I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
UE1:RMusic Controller
This class is part of RMusicPlayer by Raven
RMusic_Controller is part of RMusicPlayer beta. It controls RMusic_Player.
In ActorBrowser find Actor->RMusic_Component->RMusic_Controller, place it on map and configure it.
RMusic_Controller properties
You can configure following properties:
Name: PlayerClass
Type: class<RMusic_Player>
Description: Player class (if you want to have own music directory)
Name: RMusic_File
Type: string
Description: Music file to play
Name: RMusic_PlayAtStartup
Type: bool
Description: Should it be played at level start
Name: RMusic_MuteUMX
Type: bool
Description: If true will mute all music in umx files
Name: RMusic_BroadcastToAll
Type: bool
Description: If true, it'll broadcast functions to all players
Name: RMusic_bUnloadPreviousDSP
Type: bool
Description: If true, all DSP plugins will be unloaded
Name: RMusic_bOwnFadeUpdateTime
Type: bool
Description: If true, RMusic_OwnFadeUpdateTime will be used instead of default FaderUpdateTime in RMusic_Player
Name: RMusic_OwnFadeUpdateTime
Type: float
Description: Defines how fast music will fade in/out
Name: RMusic_bUseSaveControl
Type: bool
Description: If true, special RMusic_Save will be spawned to track last used controller
Name: RMusic_DSPPlugins[16]
Type: string
Description: DSP plugins to load
Name: Action
Type: ENum
- AC_Play - Plays music
- AC_Stop - Stops music
- AC_ShutDown - Shutdown FMODEX (avoid this one ;) )
Description: Action
Name: RMusic_PlayType
Type: ENum
- PT_Loop - Loops music
- PT_PlayOnce - Plays once
Description: Play type
Name: RMusic_Transition
Type: ENum
- TRANS_Instanly - Instant transition
- TRANS_Fade - Smooth fade
Description: Transition type