I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The WeaponLocker is a mutli-pickup base for weapons. Extra ammo is available for each weapon as well.
Both these properties are available for editing.
- class<Weapon> WeaponClass
- The weapon class available for pickup.
- int ExtraAmmo
- Amount of extra ammo for this weapon.
Both these properties are hidden.
- Pawn P
- The Pawn attempting to get the weapons.
- float NextTouchTime
- The next time in Level.Seconds the Pawn can pickup weapons.
- bool bSentinelProtected
- Protected by an ASVehicle_Sentinel Pawn.
- array<WeaponEntry> Weapons
- The weapons this lockers has available.
- string LockerString (localized)
- FX_WeaponLocker Effect
- array<PawnToucher> Customers
- The Pawn customers that have visited this WeaponLocker.
- bool AddCustomer( Pawn P )
- bool HasCustomer( Pawn P )
- PostNetBeginPlay() (simulated)
- Calls Super.PostNetBeginPlay(). Sets MaxDesireability = 0. If bHidden, returns. Sets MaxDesireability higher for each WeaponClass.Default.AIRating is has. Calls SpawnLockerWeapon(). If Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer, calls Effect = Spawn(class'FX_WeaponLocker', Self,, Location, Rotation ).
- Destroyed() (simulated)
- Destroys Effect before calling Super.Destroyed().
- UpdateHUD( HUD H ) (simulated, static)
- Sets H.LastPickupTime = H.Level.TimeSeconds and H.LastWeaponPickupTime = H.LastPickupTime.
- Reset()
- SpawnLockerWeapon() (simulated)
- Spawns the Weapon Meshes from a Mesh Emitter.
- string GetHumanReadableName() (simulated)
- Returns LockerString.
- float BotDesireability( Pawn Bot)
- Tell the bot how much it wants this weapon pickup. Called when the bot is trying to decide which inventory pickup to go after next.
- float DetourWeight( Pawn Other, float PathWeight )
- Value of this path to take a quick detour. (usually 0, used when on route to distant objective, but want to grab inventory for example)
- UpdatePrecacheMaterials() (simulated)
LockerPickup (auto)[edit]
- bool ReadyToPickup( float MaxWait )
- Returns true.
- bool ValidTouch( Actor Other ) (simulated)
- Validate touch (if valid return true to let other pick me up and trigger event).
- Touch( Actor Other ) (simulated)
- If touched by a player pawn, let him pick this up.
- BeginState() (simulated)
- Destroys all LockerWeapon class actors. Destroys Effect.
Related Topics[edit]
SuperApe: Created.