rand(TeleportFxPool.length-1)+1],self , ,Pawn(FoundEmitter.Base).Location);
              if ( TeleportSound != None )
                  Playsound( TeleportSound );                        //some sound FX
              bTracking = false;                      // switches the flag for tacking off
 if ( RescanFrequency != 0 )
     TimeTillRescan -= 0.1;
     if (TimeTillRescan < 0 )
         TimeTillRescan = RescanFrequency;
Simulated Function TeleportActor(Pawn TeleportExitActor)
 local float    ExtraHeight;
 local Int      PickedNumb;
 local vector   NewOffsetPosition;
  If ( BPlaySpawnEffect == true )
       TeleportExitActor.PlayTelePortEffect( False,True );       // Spawns fx if needed
 PickedNumb         = FindSafeSpawnLoc(ExtraHeight);
 NewOffsetPosition    = TeleportExits[PickedNumb].Location;
 NewOffsetPosition.z += ExtraHeight;
 TeleportExitActor.SetLocation( NewOffsetPosition );
 TeleportExitActor.SetRotation( TeleportExits[PickedNumb].Rotation );
 TeleportExitActor.OldRotYaw = TeleportExitActor.Rotation.Yaw;
 If ( BPlaySpawnEffect == true )
     TeleportExitActor.PlayTelePortEffect( False,True );         // Spawns fx if needed
// this function checks for Pawns being to close to the Spawn point
// this way no one should get telefraged.
Function Int FindSafeSpawnLoc(out float ExtraHeight)
 Local Pawn         FoundPawn;
 Local Int          Counter;
 Local int          PickedRNDNo;
 Local array<int>   Templist;
 Templist.Length  = TeleportExits.Length;
 while( FoundPawn == None )
       for ( Counter = 0 ; Counter < TeleportExits.Length ; Counter++ )
       for ( Counter=0 ; Counter < TeleportExits.Length ; Counter++ )  // pick Numbs @Random from list
           {                                               //  Numbs in sequential order
            PickedRNDNo = Rand(Templist.Length -1)+1; //RND No based on the Length of the list.
            foreach radiusActors( Class'Pawn' , FoundPawn , TelEntryScanRadius , TeleportExits[PickedRNDNo].Location + (Vect( 0,0,1) * ExtraHeight))
                                  if ( FoundPawn.bCollideActors == True )
                                       PickedRNDNo = -10;
                                   TempList.remove( PickedRNDNo ,1 );
       ExtraHeight += 90;
return PickedRNDNo;

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