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Object >> BrushBuilder >> VolumetricBuilder (Package: Editor)
The Volumetric brushbuilder is one of the built-in UnrealEd brushbuilders. It is the button on the bottom right of the builder section of Unreal Ed.
It is used for making decorations like torches and chains. Just pick a texture and click and it will for 2 sheets that intersect each other at 90 degrees in the middle.
These properties are available to edit.
- float Height
- float Radius
- int NumSheets
- name GroupName
- BuildVolumetric( int Direction, int NumSheets, float Height, float Radius )
- bool Build()
- If NumSheets is less than 2, Height or Radius is less than or equal to zero, returns BadParameters(). Otherwise, calls BeginBrush( true, GroupName ), BuildVolumetric( +1, NumSheets, Height, Radius ) and returns EndBrush().