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< Legacy:VitalOverdose
Revision as of 07:07, 14 September 2011 by Vitaloverdose (Talk | contribs) (→More custom emitter scripts)
class SFXMonsterSpawning Extends Emitter placeable; var () bool bRandomList; Var int TotalParticles; Var () int TimerFrequency; var () array < class< Monster > > MonsterSpawnList; var () float ScanSize; var int MonsterSpawnlistCounter; var () int Bounces; function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if (( Emitters[0].MaxParticles > 20) || ( MonsterSpawnList.length > 0 )) Destroyed(); if (ScanSize < 1) ScanSize=64; if (TimerFrequency < 0.1) TimerFrequency = 0.1; SetTimer( TimerFrequency , True ); } Simulated function Timer() { Local int Counter; for ( Counter=0 ; Counter < Emitters[0].Particles.Length ; Counter++ ) if (Emitters[0].Particles[Counter].HitCount == Bounces) spawnRNDMonster(counter); } simulated function spawnrndmonster (int Emitternumber) { Local int RNDPickedNumb; local Class< monster > RNDPickedmonsterClass< SEMI > local monster SpawnedMonster; RNDPickedNumb = Rand(MonsterSpawnList.Length); RNDPickedmonsterclass = MonsterSpawnList[RNDPickedNumb]; MonsterSpawnlistCounter += 1; if (MonsterSpawnlistCounter == MonsterSpawnlist.length) MonsterSpawnlistCounter=0; SpawnedMonster = Spawn(RNDPickedmonsterclass,Self,,Emitters[0].Particles[Emitternumber].Location ,Rotation ); } defaultproperties { bNoDelete=False RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy }
Related Topcs[edit]
- Emitter
- Particle System
- ParticleEmitter
- ParticleEmitter Cookbook
- udn2:EmittersReference
- udn2:EmittersExamples
More custom emitter scripts[edit]
- SFXVehicleTeleporting
- SFXPainful
- SFXBoosting
- SFXTriggering
- SFXEjecting
- SFXHealing
- SFXSelfScaling
- SFXUltraLight
- InventoryFlare
- ExampleFlares