My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

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===Unreal Tournament===
===Unreal Tournament===
'''link:''' [ RMusicPlayer (~603kb)] || [ RMusicPlayer 0.1.4 beta (~694kb)]
'''link:''' [ RMusicPlayer 0.1.4 (~694kb)]
'''link:''' [ RMusicPlayer 0.1.4 beta for Rune (~694kb)]
'''link:''' [ RMusicPlayer 0.1.4 beta for Rune (~694kb)]

Latest revision as of 15:18, 7 June 2009


RMusicPlayer is new version of RvMp3Player. The code has been completly rewritten, this time using FMODEX. Features:

  • Mod support (you can subclass RMusic_Player to define new music directory)
  • Save support in SP games
  • Supports many audio files (flac, mp2, mp3, ogg, wma, wav)
  • Crossfades/fades in/fades out music

Current bugs (will be fixed):

  • DSP plugins - everything loads fine, but I can't hear difference :)
  • You can't have more then one DSP plugin
  • Additional codecs doesn't work

Class tree[edit]

+- Actor_(UT)
   +- RMusic_Component - holds everything toghether and implements some basic functions
       +- RMusic_Controller - controls RMusic_Player
       +- RMusic_Player - plays music. This class is spawned either by RMusic_Controller or game type/console.
       +- RMusic_Save - spawned by RMusic_Controller. Stores information about last used RMusic_Controller

Advanced usage (gametype/console integration)[edit]

This are just two simple samples. More can be found in zip file.

Gametype integration with save support[edit]

Subclass of SinglePlayer2 (SinglePlayer2 is part of OldSkool by UsAaR33)

class RMusic_SingleGameInfo extends SinglePlayer2;
event PostLogin( playerpawn NewPlayer )
        local RMusic_Controller RMusic_Controller;
        local RMusic_Save RMusic_Save;
        local RMusic_Player RMusic_Player;
        if(Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
                //we have to find out we're in save or not
                foreach AllActors(class'RMusic_Save', RMusic_Save)
                        //we have to check if we have saved controller
                        if(RMusic_Save.SavedController != none)
                //if save controller is found, we have to restore music
                if(RMusic_Controller != none) RMusic_Controller.EVENT_Player();
			//we found RMusic_Save, so RMusic_Controller is used, but wasn't activated. We have to stop the music if playing
			RMusic_Player = class'RMusic_Component'.static.Find_RMusicPlayerByPPawn(NewPlayer,none,true);
			if( RMusic_Player != none)
				if( RMusic_Player.RMusic_IsPlaying() ) RMusic_Player.RMusic_Stop();

Console integration[edit]

Subclass of UTConsole

class RMusic_Console extends UTConsole;
function DrawLevelAction( canvas C )
	local RMusic_Player RMusic_Player;
	local PlayerPawn PP;
	if ( Viewport.Actor.Level.LevelAction == LEVACT_Loading ) // Loading Screen
		PP = Root.GetPlayerOwner();
		if(PP != none)
			if(PP.GetEntryLevel() != none)
				foreach PP.GetEntryLevel().AllActors(class'RMusic_Player', RMusic_Player) break;
				if (RMusic_Player != none && RMusic_Player.RMusic_IsPlaying()) RMusic_Player.RMusic_Stop();


  • v 0.1.4
    • File is searched in all paths ([Core.System] in main ini) with *.umx
  • v 0.1.3
    • added information about current volume to the menu.
    • removed unused configuration from advanced options->audio
  • v 0.1.2
    • RMusic_Controller spawns RMusic_Save at startup
    • RMusic_SingleGameInfo2 detects save and stops/plays correct music
  • v 0.1.1
    • fixed Trigger function in RMusic_Controller
    • in RMusic_Player function RMusic_Play stops music (if something is playing), before playing new one
  • v 0.1.0
    • added new RMusic_Controller actions (AC_Pause and AC_UnPause)
    • DSP manager moved form RMusic_Controller into RMusic_DSPController
    • new samples in SDK (integration with gametype and playerpawn)
  • v 0.0.3
    • fixed fade in/out/corssfade bug
    • fixed crashes on dedicated server
    • added DSP related functions into RMusic_Player
  • v 0.0.2 (first public release)
    • fixed few RMusic_Player bugs


As always source code is included in zip file.

Unreal Tournament[edit]

link: RMusicPlayer 0.1.4 (~694kb)


link: RMusicPlayer 0.1.4 beta for Rune (~694kb)